Monday, February 19, 2024

February, 2024, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Biden Continues To Be Confused, The Economy Continues To Cause Hardships, Illegal Immigrants Continue To Live The Good Life and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)There is no doubt, based on the economy's statistics, that Biden’s economic policies have been a disaster. At one point, inflation under his watch hit 40 year highs. And while the inflation rate has come down, it is still about 50% higher than what most economists and the Federal Reserve consider reasonable.

As a result, just about everything Americans buy to live and survive has risen under his watch: food inflation is up over 20%, overall inflation is up almost as much, the price of gas for our cars is still  about 50% higher than when he took office. Americans are struggling in  this economic environment.

But the above numbers are at a very high level, they do not capture the day to day struggles of inflation at human being level. That pain recently came to my attention in a letter from the Feeding Tampa Bay organization, a charity that I regularly support financially.

According to Thomas Mantz. The CEO of Feeding Tampa Bay, the average family is paying $202 more a month this year for food vs. the same time last year. Simple math  says that an average American  family needs over $50 more a week  in their wallets to pay for the same amount of food they enjoyed early last year.

And that is not the only bad Biden inflation news that Mr. Mantz shared:

  • Food costs are up a whopping 8.5% since early last year.

  • Housing costs are up an average  8.2% since last year.

  • Energy costs are up an average of 10.2% since last year.

This is Biden’s  economy, this is Biden’s America. American  families struggle to feed,  clothe, shelter  and provide for their families while Biden continues to insist that “Bidenomics” is working,  something that it clearly is not doing. Plus, American politicians continue to feed, shelter, clothe, and  provide medical care to  millions of illegal immigrants while American families struggle to find that extra $50 for groceries every week….while continuing to pay for the care and needs of illegal immigrants. 

Biden’s Presidency has been an economic disaster for millions of American families.

2)While Americans struggle in Biden’s economy, how much are American politicians spending on the millions of illegal immigrants that Biden has allowed to enter the country in the past three years? According to the CBS TV affiliate in Boston:

  • Massachusetts politicians have been housing and feeding thousands of illegal immigrants at Logan Airport in Boston and at shelters around the city including the Melnea Cass Recreation Complex.

  • They are also spending taxpayer money to house illegal immigrants in local hotels and  motels.

  • The report found that the state government and taxpayers will spend a whopping $116,000,000 via 17 contracts they have with companies in fiscal year 2024.

  • In some cases, the state government and taxpayers are not only paying for hotel and motel rooms but putting out $65 a day per illegal immigrant to feed them.

  • And it is possible that the state taxpayers are not getting the best deal for their tax dollars since at least one contractor, Spinelli Ravioli Manufacturing Company landed a $10,000,000 contract with the state, a contract that was awarded without any competitive bidding.

  • And these costs do  not include the additional cost burdens placed on state medical facilities and the public education system, according to a state government senator: "The MassHealth cost and the educational cost. That's the concern is the money has to come from somewhere and so there's only really two options. You either raise taxes or you cut services. So, this all of this kind of flows downhill right straight to the taxpayers." 

  • Last month the governor, Maura Healey,  asked for an  additional $873,000,000 of taxpayer wealth for shelter costs for the rest of this fiscal year and for next year.

  • Given there are about 2.6 million families in Massachusetts, each family on average would be paying about $450 each just for this $873,000,000. 

As we have  discussed many times before, American politicians all too often prioritize illegal immigrants over homeless, hungry,  and needy Americans. No politicians seemed to care about spending hundreds of millions of dollars on Americans in need but do not hesitate to spend  that money on illegal immigrants. Sad  priorities.

3)All too often we have had to  cover the serious memory missteps that Biden has publicly declared:

  • He claimed that in 2021 he had had a discussion with former French president, Francoise Mitterand, but Mitterand had died over 20 years prior to Biden’s alleged face-to-face discussion with Mitterand.

  • He claimed that in 2021 he had had a discussion with former German Prime Minister, Helmut Kohl, even though Kohl had died several years before.

  • He claimed that he had had a conversation with the gentleman who had discovered insulin, Frederick Banting, even though Banting had died almost two years before Biden was born.

These constant screw ups of memory and other verbal missteps certainly raise a lot of doubt in the majority of Americans’ minds that Biden is capable of leading the country. And he continues to mess up history and facts:

  • In a recent public appearance, Biden somehow mixed up the Middle East country of Iraq with the eastern European country of Ukraine.

  • When asked about Russian President Putin, Biden talked about Putin’s failures in trying to take over Ukraine: "It's hard to tell, but he is clearly losing the war in Iraq, he's losing the war at home and he has become a bit of a pariah around the world.”

  • First of all, most people know that Russia and Putin NEVER waged war in Iraq.

  • And it is not clear that he is clearly losing the war in Ukraine or that he has become a pariah around the war, given Russians improved relationships with China, North Korea and other countries.

  • Even worse, he has made the same mistaken assertion about Russia and Iraq TWICE within the same week.

Biden sees and speaks to dead people, he mistakes major upheavals in the world, and yet he still has his finger on our nuclear weapons launch codes. Very scary that someone like him has so much power, the power to kill off humanity.

4)We have previously discussed how the government and its bureaucrats lied to us regarding a number of different aspects of covid:

  • First we were told by Anthony Fauci, a key government health official, that masks were not that good in preventing the spread of the covid virus, then he said we should wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus, and then he said we should wear two masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

  • Fauci also said we should all get the vaccine since having the vaccine would serve “as a dead end for the virus,” in other words, if you had the vaccine then you would not get sick and the virus would stop with you, a reality that was also false since we all know people who got all the original vaccines and any boosters and who still got the virus any number of times, they were not dead ends.

  • In a very recent post we discussed the reality that even though the CDC scientists knew that masks were not effective in stopping the spread, the CDC still propagated the myth that wearing masks was a good thing even though they knew they were likely not effective and could possibly cause more harm than good.

And now the latest covid falsehood from the government has risen out of the ashes of destroyed credibility:

  • When the virus first broke out, Fauci and others in the government insisted that the virus arose naturally out of the outdoor “wet markets” in China and that anyone who did not believe that explanation for the origin were publicly branded as nut job “conspiracy theorists.”

  • People who thought that the virus was developed and escaped from a research lab in Wuhan, China were shouted down, ridiculed, mocked, etc.

  • Francis Collins, a high ranking government health official and one time boss of Anthony Fauci, was one of those who actively suppressed, downplayed and mocked the lab origin theory.

  • But in recent closed door Congressional testimony, Collins came clean and admitted that the lab origin theory was not a baseless “conspiracy theory,’ four years after he first ridiculed those who believed this story.

Another day, another government lie. Whether it is the CDC suppressing the truth on  masks, whether it is Fauci and Collins downplaying the covid lab origins theory,, whether it is Joe Biden lying about everything, the credibility of the Federal government and its politicians and bureaucrats may have never been  lower.

Enough insanity for today: the government continues to lie, Joe Biden continues to be  confused, politicians continue to spend billions on illegal immigrants, and the economy continues to be a huge financial burden on American families.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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