Sunday, February 11, 2024

February, 2024, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Biden Sees More Dead People, Denver Buckling Under Biden's Illegal Immigrant Failure, and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have previously discussed the sad reality that hospitals in Denver are undergoing extreme, possibly bankrupting, times, since they cannot handle the big influx of illegal immigrants into the city and their drain on hospital resources. Most of the time these resources are free of charge to the ailing illegal immigrants since they have  no resources to pay for their medical bills. 

And apparently the situation in the rest of Denver regarding illegal immigrants is not getting any better:

  • The city has run out of shelter space to house the thousands of illegal immigrants that have  descended on the city.

  • Thus, the city has started to evict current shelter residents to make room for new arrived illegal immigrants.

  • According to the Dever mayor, Mike Johnston: “Every single hotel rooms that we have available in the city and county of Dennver is filled. We now face the terrible decision that if we don’t start exiting folks, we will have 250 folks arriving today or the day after, with nowhere to go at night.”

  • Those being evicted are those that have been in city shelters for more than six weeks.

  • According to Newsweek, over 600 families involving about 3,000 illegal  immigrants are  facing eviction.

  • Over the coming  months, Newsweek reports 50-60 illegal immigrant families will be evicted each day in  Denver.

  • Housing these illegal  immigrants is causing the city government to face a $180,000,000 budget deficit.

  • The Denver mayor estimates that the city needs another $100,000,000 over the next year to cover the cost of housing, feeding and providing health care services to the illegal immigrants coming into the city.

  • He pointed out these dollars have to come from somewhere and he  specifically inferred that cuts to police, fire, sanitation, and other city services will occur in their budgets.

  • The city had taken to buying bus tickets to ship their illegal immigrant problem to other cities.

What a mess. Biden’s failed  immigration policies are the cause of  this giant problem but mayors like the one in  Denver deserve some of the blame since for years they have sanctimoniously proclaimed that their cities were “sanctuary cities” where all illegal immigrants are welcome. 

That stupidity has now come home to roost as their cities are overrun and their tax paying citizens suffer with fewer government services available from their tax dollars. One of the most massive failures of the American political class in decades.

2)Biden’s cognitive failings continue to mount relative to his memory and people who have died:

  • Many times during his recent time in office Biden has incorrectly stated when and where his son, Beau, died from cancer. 

  • During a White House event to celebrate the signing of a piece of legislation, Biden searched the audience for Congresswoman Jackie Walorski in  order to  recognize her work in putting the legislation together, totally forgetting that she had died in a traffic accident a month before. 

  • He recently discussed his perception that he had spoken with French President, Fransciose Mitterand, at a G7 conference in 2021 even though Mitterand had died over twenty years previously.

  • He claimed that he had  met the discoverer of insulin, Frederick Banting, even though Mr. Banting had died twenty months before Biden was born.

This is the leader of the free world, a man who has access to our nuclear arsenal launch codes, and yet he is so out of touch with reality that he actually forgets people have died or thinks that he has spoken to people when they were no longer alive.

And less than a week after he claimed to have spoken to Mitterand twenty plus years after Mitterand had passed away, Biden claimed that he had spoken to former German chancellor, Helmut Kohl, about the 2020 election. Unfortunately, Kohl had died in 2017, three years before the 2020 election occurred.

Whatever the cause of these misconceptions and/or delusions, being the President of the United States and being delusional is not a good combination. And we do not blame Biden, he has no control  over his declining cognitive state. The real  people to blame are his wife,  his family, and his political  handlers who are all guilty of elder abuse for putting him through the stress of an election and the stress of being President. 

Not only does he suffer but the nation suffers also, given his reduced mental  ability to remember details, reality, and  discussions, and his inability to formulate answers to the country’s issues.

3)We have often discussed the corruption of the Biden criminal syndicate. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, sells his inferior artwork to people that eventually get high paying government positions. Foreign entities funnel wealth to various Biden family members via dozens of shell companies. A foreigner gives Hunter Biden over 4142,000 toi purchase a high end, high performance sports car.

And now another potential Biden family criminal activity has come to light:

  • James Biden is Joe Biden’s brother.

  • In recent Congressional testimony, U.S. Trustee, Carol Fox, discussed James Biden's relationship to a financially strapped healthcare company, Americore.

  • James Biden is alleged to have  received over $600,000 in loans from Americore.

  • Fox’s investigation could not identify exactly what James Biden or his company did for Americore or why the company loaned him $600,000 in two payments, $400,000 and $200,000.

  • On the same day that he received the $200,000 loan, he sent a $200,000 check to Joe Biden which was labeled as a “loan repayment.”

  • Fox could not identify or find any documentation about what the loans were about or what the terms were. 

  • Thus, information like collateral for the loans, the stated loan interest rate, or what the repayment terms were on these loans were never  found.

  • Fox stated in her testimony that the $200,000 payment from James Biden to Joe Biden likely “pointed to a fraudulent transfer.”

  • But it gets worse in that Fox said James Biden also received $10,000 from Americore in June, 2018 for alleged consulting but Fox never found any documentation of what the consulting and/or marketing agreement was payment for.

  • Fox also claimed that James Biden promised to use his last name and connection to Joe Biden to “open doors'” for Americore and get the company a large investment from the Middle East.

If Fox’s investigation  and accusations are true, it  is just another aspect of the Biden criminal syndicate, selling favors and influence, activities that enriched the Biden family and had no impact on the issues facing Americans. Sad set of priorities.

4)There can be no doubt that Biden’s immigration policies and attitude have  been  a national disaster. He has allowed millions of un-vaccinated, un-vetted, and possible terror elements to march into this country without a problem. His lax border policies have allowed massive amounts of illegal and fatal drugs to  hit American streets. Crime and the straining of government resources to handle the feeding, housing and servicing of millions of illegal immigrants have robbed the American taxpayer of the government services they have paid for.

Which gets to a very basic Biden failure and a very basic tenet of any government entity: the primary purpose of any government entity is to protect the lives and property of the citizens it serves. In this respect, Biden has been a failure. And this failure could get much more dangerous:

  • Richard Jones is the head sheriff in Butler County, Ohio.

  • At a recent National Sheriffs Association Conference in DC,  FBI Director Christopher Wray discussed the heightened threat of multiple terror attacks within our country in the near future as a result of illegal immigrants coming into the country under Biden’s regime.

  • According to Sheriff Jones: “They’re here not to be our friends. Some of them are coming because they’re wanting to come here to the best country in the world. The way we see, some are coming here to do harm to us. And we were told by the FBI director, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.”

  • Jones said he was told by Federal officials of the Biden administration that the increased threat in potential terrorist activity was comparable to the 9-11 attacks.

It is probably going to happen and it is probably going to be very bad and it is just another fatal consequence of Biden’s failed and impotent border policies.

Enough insanity for today: Biden’s losing his sense of reality, he has lost control of the border, and Americans will continue paying the price in many, unpleasant and possibly fatal ways.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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