This is our fifth and final post in a series where we have proivded extensive and legitimate scientific data, analyses and research to show that it is perfectly okay to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science. Those that strongly and often vilely advocate that mankind is responsible for global warming have seen their cherished climate forecasting models fail to come even close to accuratley predicting the future. They have discussed how to fudge and manipulate data to cover up the failure of their research. They have ignored data that would easily dispute the theory of global wamring. They have done far more unscientific things than doubters have done relative to scientific methods and processes.
We will finish up why being a doubter and skeptic of global warming is a correct and viable to position to have today. Monday, we will present some recommended steps that should be taken going forward, steps that are based on reality and logic and not Al Gore slurs and rantings.
1) Apparently, there is a big United Nations meeting going to happen in Poland to discuss what needs to be done to cope with global warming and climate change. However, it looks like the Australian government wants no part of this, given the lead paragraph in The Australian newspaper recently:
The [Australian] FEDERAL cabinet has ruled that Australia will not sign up to any new contributions, taxes or charges at this week’s global summit on climate change, in a significant toughening of its stance as it plans to move within days to repeal the carbon tax.
Wow, an entire government saying that they no longer believe the whole global warming and man made climate change hypothesis. I guess, in Al Gore’s view, that makes the entire Australian government ignorant, homophobe racists just like the rest of us doubters.
2) A CNN/Money magazine report that was summarized in a November 1, 2013 Moneymax article, revealed the mega effort that China has undertaken to secure oil and gas supplies around the world:
- Energy industry experts estimate that of the 10 largest mergers and acquisitions by Chinese companies in 2013, seven have been in the energy filed.
- Large, Chinese blockbuster energy deals have included a $10 billion government sponsored investment in oil and gas fields in Mozambique and Kazakhstan, and a $3.1 billion minority stake in Apache Corp.'s Egyptian oil fields.
- While Exxon Mobil and other oil companies have stayed away from Iraqi energy deals because of poor terms, Chinese oil companies have been willing to pay high royalties, taxes and other fees that add up to 90% or more of the profits.
- China, is either the largest or the second largest oil consumer to the United States and is expected to soon overtake the United States as the largest importer as well.
- "The country is also rapidly urbanizing, with hundreds of millions of Chinese moving from rural areas to the cities," CNNMoney said. "China is also adding millions of cars to the roads each year, a trend that only adds to demand for oil-based products."
All of which gets us into a sticky situation: even if the Unite States takes draconian measures to reduce its carbon footprint, an effort that is likely to reduce economic growth and living standards in this country, what difference will it make? As we see here, China is making long term investments in order to keep oil flowing to its growing number of citizens with access and wealth for cars, substantially increasing its carbon footprint while it grows its economy.
If the global warming advocates really want to do something worthwhile, they need to also get in the Chinese leaders’ faces and make then to whatever they want the U.S. to do relative to global warming. If they do not, then our sacrifices will be in vain and overwhelmed by the energy hungry, carbon intensive, and growing juggernaut that is the Chinese economy.
3) The National Science Foundation, that fine organization that has spent taxpayer wealth to determine when dogs became man’s best friend, whether or not dating sites are racists, and a whole load of other useless research projects, is looking to pay someone $18 million over the next five years to develop “reliable” climate change forecast models:
"This solicitation is intended to support development of reliable regional and decadal climate predictions that take into account the influences of living systems and are essential for projecting how living systems might adapt to climate change and its consequences for their physical environment,” the program solicitation explains.
Given that over a hundred other forecasting models, developed by supposedly solid, dedicated expert scientists, have failed miserably in predicting global warming and climate change, do we really think that the Federal government will do any better, given their track record on doing nothing well, quick, efficient, or on time and on budget? See Obama Care website for glaring example.
4) And finally, consider a Dr. Gordon Fulks, a PhD physicist form the University of Chicago. He has been investigating the concept of global warming for a lot of years and has reached the conclusion, based on his scientific background that it is a hoax. He has published a paper, “Global Warming: Climate Orthodoxy Perpetuates a Hoax.” Rather than me explain his conclusions and research, please access an easy to understand slide show presentation of his extensive data and research at:
Okay, we have presented an extensive array of subject matter experts, historical data, and research over the past five days that pretty much debunks Al Gore’s contention that ALL climate scientists and ALL historical data and ALL climate research verify global warming, caused by mankind, exists. That is why many of us, despite Al’s rantings and ravings to the contrary, do believe in the power and procedures of science and are global warming doubters.
Monday, we will present some approaches that cover all of the bases in case man made global warning is a reality…and if man made global warming is a hoax or a myth. We approach the issue this way since approaching the issue as we have been doing, yelling at each other, does not seem to be working. Let’s see if rational logic and thinking can replace ranting and hollering.
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