Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February, 2024, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Biden Sees and Talks To Dead People, Elizabeth Warren Worries About Doritos, and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)A Bruce Willis movie from 1999, “The Sixth Sense,” contained the now famous movie line, “I see dead people.” While this is a great line from a great movie, it is not a scenario one wants to see play out from the President of the United States:

  • It is no secret to those of us that take an unbiased view of Joe Biden’s cognitive state, that this cognitive state has been declining for years.

  • He exhibits many,  if not all, of the warning signs of dementia including lashing out violently, desiring to always be at his homes and familiar surroundings, losing his train of thought, having trouble verbalizing his thoughts, not knowing where he was, losing control of his movements, etc.

  • Biden recently discussed his interactions with a former French President, Francois Mitterrand, who was president of that country from 1981 to 1995.

  • Biden discussed a tale that took place in 2021 when he was attending a G7  economic forum where he stated: “Right after I was elected, I attended a G7 meeting with all the NATO leaders. I sat down and declared, ‘America’s back!’ Mitterrand from Germany, I mean, from France, looked at me and asked, ‘How long you back for?’”

  • Which  makes the statement interesting is that the meeting was in the year 2021 while Mitterand died in 1996, 25 years previously.

  • Which gets us back to the Sixth Sense movie, is Biden seeing and talking to dead people?

  • This episode of potential dementia is not to be mistaken with another talk Biden gave a few years back when he claimed he had met the gentleman who had discovered insulin, Frederick Banting.

  • The problem from a Sixth Sense perspective is that Banting died on February 21, 1941 while Biden was born 21 months after he died, November 20, 1942.

This would not be too serious except for the fact that Biden has access to some of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world and yet he seems delusional when telling stories about meeting people who died prior to when he says they met them. Delusional and nuclear weapons, not a good combination.

2)We have  often  talked about how Chicago could be the next major American city to declare bankruptcy. High taxes and high  crime are driving residents and businesses out of the city which is reducing the tax base and tax revenue stream to the city government. In turn, local politicians raise taxes to  make up for the revenue shortfall which drives more people out of the city which further reduces the tax revenue stream which in turn creates a financial death spiral.

But it is not just high taxes that may be causing people to leave the city. Through the first month of 2024, there have  already been 31 homicides in the city and 136 people in total have been shot as the city continues to suffer through a  continuous violent crime wave.

But this should come as no surprise to readers of this blog: many, many times we have reported on the violence in the city and the city politicians’ inability to provide a basic government service, namely to protect the lives and property of the citizens they serve.

The good news is that January, 2024  homicides and shootings are down about 25% from January, 2023. The bad news is that it was a cold, stormy January in the city which may have artificially reduced the violence. Anyway, getting  31 citizens killed in a single month, about one homicide a day, is still a failure of the local political class.

3)Before we get to the next piece of political class insanity, consider the situation in America today:

  • About 600,000 Americans are homeless.

  • 17 million Americans are struggling to feed themselves and  their families because of Biden’s inflationary economic policies and the resultant higher and higher food prices.

  • Quite possibly over 200,000 American died from drug overdoses last year as Biden’s failed immigration and border security policies have allowed unprecedented amounts of illegal drugs, especially fentanyl, to flood into the control

  • Not only in Chicago but across many big cities, crime and violence are endangering tens of millions of Americans every day.

  • Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt while the skyrocketing national debt threatens to collapse the dollar and the economy.

Yes, there are some major, major problems facing the country today, problems that probably negatively affect just about every American in one way or another.

Given the grave conditions in the country, consider what U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently tweeted out:

“Fewer Doritos in your bag. Fewer Oreos in your box. Less toilet paper on your roll. You aren’t imagining it—big corporations really are making you pay the same amount (sometimes more) for less. It’s called “shrinkflation,” and we’ve got to crack down on it.”

Homeless Americans? Forget about them, what happened to those missing Doritos?

Hungry Americans? Forget about them, who shortchanged the Oreos?

Fighting drug addiction Americans? Forget about them, who stole the toilet paper sheets?

Can there be a worse case of priorities than Eliabeth Warren’s priorities? This is what inept politicians do: they have  no clue how to fix real problems so they fixate on trivial matters that no one cares about. I would bet that in any opinion poll  that Doritos, Oreos, and toilet paper shortages do not make the top 100 issues facing Americans.

But she is not alone in the area of lousy priorities. Recently we discussed the insanity that Vice President Kamala Harris was upset that airplane bathrooms were too small and she was going to take action to fix this societal problem. Again, no one cares about the size of airplane bathrooms when they are homeless, hungry, or fighting addiction. 

4)One last piece  of insanity today, another aspect of how American politicians are putting illegal immigrant needs higher up their priority scale than the needs of American citizens. According to Roy Ortt, a state government politician in New York state, that state’s governor,  Kathy Hochul, is proposing a budget for the state government that reduces financial aid to schools while planning on spending $4,300,000,000 to help out illegal immigrants.

Specifically, according to Mr.Ortt: "The Governor's budget is another demonstration of the total disregard for New York families and taxpayers. $4.3 billion over two years will be used to address the migrant crisis, a situation exacerbated by open borders and sanctuary city policies supported by Democrats. Simultaneously, they are stripping millions of dollars from rural and suburban school districts. We are tired of the misplaced priorities from Albany’s One-Party Rule, and our conference will fight to ensure all school districts receive the funding they deserve.”

Another case of horrible American politicians’ priorities. Whether it is giving aid and comfort to illegal immigrants while doing nothing for suffering Americans or worrying about Doritos while Americans face real hardships, the bad priorities of these people constantly amazes and disappoints. In the meantime, the most important politician in the country, Joe Biden,  continues to see dead people.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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