Friday, August 2, 2019

August, 2019, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Declawing Cats In New York, Telling White People To Shut Up and More

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Let’s start today’s political class insanity up in Albany, New York. Apparently there are no homeless New Yorkers any more that require the attention of the state’s politicians. The state has made sure there are no residents that go hungry every night. The state has made sure that every drug addict gets the medical and substance abuse treatment that they need. The state has no roads, dams, or bridges that are falling down.

This has to be the case since the state legislature has just wrapped a landmark piece of legislation that will become law: in New York state it is now illegal to declaw a cat. Doing a declawing would result in up to a $1,000 fine. Why else would the state’s politicians focus on such a low priority unless the homelessness, hunger, drug addiction, and a crumbling infrastructure problems have been remedied? 

I am sure that if you polled every New York state resident the problem of declawed cats would not crack the top 50, maybe not the top 100 issues facing the residents of that state. And yet that is what politicians are focusing on. Insane priorities.

2) The city of Baltimore is not in good shape. It has a very high crime rate. Its murder rate results in over 300 citizens being murdered every year. And while Chicago may have the most murders every year, Baltimore has the highest murder rate every year. While the national unemployment rate is under 4%, the unemployment rate in Baltimore is still above 5%. The Baltimore poverty rate is almost 24% vs. about 15% for the rest of the country. And according to pest removal service Orkin, Baltimore ranks ninth in the country when it comes to rat infestation.

Given this background, the President has been in a battle of words with Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings over the past few weeks. This began after Cummings viciously and nastily attacked those Federal agents along the southern border who are protecting us from illegal entrants to the country, basically doing their jobs by enforcing the laws of the land. Trump rightfully took offense at the attacks on these agents and suggested that Cummings take better care of his own home district rather than worrying about what was going on at the southern border, a district that we just showed was in dire shape.

Given that Elijah Cummings is an African-American, Democrats immediately called Trump a racist for what was clearly not a racist exchange of words. Trump merely pointed out that the citizens of Cummings district are suffering more than most Americans and maybe he should focus on them.

This all resulted in some very bad optics for Democrats and Nancy Pelosi in particular. You see, it appears that the Democrats in Congress recently took a boondoggle trip, at taxpayer expense overseas. They visited Italy and then flew down to the country of Ghana. While in Italy, Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement in support of Cummings: “Elijah Cummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague. We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership.”

Two things wrong with this statement, the first of which we already alluded to: his steadfast leadership has resulted Baltimore remaining a criminal and financial mess. But even more pathetic is that Pelosi issued this statement from Venice, Italy where her and her Democratic friends were staying at a five star hotel and dining at the world famous, and very expensive, Harry Cipriani restaurant, all at taxpayer expense. 

This is essentially Pelosi’s Marie Antoinette moment of “let them eat cake,” as she takes time out from her expensive trip, eating at expensive restaurants, staying at expensive hotels, and I am sure flying at expensive rates to say that Cummings is doing a great job while ignoring the realities listed above. The elite in this country continue to get more and more elite and entitled while ignoring the reality of Americans in need. Bon appetit Nancy.

3) A politician’s job should be to represent those that elected them in a dignified and diplomatic manner, serving as a leader to promote harmony and cooperation across all views and opinions in order to arrive at the optimal solution to problems facing the country. Well, maybe that is the way it used to be. 

The Democratic National Committee recently held a gathering for Democrats/liberals who might be good candidates to become the next Democratic National chairperson. One candidate who thought she would be a good person for the job is Sally Boynton Brown, who is currently the executive director of Idaho’s Democratic Party. 

Ms. Brown made the following pitch for the job on what she thinks needs to be done for the Democratic Party [note: my emphasis added]: “My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt...We pull people in and they are volunteers. They don’t know anything and then we send them out to have conversations with people, hard conversations. We promote them to chair of a party where they have power and they have no clue what they are doing. We have to, at the DNC, provide training. We have to teach them how to communicate, how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white. So I think I made my point.”

And liberals think Trump is racist because he points out the reality that Cummings’ Congressional district is a hellhole? “Shut their mouths if they are white?” I thought that Democrats/liberals were the tolerant ones, the all inclusive, big tent ones, those that cared about everyone? Apparently I was wrong and that American politics, at least from this Democratic official is about shutting [white] people down rather than respecting their opinion, views, and insights.

4) One last observation for today’s insanity. There is an old saying that goes, “Do not ask a question that you do not want an answer to.” Democrats in Congress recently dragged Robert Mueller in front of them in an attempt to find something, anything that they could use to impeach Trump. The Mueller Russian collusion investigation gave them nothing so they desperately hoped that putting him front of Congress might shake something, anything loose that could be grown into impeachment.

Now it is my understanding that before anyone goes in front of Congress, Congressional staff brief, question, help, aid, and prep a witness so that the outcome is pre-determined and Congressional members get the answers they want. But apparently that did not happen here since according to the mainstream media Mueller’s testimony “was a catastrophe” and Mueller was “boring,” “sort of evasive,”lost at times,” and gave a “shaky performance.

Apparently Democrats were so desperate to get something on Trump that they violated the very basic tenet of do not ask a question you do not want an answer to: by not doing basic prep work for a simple Congressional hearing they embarrassed themselves, they embarrassed Mueller, and showed again how inept they are by not doing basic research ahead of time. 

Simple staff prep work would have proven that Mueller had nothing and would be an embarrassment to the whole effort. But Lord forbid politicians do anything logical, basic, and smart, as proven by the Mueller hearing disaster.

More insanity to follow.

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