Wednesday, February 14, 2024

February, 2024, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Biden Continues to Fail Everywhere and a Minnesota Politician Calls Americans Losers

Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country.

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)Biden continues to disappoint on anything he touches. His latest embarrassment was related to the recent Super Bowl:
  • Biden, or his staff, put out a video regarding snacks that one might be eating while watching the Super Bowl.
  • Yes snacks,.
  • Specifically, Biden said: "It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and if you’re anything like me, you like to be surrounded by a snack or two while watching the big game. You know, when buying snacks for the game, you might have noticed one thing: sports drinks bottles are smaller, [a] bag of chips has fewer chips, but they’re still charging just as much. Folks are calling it Shrinkflation and it means companies are giving you less for every dollar you spend. I’m calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it.”
Millions of Americans are homeless, hungry, fighting inflation, in need of drug addiction treatment, do not have health insurance, or are victims of the ever increasing national crime rates and this is Biden's concern, his bag of Doritos seems a little light. Horrible priorities.

2)Biden has lied many times in his past. He did not get arrested in South Africa while marching with Nelson Mandela …. like he said he did. He did not get a full scholarship for law school….like he said he did. He did not attend and graduate from a predominately black college …. like he said he did. In fact, we once conveniently laid out another 38 times he lied:

He recently told another massive and disgusting lie, a lie that is so easily checked for its falsehood that it indicates that he either holds our intelligence in total disregard or he is totally delusional in that he actually believes his lies.

Specifically: “Over 140 police officers were injured [on January 6th, 2021 at the Capitol building riot]. Jill and I attended the funerals of police officers who died as a result of the events of that day. Because of Donald Trump’s lies. They died because these lies that brought a mob to Washington.”

Here is the problem Joe: no police officers died that day in or around the Capital. No one. Not a single police officer. So what funeral(s) did he attend? There apparently is no news article that reports on Joe Biden attending any police officer funerals as a result of the incident.

Now, two officers died shortly after January 6th but from natural causes, not any incident at the Capitol building. Oh, by the way, there is no record Joe and Jill attended their funeral either.

We have said it before but it gets truer every day every time he speaks: we have a President who sees and talks to dead people, a President who lies about any and all topics and experiences, a President who is delusional, and a President who has access to the nuclear weapons of the country. Not a good combination.

3)American politicians are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world. They are all friendly and caring when their election is coming up but as soon as they win that election their concerns usually do not include the citizens they represent. Sometimes it is their need to take care of illegal immigrants vs. American citizens, funneling taxpayer money to feed, house, and service illegal immigrants while millions of Americans go hungry, homeless, and in need of government services. Sometimes it involves appointing their friends and political backers to lucrative government jobs regardless of whether or not those people are qualified.

And a Minnesota politician recently just belittled and insulted many Americans in and around his city:
  • Jacob Frey is the mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • The good mayor is really irritated that some Americans continue to work at home even after the pandemic ended, a choice that he feels is economically hurting the businesses in his city.
  • He recently spoke at the city’s Downtown Council annual meeting and praised the benefits of visiting and working in the city’s downtown area: “I don’t know if you saw this study the other day, what this study clearly showed… is that when people who have the ability to come downtown but don’t, when they stay home, sitting on their couch with their nasty cat blanket, diddlin’ on their laptop. If they do that for a few months, you become a loser. It’s a study. We’re not losers, are we?"
Nice way to motivate people, Mr. Mayor, calling them losers, diddlers on their computer, and hanging out with their nasty cat blanket. Insults always motivate people to do what you want them to do, right? I understand his desire to get people to visit his city, it is part of his job. But how stupid do you have to be to insult the very people you should be courting to do something for you?

By the way, it turns out that the study he referenced does not exist, it was just a lie and piece of fiction he made up to try and substantiate his idiocy. Also, Mr. Mayor, Given that your city has a crime rate of 66 per thousand residents, you preside over one of the highest city crime rates in the country. Maybe a better solution to calling people losers is to reduce your high crime rate so that they feel safe coming into the city. That is what a real leader would do, not what you did.

4)And the final bad news for today if you are an American consumer:

  • The latest inflation readings from the Biden administration showed that overall inflation grew at a higher than expected 3.1% in January, more than 50% higher than what the Federal Reserve Board’s target inflation number is (2%).
  • The core inflation rate was even worse, up 3.9%.
  • These latest results show that in just three years, Biden’s economic policies have raised the overall cost of living for Americans by about 19%, a roughly 6% a year inflation rate.
  • And lord forbid you need to avail yourself of services, e.g. auto repairs, health care, hotel rooms, concerts and other entertainment, since the annual inflation rate for services is up a whopping 5.3% on average, year over year.
So Americans are getting less and less value for their effort, whether it is Biden’s failed economic policies and resultant inflation eating away at their wealth or politicians giving away their wealth to feed, house, clothe , and service the millions of illegal immigrants Biden’s has allowed into the country.

That will do it for political class insanity today: Biden continues to fail at everything and a Minnesota politician calls Americans losers.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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