Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Disgrace and Dishonor of The FBI, The Justice Department, and the Washington Political Class

Readers of this blog know we are not big fans of big government, stifling bureaucracies and bureaucrats, and inept politicians. I can name very few government functions that are efficient, effective, and provide real value to American taxpayers in support of their needs and their freedoms.

One organization that seemed to buck that trend of incompetence was the FBI. Whether because of the complimentary TV show from long ago or the image of honest, hard working agents protecting us, the FBI seemed to have a decent, if not good reputation for providing justice to America. But recent news reports over the years, capped off by the recent FBI inspector general report, would indicate that the FBI is just as inept, corrupt, and a danger to freedom as just about every other Federal government agency.

Below I have highlighted some of the corruption and sad attack on our freedoms based on a recent National Review article by Victor Davis Hanson relative to both the FBI and the Obama Justice Department. 
  • The premise of the article and the major finding of the inspector general (IG) report was that FBI and Justice department professionals acted badly, illegally, and anti-freedom wise to protect and enhance their careers if and when Hillary Clinton became President, something that they all felt was a done deal.
  • Let’s start off with documented bias from some FBI people that was in the IG report: 
15:07:41, Agent 1: “ . . . I’m done interviewing the President — then type the 302. 18 hour day . . . ”
15:13:32, FBI Employee: “you interviewed the president?”
15:17:09, Agent 1: “you know — HRC” [Hillary Rodham Clinton]
15:17:18, Agent 1: “future pres”
15:17:22, Agent 1: “Trump cant win”
  • This exchange kind of sets the stage for the entire FBI view of Trump, he cannot win so let’s position ourselves and our careers for the Hillary coronation.
  • This was highlighted again by an exchange by two other FBI/Justice Department people, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, who at the time were passionate adulterers:
Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”
  • Here is a most egregious abuse of power, a high ranking FBI agent claiming that he, and probably others, would prevent an honest election from taking place, that they would commit to stopping Trump from being President even if he won. How this is not treason and severe abuse of our freedom is beyond me.
  • Other FBI and Justice department high ranking officials are on record calling American voters as smelly, retarded, ignorant and feces.
  • They viewed Trump as an idiot, loathsome, a menace, and a disaster.
  • The article nicely sums up why they are so blatant, disgusting, and condescending with their views: “They do so because they assume their candor to each other will earn rewards rather than punishments. More generally, they count on their illegal and unethical behavior becoming known and thus résumé points rather than grounds for later firing and jail.”
  • Other IG findings show that the FBI agents and officials wanted Hillary to win with the quote, “I’m with her,” namely Hillary.
  • This “I’m with Hillary” attitude was evident with high ranking FBI executive Andrew McCabe: “Why would a seasoned careerist like Andrew McCabe allow his spouse to receive nearly $700,000 in campaign donations from Clinton-affiliated organizations, only later to become a chief investigator of the Clinton email scandal, or why would he so clumsily leak to the press and lie about it afterwards? Easy answer: He wisely played the odds and knew that his future FBI ascendency was assured, given that he had helped exonerate the soon-to-be president, Hillary Clinton,” behavior trumped that of the others.”
  • Same with Loretta Lynch who met and cut a deal with Bill Clinton during that infamous airport meeting in Phoenix, she wanted to stay on as Attorney General under a Clinton administration, or possibly get a Supreme Court nomination, so what better way to curry favor with Hillary than to make sure Hillary did not go to jail for having an illegal and unsafe computer server in her home, an action against both Federal law and government regulations.
  • The article points out that “What are the odds that two friends accidentally bump into each other in charter jets at the same time at one of the nation’s roughly 5,000 airports?” 
  • Same thing with James Comey shutting down the Clinton email investigation and sitting on the Anthony Weiner laptop national security fiasco for so long, he wanted to stay on as head of the FBI under the Clinton administration.
  • And let’s not forget Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at Justice who forced through a seriously flawed and weak FISA court order to spy on Trump and help get Hillary elected based on baseless, manufactured “facts” in an attempt to keep their cushy, high paid government jobs under a Clinton administration.
  • This mentality that Hillary would save them all when she got elected led Comey, former CIA head John Brennan and former National Security head James Clapper to lie to Congress and the American people while under oath to Congress, Hillary would save them and justify their deceptions.
  • And let’s not forget Susan Rice and Samantha Power, high ranking people under Obama who also probably wanted to keep a high paying, powerful position under Clinton, that they illegally unmasked hundreds of American citizens who were Trump supporters and who, under current law, were entitled to keep their identities secret.
The article sums up this mess quite nicely: “For all the investigations and IG reports, for all the revelations of scandals and wrongdoing, there will probably in the end be little consequence, simply because to those who matter, such illegality is seen as nobility. Many at the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ broke laws. But Trump broke a far higher and far more important unwritten law — one forbidding any presidential candidate and future president to be and act like Donald J. Trump.”

Laws were broken but as always happens in Washington and among the political class elite, “there will probably in the end be little consequence.” You and I break a law, we go to jail or pay a hefty fine. Washington insiders break a laws while at the same time breaking our democracy and destroying our rights as guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, nothing happens. How did we get so screwed up as a country?

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:


Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Horrors and Destruction that Donald Trump Has Imposed On America...Just Kidding! Part 9

Before we start today’s discussion, let’s review my voting history: 

  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life. 
  • Thus, I did not vote for Trump. 
  • I have rarely voted for a Republican for national office in my life. 
A about 18 months ago, many liberals, Democrats, and millennials were besides themselves with grief and fear because their pre-ordained queen, Hillary Clinton, was not elected President. Instead, Donald Trump was elected, an individual that these same people despised, hated, and feared, an individual they felt would endanger and possibly destroy the country and our democracy. For the past year and a half they fretted, worried and lashed out at anything or anyone that even remotely smelled of Donald Trump.

Given that Trump has been in office for about 18 months, I thought, that as someone who did not vote for him, it would be a good idea to review the horror, trauma, and terrible things that Trump has subjected the country to in just eighteen month’s time. This is obviously a very sarcastic comment when you take an unbiased look at what has happened during the Trump Presidency. The many previous posts we did on this topic identified over 120 good things that have happened to America and Americans since Trump became President:

The latest Gallup poll shows that Americans have not been this optimistic about their future since 2005 with 38% saying they are satisfied with the way things are going in America today, a level not reached since the 39% level last reached in September, 2005.

Trump’s approval ratings continue to trend up while his disapproval ratings continue to go down.

Over 50% of those in the Gallup poll give Trump a better than 50% approval rating on his handling of the economy.

According to Rasmussen polling, Trump’s approval rating is higher than either Reagan’s or Obama’s approval rating was at the same point in all three Presidencies.

A new Trump Labor Department regulation will make it easier for small business owners to band together as a related group to negotiate lower health care insurance rates for their employees, a move that the Congressional Budget office estimates will allow 4 million Americans to get much more affordable healthcare insurance by 2023.

These “association” insurance plans are estimated to reduce the annual insurance premiums anywhere from $1,900 to $4,100 a year. 

This regulation and other changes are estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to reduce the deficit by $1 billion.

As part of the initial meeting between North Korea and the Trump administration, North Korea has agreed to return the remains of thousands of U.S. servicemen to us and their families.

The Federal Reserve of Atlanta estimates the the national economy will expand by about 4.6% on an annualized basis in the second quarter, and almost unprecedented success.

The U.S. trade deficit fell to a seven month low in April as exports hit a record high.

U.S. total household wealth topped the $100 trillion mark for the first time ever in the first quarter of 2018 according to the Federal Reserve.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. had the highest economic growth rate at 2.9% among the seven major economies in the world over the past year.

The median U.S. household income is up to $61,483, up over $2,000 or almost 3% in just a year.

As a result of the Trump tax cuts, over 100 utility companies have cut their utility rates according to a Politifact fact check.

Another fourteen reasons to add to the previous 120 or so reasons why the first year and a few months of the Trump Presidency has not wrought disaster on the country.

For those of you that have hated on Trump since day one, and given your obvious gross error in judgment relative to Trump, let me ask that you to do us all a favor by implementing the following changes in your behavior and attitude:

  • Chill out, tamp down your TDS affliction. No matter how much you hate Trump on a sexist, personal basis, get over it. He is the legally and duly elected President, he will be around for a while so refocus your hatred on more constructive issues and matters. You will live a lot longer if you take your hatred out of your heart and soul and devote it to something positive.
  • I would really appreciate it if some of you would apologize to the Trump voters you have disrespected in some of the grossest terms possible over the past year. You have called millions of voters racists, ignorant, stupid, Nazis, KKK members, and other horrible names simply because you disagreed with their voting choice. No American should be called such disgusting names simply because they exercised their Constitutional rights to the best of their abilities. Plus, slandering over 60 million Americans is no way to unite the country and get it focused on the real issues facing us all.
  • More personally, I would like, no I am demanding, an apology from some of you for your slanderous and disgusting name calling because in doing so, you insulted and disrespected my sister, my family members, my friends, and my co-workers who simply voted their conscience. I will defend their right to vote anyway they wanted and will no put up with your childish and vicious venom and bile directed at them, very important people in my life.
  • And finally, I challenge you to read the following blog post, a post that shows quite clearly that it was hateful people like some of you and your silence during the Obama years that actually caused Trump to be elected. Thus, the people you hate for voting for Trump are actually looking back at you in the mirror:


If you were silent in the dozens of instances listed in this post then you were responsible for the very thing you hate: a Trump Presidency. Or put another way, a so far successful and productive Trump Presidency. Over 140 accomplishments in a little more than a year is not too shabby despite many of you wanting both Trump and the country to fail.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Open Letter To My Democratic Senator: Why Do Democrats Care More About Illegal Immigrants Than Needy Americans?

Before we get into this post, let’s review my voting record:
  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life and I am 65 years old.
  • Thus, I did not vote for Donald Trump.
  • I rarely have voted for a Republican for national office.
Given my voting history, consider the following letter that I recently sent to my incumbent Florida U.S. Senator, Democrat Bill Nelson, who is up for reelection this fall:


Senator Nelson:

I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life (I am 65). But in November I fully expect to vote for no Democrats across the board since it is pretty obvious that Democrats, yourself included, care more about illegal immigrants than you do about needy Americans. 

Rather than help veterans get the healthcare they have been deprived of, you and Democrats care only about illegal immigrants. Over 300,000 veterans may have died because they could not get the healthcare they needed from the VA:

Rather than helping the many homeless Americans across the country you and the Democrats care only about illegal immigrants. Over 500,000 Americans are currently homeless and that number is growing steadily:

Rather than care about the thousands and thousands of Americans fighting an opioid addiction, you and the Democrats care only about illegal immigrants. Over 60,000 Americans die from drug addiction every year and over 40,000 of them overdose on opioids:

Rather than care about thousands of American kids who are in foster care, homeless, hungry, and subject to physical and mental abuse you and the Democrats care only about illegal immigrants. Four American kids die everyday from child abuse, over 1,400 a year, and 70% of them are under the age of three:

Are you getting the message? As a taxpayer, we have serious problems and deficiencies helping millions of Americans in dire need but you and the Democrats care only about a relative handful of illegal immigrants. I do not get it. 

But hopefully you and other Democrats do get it in November in the form of unemployment status, you are all a disgrace to needy Americans. Senator, you personally have been present for all of the crises and unfulfilled needs affecting the American groups listed above, from American youngsters dying from abuse to veterans dying from neglect. You are part of the problem and no longer deserve to provide this disservice to this country’s neediest citizens.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:


June, 2018, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: The Coming Bankruptcy Of America, Hillary Clinton's Treasonous Behavior, and Another Pelosi Classic

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We once did a blog post around the popular song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy:”

The gist of the post was to point out that any problem you have today with the political class or government stupidity, not to worry. The ever growing and onerous national debt, now over $20 TRILLION, would make any and all problems trivial. This debt burden will crush the economy and our freedoms besides leaving people vulnerable to the economic crash that will come about.

The premise we put forth in that post is still valid if you believe the latest data form the Federal government that was reviewed by Michael Tanner on June 13, 2018 on the National Review website:
  • The latest report from the Social Security trustees estimates that the Social Security system will officially become insolvent in 2034. 
  • That is the year that the Social Security Trust Fund will run out of money if there are no changes to the current Social Security process.
  • If no changes are made, and their forecast is right, sometime around 2034 every Social Security recipient will see about a 21% decrease in their monthly checks since at that time the Social Security Administration (SSA) will only be able to pay out what it receives from taxes.
  • But that really is a fantasy scenario since the Trust fund currently has nothing of value in it, it is only an accounting gimmick that was established during the Johnson administration when Washington politicians decided that they wanted to spend the Social Security wealth and reserves and replaced them with worthless Treasury Department IOUs.
  • In reality, the Social Security process went cash flow negative back in 2009 since since then it could not cover its annual expenses and benefits with its annual tax collection and thus, had to go to the Treasury Department to cover the shortfall with general tax revenue.
  • Also, the Social Security shortfall contributed greatly to the current and growing $20 TRILLION national debt.
  • The most amazing Social Security economic number, however, is that the total unfunded liabilities, on a discounted present value basis, is a mind boggling $37 TRILLION.
  • This means that the Federal government will not have $37 TRILLION available to pay out the benefits that Washington politicians have promised over the next century or so, based on today’s dollar value.
  • To cover just this shortfall, every man, woman, and kid in the country would each have to write a check for about $114,000 just to cover the shortfall, i.e. a family of four would have to pay over $45o,000.
  • How much is a trillion dollars: consider that if you had spent a million dollars a day since the day Christ was born you still would not haves spent a trillion dollars.
  • As horribly bad Social Security is, Medicare is in even worse shape since it will reach its insolvency point in 2026, an amazing three years earlier than what was estimated just a year ago.
  • Medicare’s trust fund has historically been in worse shape than Social Security since it went cash flow negative decades, not years, ago.
  • A worse case estimate puts Medicare’s long term unfunded liabilities at over $50 TRILLION.
  • This year the Federal taxpayer will payout $1 TRILLION to cover Social Security expenses and $700 billion to cover Medicare expenses, mind boggling numbers.
  • These two expense numbers account for 40% of the Federal budget and thus, are primary drivers to the national debt growth.
So don’t worry that Trump is President. Don’t be upset that Hillary Clinton is not yet in jail for her law breaking. Because none of that will matter within ten years or so as the the Federal government, the economy, and our freedoms collapse because no one, absolutely no one in the Washington political class has the courage, brains, and will to make the hard decisions that will prevent Social Security and Medicare being the death of us all. Have a great day!

2) We have made no secret that we feel that Hillary Clinton should be in jail for violating Federal laws as it applies to handling secret government documents. Her use of a private, unsecured computer server in her home violated government laws, regulations and rules, offenses that would have gotten just about everyone else in the country jailed for doing the same thing.

Note: this does not include the other reasons why she should be in jail including but not limited to operating an international money laundering operation, otherwise known as the Clinton Foundation, that traded U.S. government favors for personal gain.

But now we know that it was not just laws she broke but that she may have seriously undermined national security while she was Secretary of State:
  • A recent article by Jack Crowe, writing for the National Review website on June 14, 2018, reported on a recent Congressional report.
  • According to the Congressional investigation, “foreign actors” were able to access Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails because she was illegally using an unsecured computer server.
  • At least one of the email documents accessed contained classified and secret U.S. government information.
  • According to the report: “Documents provided to the Committees show foreign actors obtained access to some of Mrs. Clinton’s emails — including at least one email classified ‘Secret.’” 
  • In addition, email accounts of Clinton’s staff members, which also contained government documents, were also breached.
  • According to the article: “The memo also notes that the “secret” classification, which was applied to at least one of the hacked emails, refers to information that, if disclosed, could “reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.””
  • Not only did the Congressional report find the breach but FBI documents also confirm the breach.
It is so scary to think that this woman, this lawbreaker, whose actions endangered the national security almost became President. If any American had done anything that was even a fraction as bad as these actions by Clinton they would be in jail. But somehow the Clintons continue to get a free pass to continue breaking laws and self enrichment, often at the expense of our national security and those that actually thought the Clinton Foundation was an actual charity.

3) Let’s wrap up this month’s political class insanity with our most favorite insane politician Nancy Pelosi. No politician has fed this blog with more inane comments and out of touch and out of this world observations than Ms. Pelosi.

And she was recently at it again when she made the following comment regarding the Department of Homeland Security’s policy of separating illegal immigrant children from their illegal immigrant parents when caught for illegally entering the country: “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be when people realize that this is a policy they defend. It’s a horrible thing and I don’t see any prospect for legislation here. We do nothing.”

Really? She actually thinks that the majority of Americans are going to take to the streets with pitchforks and torches to defend illegal immigration? She actually thinks that the welfare of illegal immigrants takes precedence over the many, many Americans in this country who are homeless, hungry, drug addicted, and victims of crime? Talk about out of touch with reality.

Where was this passion for taking to the streets when Obama was shredding the First Amendment by weaponizing the IRS to attack his political enemies?
Where was this passion for taking to the streets when Obama was shredding the Fourth Amendment when he was illegally spying on just about every American’s electronic communications? 

Where was the passion for taking to the streets when Obama was treating laws as merely suggestions and deciding unilaterally what laws he would or would not enforce? 

Where this passion for taking to the streets when Obama was doubling the national debt, adding almost $10 TRILLION to the debt?

Give me a break. If you did not get passionate about the horrors and law breaking of the Obama administration, I cannot take you seriously when you talk about this issue that affects a few hundred illegal immigrants. But I will give you credit on one part of your statement: “We [Congress] do nothing.” Truer words have never been spoken, you and the rest of Congress and the Washington political class always “do nothing.”

That will do it for today and this month: Nancy Pelosi never failing to entertain, move evidence showing that Hillary Clinton should be in jail for her lawbreaking and endangering national security, and a country, government, and economy going bankrupt. More insanity next month.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Friday, June 15, 2018

June, 2018, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: The Deep Corruption and Political Incest of Washington

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Rather than go through a set of political class insanity examples today I am going to list out an email a friend recently sent me. I know that many of the assertions listed in that email below are true. I have not checked out all of the details below but would welcome any corrections that need to be made. But I would be willing to bet that all. If not most, of the political incest stories listed below are true.

With the release of a recent government inspector general report, we know that the FBI and Department of Justice have been pretty corrupt in the past couple of years. We now know that FBI agents felt that they might have to illegally intervene to prevent Trump from being elected. And that they had no qualms of overturning a legitimate U.S. Presidential election. We have the report asserting that the FBI director was “insubordinate” in his duties and responsibilities and his “decisions negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the Department [of Justice] as fair administrators of justice.” . We know that Obama’s attorney general “made an error in judgment” when she tried to secretly meet with Bill Clinton.

So how did we get to such a corrupt place in the first place? How did we get to a place where the U.S. government is being run by folks who have no respect for the Constitution, American citizens, and the rule of law? To understand these points you have to go back through the political incest of Washington over the past twenty years or so:


Subject: : Justice in the US

Is there just a little corruption in DC?

Read this. It explains all:
  1. From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
  2. A Grand Jury had been empaneled.
  3. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.
  4. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.
  5. Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
  6. Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?
  7. Bet you can’t guess.
  8. No other than James Comey.
  9. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
  10. Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?
  11. Your friend and mine, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner.
  12. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
  13. It gets better, well not really, but this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?
  14. Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?
  15. No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
  16. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
  17. Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this timeframe???
  18. I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, Robert Mueller.
  19. What do all four casting characters have in common?
  20. They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.
  21. Now that’s just a coincidence, right?
  22. Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.
  23. Let’s fast forward to 2009.
  24. James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.
  25. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server by the way.
  26. The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hillary.
  27. Like all good public servants do, you know looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians.
  28. Now you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, the People got absolutely nothing out of it.
  29. However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
  30. Ok, no big deal right?
  31. Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
  32. Guess who was the FBI Director during this timeframe?
  33. Yep, Robert Mueller.
  34. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.
  35. Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland.
  36. No other than, Rod Rosenstein.
  37. Guess what happened to the informant?
  38. The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
  39. How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
  40. Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?
  41. $145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
  42. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division?
  43. No other than, Lois Lerner.
  44. Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right?
  45. Let’s fast forward to 2015.
  46. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that the Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.
  47. He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law.
  48. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
  49. Sparing you the State Department's cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary.
  50. Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013?
  51. Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer.
  52. No other than James Comey.
  53. Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
  54. Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her.
  55. Nope couldn’t find any crimes there.
  56. Can you guess what happened next?
  57. In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.
  58. They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury.
  59. Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Comey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates the Hillary from any wrongdoing.
  60. Can you see the pattern?
  61. It goes on and on, Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.
  62. FISA Abuse, political espionage..... pick a crime, any crime, chances are...... this group and a few others did it.
  63. All the same players.
  64. All compromised and conflicted.
  65. All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.
  66. All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.
  67. They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.
  68. How many lives have these two destroyed?
  69. As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
  70. Let us not forget that Comey's brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation's taxes.
So you decide: just 70 coincidences or more likely, Deep State corruption on a scale that Nixon could not even dream of?  No wonder any credible public opinion poll shows how lowly the American public thinks of the American political class: all greed, no duty to country at all. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Thursday, June 14, 2018

June, 2018, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Pelosi Continues to Be Out Of Touch, the TSA Touches Too Much,and More

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let's get started:

1) The Fourth Amendment guarantees that we are save from unreasonable searches carried out by the government. One only has to go through an airport security line to realize that the Fourth Amendment is only a suggestion when it comes to the TSA and airport pat downs. Watch the following video to see how despicable and low the TSA has gone relative to the Fourth Amendment, common decency and respect for the elderly:

2) As time goes by we find out more and more how wretched and ineffective the nuclear arms agreement Obama reached with Iran actually is. Obama shipped over a billion dollars in cold cash to the Iranian government, money they could then be used to heighten their terrorism efforts around the world, the agreement did not stop them from developing long range missiles to deliver nuclear weapons when, not if, they develop them, and did nothing to curtail their terrorism activities around the world. 

And according to news reports, Obama also tried and failed to circumvent current U.S. laws to secretly do more favors for the Iranian terror machine:
  • A new Congressional report found that the Obama administration tried to collude with the Iranians to the the tune of $6 billion.
  • Obama wanted to help Iran avoid standing economic sanctions by illegally granting a license to Iran to move almost $6 billion from the country of Oman, convert it into Euro currency, pass it through the U.S. banking system and give it to the Iranians.
  • The license was necessary since such a transaction was usually a violation of the sanctions the U.S. has in place for Iran.
  • The illegal scheme eventually failed because no U.S. bank was willing to take the risk and get slapped for violating the sanctions.
  • But this was just one of many shady dealings that Obama carried out with the Iranians as Senator Ted Cruz recently pointed out: “The Obama Iran nuclear deal was a devil’s bargain, but one exclusively designed to help the devil. The Obama administration covertly greased the nuclear deal with bribes and secret agreements that made it even worse for America. Over the years we’ve discovered some of them: There was the nuclear side deal to let Iran inspect itself. There was the ransom deal that gave Iran $1.7 billion in cash. There were several wire transfers from America to Iran, ranging from roughly $1 million to $10 million, including a purchase of excess nuclear-related material that Iran never should have been producing and America did not need from them.”
  • He also summarized nicely the latest attempt to break U.S. law to help the Iranians: “They [Obama] subordinated American law and the U.S. financial system to the deal, hatching a scheme that would have put the U.S. dollar and U.S. banks to work moving money for the Iranians.”
I still wonder how Obama was able to treat the U.S. Constitution and current, standing laws as mere suggestions, using them or ignoring them at his whimsy. Any regular citizen ignores an existing law and there is a penalty to pay, Obama does it and nothing happens. Insanity.

3) How badly screwed up is the current immigration laws and policies in this country? Consider a recent story from the Boston Herald to put the screwiness into perspective:
  • Bulmaro Enriquez is a Mexican citizen who has been deported nine times, has a long history of documented criminal activity, and he skipped out on his trial last month for domestic abuse and battery.
  • He was recently arrested for illegally coming back into this country but rather than lock him up and deport him again, a federal judge released him back onto the streets of America despite the pleas of prosecutors.
  • His crimes include operating a vehicle while under the influence (three times), possession of a controlled substance (twice), the domestic abuse and battery case, and failing to appear in court when required.
  • He is the definition of someone who should be held in custody pending deportation,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. “I cannot for the life of me think why a magistrate would let him out on bail.”
This is how innocent Americans end up getting killed and maimed, illegal immigrant criminals are allowed to walk our streets despite a whole litany of illegal activities including domestic violence on his wife. But after decades of trying or not trying, the political class still cannot put together a fair compassionate, and protective immigration system.

4) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi thinks that the lowering of unemployment by President Trump will result in frustration that there is not an increase in wages: “Unless we have an increase, a very significant increase, in wages, and bigger paychecks, we are going to increase the frustration of America’s families because they will be saying, ‘Hip, hip, hooray, unemployment is down. What does that mean to me and my life? I need a bigger paycheck. And that’s the apprehension the American families have had for a while and continue to have and that we must address.”

Never mind during the time she was the Speaker of the House and during the entire Obama Presidency unemployment was much higher, wages were stagnant, job creation tended to be in the lower paying industries, and record numbers of Americans dropped out of the workforce, too frustrated to continue to look for jobs. 

Under Trump, the unemployment rate is at an almost unheard of level of just under 4%, wages are up almost 3% year over year, tax rates are down, African American, Hispanic, women, and non-high school graduate unemployment rates are at or near record low levels, and companies have given out billions of dollars in bonuses to millions of Americans because of the Trump tax cuts. And yet, Pelosi is still so out of touch with reality that she rants and rages against the best economic conditions in decades.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Pelosi still not dealing with reality, screwed up immigration policies, another (foiled)Obama law breaking episode, and fondling a 90 year old grandmother by the TSA. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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Sunday, June 10, 2018

June, 2018, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Idiocy In England's Knife World, Homicides In Chicago and More

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let's get started:

1) We have often talked about two realities in the world of politicians. First, they rarely if ever truly resolve a problem or issue facing their voters. Second, their solutions are either so stupid and inane or actually make the problem or issue worse.

And this condition is not restricted just to the U.S. and politicians, it also applies elsewhere and to different government employees. Such is the case in England. We have previously reported on how there is a violent epidemic of knife attacks sweeping London and the rest of the country. While the city and country have very strict gun control laws, denying citizens the right to defend themselves, the root cause of the problem of violence has not been resolved via gun control laws, the crime just migrated over to violent knife attacks.

But according to the Telegraph newspaper in England, a judge has the solution to the problem:
  • An English judge has proposed a nationwide program that would require everyone to file down the points of kitchen knives to combat the soaring knife crime epidemic.
  • The judge also called for the banning of large kitchen knives, a form of “knife control.”
  • This “solution” is in response to the latest crime statistics: “Latest figures show stabbing deaths among teenagers and young adults have reached the highest level for eight years, and knife crime overall rose 22 per cent in 2017.”
  • His view is that the vast majority of knife attacks are carried out with kitchen knives so, logically, defang kitchen knives and the problem goes away.
  • Much like the stupid solution that liberals have proposed in this country with regards to the size of gun magazine sizes, this judge applies the same logic here: “But why we do need eight-inch or ten-inch kitchen knives with points? Butchers and fishmongers do, but how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all."
  • Thus, he wants to mobilize the entire government apparatus to get rid of pointy knives: “I would urge all those with any role in relation to knives - manufacturers, shops, the police, local authorities, the government - to consider preventing the sale of long pointed knives, except in rare, defined, circumstances, and replacing such knives with rounded ends. It might even be that the police could organise a programme whereby the owners of kitchen knives, which have been properly and lawfully bought for culinary purposes, could be taken somewhere to be modified, with the points being ground down into rounded ends." 
As always, where is the solution to the root cause of these attacks? The knife is the instrument, what is the cause? And do we really think that someone bent on stabbing someone is going to say to themselves, “Dang, mom rounded the edges of the kitchen knives, I cannot commit the crime.” No, if you want to attack someone idiotic solutions like this is not going to stop you from getting a file out and making a knife sharper. Idiocy.

2) The same idiocy prevails in this country, as we have witnessed so many times in Chicago. Chicago and Illinois have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, with the theory that strict gun control laws will reduce gun control violence.

We have discussed this fallacy often in this blog. Chicago and Illinois politicians see the gun as the problem, not the underlying social issues and problems as the problem. Thus, they apply a gun control solution to societal problems and thus, the root causes never get addressed and resolved. In fact, it seems that at least in Chicago the more you restrict gun usage the higher the level of violence becomes, as we see from the recent Memorial Day weekend results:
  • According to news reports, by Sunday morning of Memorial Day weekend, four citizens had been shot dead and 23 in total had been shot.
  • Up to the Memorial Day weekend, over 1,000 people in Chicago had been shot and 164 had died from those gunshot wounds.
  • At the current rate, over 400 people will be shot dead by the end of the year in the city.
  • Over 40 people in Chicago had been killed in just the month of May.
And this carnage has been going on for years and no amount of gun control laws has stopped or even slowed it down. But this is not unexpected since today’s politicians are not smart enough to understand root causes, they just aimlessly wander from one bad non-solution to another. In the meantime, hundreds die and thousands are injured.

3) The Clintons have a history of being greedy, selfish people, When they left the White House they took a lot of taxpayer owned White House furniture and other materials with them, only having to return the material when their stealing was found out. They tried to get around the law and make quick bucks with their Whitewater real estate scheme back in Arkansas. They eventually set up a fake charity that fronted a money laundering operation while Hillary was Secretary of State. As a result they are likely now worth upwards of $100 million.

But a recent article on the Conservative Daily website showed another way that the Clintons tried to enrich themselves again and enrich themselves at the cost of the American taxpayer:
  • The Government Accountability office (GAO) ways that someone associated with Clinton’s Presidential campaign owes the American taxpayer $3.9 million.
  • The Secret Service is responsible for protecting not on the President but also Presidential candidates.
  • Secret Service agents travel with candidates on the campaign trail at the expense of the campaign. 
  • The campaign then bills back the Secret Service organization and the taxpayer picks up the protection and travel bill for the candidate.
  • According to the article, “Since 1977, the law gave the Secret Service two ways to calculate the reimbursement, either the cost of “the lowest priced first-class seat available for the given route,” or “a ‘pro rata’ rate calculated by dividing the cost of the chartered flight by the number of passengers.””
  • The Secret Service is supposed to do both calculations and then write the reimbursement check to the candidate’s campaign for the lower amount.
  • But a Clinton lawyer had the Secret Service write the reimbursement check for the pro rata amount every time even if the first class seat was less expensive: “The Secret Service ceased to adhere to its longstanding reimbursement policy and agency officials were directed to use the pro rata calculation method for reimbursing all campaigns for agent airfares.” 
  • While this happened with other candidates reimbursement also, it appears that Clinton took the most advantage of the abuse, and since her campaign accounts only have $1 million left in the bank, there could be a problem if the Secret Service analysis finds that her campaign owes more than $1 million.
More wasting of American taxpayer money, it never ends. As does the insanity, greed, and ineptness of just about every American politician.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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