Monday, August 19, 2024

Biden's Failed Immigration Policies and the Death and Violence It Has Caused To Americans - Part 8

 We have often discussed the reality that Biden’s border policies have been an unbelievable failure. Illegal drugs are flooding into the country, violent South and Central American gangs setting up shop in  U.S. cities, and local city and state budgets are being adjusted so that illegal immigrants can be fed, sheltered, and given medical attention, stealing government services from American taxpayers.

But one particularly distressing and tragic result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is the danger that have befallen innocent Americans at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who never should have been admitted to the country. This is not to say there should be no immigration into this country.  But there has to be a rigid screening process so that violent people do not get into the country and carry out heinous, often fatal, attacks on innocent Americans.

The first sseven sets of sad stories relative to the illegal immigrant dangers to Americans can be accessed at:

1)Fox News Bill Melugin recently interviewed an illegal immigrant from Turkey and the contents of that interview were not good:

  • The immigrant said that he and other Turkish citizens paid a Mexican drug cartel to help them illegally enter the country.

  • Given what he observed coming over the border he said that Americans should be “worried” about the lack of security at the border.

  • Specifically: “American people is right. Completely true. Who comes into this country? They don’t know. I’m good, but how if they’re not good? How if they’re killers, psychopaths… no security check, no background check.”

Given the  murders and rapes we have  discussed in the previous posts listed above, the words form this Turkish illegal immigrant are not surprising.

2)But illegal immigrants are not just hurting Americans physically:

  • The New York Post recently reported that the Russian mafia and the brutal MS-13 criminal have been cooperating and getting rich off of American taxpayers.

  • They are using the flood of illegal immigrants in their “fake injury” scam.

  • Illegal immigrants are pressured into getting unneeded spinal fusion and other surgeries to boost their claim of fake injury reports.

  • Corrupt American doctors are also  involved in that they perform unnecessary back  and neck fusions and then collect via bogus insurance filings.

  • Accorisng to news reports: “The racket typically involves a healthy person taking a seemingly minor tumble on the street or at a construction site, then claiming a devastating injury that requires multiple surgeries. A crooked surgeon fuses healthy vertebrae with screws and plates, leading to a lawsuit against a business or landlord, or both. Settlements start at $1 million each but can go much higher.”

  • The Post reported: “They’re regularly recruiting migrants and homeless people and in some cases are proactively arranging for them to come to New York.” 

  • The Russians are financing the operation and the MS-13 gang members recruit illegal immigrants to undergo the unnecessary operations.

  • The insurance payouts to these fake injuries drive up the cost of insurance for American citizens.

Murder, rape, extortion, the atocities never end.

3)Back to individual; acts of terror from an illegal immigrant:

  • Jose Pavon-Fermin is an illegal immigrant from Honduras.

  • In  Norwalk, Connecticut in  July, 2016 he abducted a woman whom he raped.

  • He was arrested and convicted of third degree sexual assault and first degree unlawful restraint.

  • After serving only a fraction of his prison  time, he was deported back  to Honduras.

  • He again illegally entered the country during the Biden Presidency and worked his way back to Norwalk, the scene of his abduction and rape of a woman.

  • He was arrested for disturbing the peace, released back on to the streets and was supposed to register as a sex offender, an act he did  not fulfill.

  • He was eventually arrested again  in Virginia and faces up to 30 years in prison….assuming someone does not release him again.

4)Some more violence:

  • Jorge Chacon-Gutierrez is a 25 year old illegal immigrant from Venezuela.

  • He illegally entered the country in November, 2023.

  • He was fatally shot in a shootout with police after a domestic violence call.

  • A  police officer involved in the shooting was herself shot several times but is expected to have a full recovery.

  • When he was captured coming over the border he was classified for “expedited removal” 

  • But he claimed if he returned to his country he would be persecuted so a judge decided he could stay in this country until his immigration hearing in, get this, 2026.

  • Thus, he had about two years to wander around the country.

  • His freedom eventually led him to a shootout and his death in Texas. 

Another violent encounter with an  illegal immigrant, one that almost killed a brave police officer. Besides showing how horrible Biden has managed the border and the resultant violence on Americans, this is a classic example of why gun control will never work  in this country. 

Ask yourself: how did a 25 year old illegal  immigrant get his hands on a weapon that eventually shot a police officer? I am pretty sure he did not go through a government background check to get permission to possess a weapon, he just got one off of the street.

Enough illegal immigrant violence for today, be it insurance extortion, rape, or shootouts with police, none of this would have happened if Biden had done his job and secured the border.


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