Friday, August 30, 2019

August, 2019, Part 3, Politicians Say The Darndest Things: More Joe Biden, More Ocasio-Cortex, More Stupidity and Idiocy

We have done previous posts under the theme of “politicians say the darndest things.” These posts highlight the idiocy and inane comments that American politicians actually say out loud, which makes us question how broken our political processes have become that people in powerful positions can be so inept and stupid. 

Some of those previous posts include the following links:

Nancy Pelosi has usually been the star of these posts, having said some of the most out of touch and inane things that any politician has said. 

1) Okay, the last two posts in this theme were dedicated to stupid and delusional things that Joe Biden has said over time and recently. I thought we were done with his inane comments after those two posts but let me sneak in a late breaking misquote from him.

The G7 economic conference just ended over in France. It is a get together of the seven largest western economic powers and their leaders to discuss trade, economic policies, etc. It has been in the news for the past couple of weeks and it happens every year, even during the time Biden was Vice President. 

This is what he had to say about the G7 conference that just ended: “We’re in a position now where, if you think about it, he just came back from the G8. I’m going to say something that will not take as much time but it’s going to sound too self-serving. If I have any expertise, it’s American foreign policy. It’s what I’ve done my whole career. It’s what I’ve devoted my academic and my political experience to.”

Two things wrong with this delusion Joe:
  • First of all, it is and has been the G7, not the G8, conference for a number of years. Make a mistake on that simple concept and it is hard to take anything else you then said seriously.
  • As far as you being a foreign affairs expert, that is not the opinion of former Defense Secretary under Obama, Robert Gates, who believes that Biden was “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
My goodness, does this politician ever get anything correct?

2) Okay, let’s move on to other wacky things that other wacky American politicians have been saying. We used to do a regularly occurring theme dedicated to the stupid and plain wrong things that NewYork Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is constantly saying. But to be honest with you, there was so much nonsense coming from her that we gave up on that theme, it was just too much tripe to follow.

But let’s drop in on her and see what she is now babbling about recently. Keep in mind that she was a bartender before she got elected to Congress. She has a bachelor’s degree from college that has nothing to do with science, climate change, etc.

Her lack of experience, expertise, education, etc. in science did not stop her from warning us that if the glaciers should melt we would be exposed to diseases that are frozen inside these melted glaciers: “There are a lot of diseases that are frozen in some of these glaciers that scientists fear that there is a potential that a lot of diseases could escape these melted glaciers. Things that were frozen for thousands of years, and that they’re going to get into our water, and that humans could contract them, and they’re going to be diseases that are thousands of years old that have vectors that we are not prepared for, that we have never seen. Um…and so that’s a concern…Even if there are no diseases frozen at all in these glaciers, you have diseases that are spread by mosquitoes, and now mosquitoes are starting to fly further north that carry diseases like malaria, and a whole slew of other things.”

Oh my gosh, where to start with this nonsense:
  • First of all what “scientists” and what diseases? If you are going to try and panic the public let’s start with some basic knowledge of what in the world you are talking about.
  • Of all the global warming research and writing we have done, this is the first time I have ever heard of prehistoric diseases hiding in the glaciers, I do not believe even Al Gore has tied to sell this can of worms.
  • By the way, some glaciers have been melting for decades with no ill effects on humans Congresswoman. Thus, where are these diseases hiding, even deeper inside the glaciers?
  • Your second sentence runs on for 49 words, is it not possible for you, a college graduate, to be a little more coherent and elegant in your ideas?
  • So first you tell us that there are bad diseases in the glaciers, “There are a lot of diseases that are frozen in some of these glaciers” but two sentences later you tell us that “Even if there are no diseases frozen at all in these glaciers.” So what is it, there are diseases in the glaciers as you say in your first sentence or there are not diseases in the glaciers as you suppose in your third sentence. Let’s make up your mind.
  • You then switch to far flying super mosquitos in the same train of thought, so what is the point you are trying to make, disease riddled glaciers or the mosquitos, let’s stay focused Congresswoman.
  • And finally, a “whole slew of other things” is not really scientific...or even worthy of a college graduate’s writing.
Now you see why we stopped following her antics and silly quotes, they are just so bad, so disjointed, and usually so wrong.

3) California Congresswoman Maxine Walters is a millionaire because she is a Washington politician. She has made her daughter very rich also by diverting campaign contributions to her daughter’s company. She represents one of the poorest Congressional districts in the country out in Los Angeles.

She recently had a photo op tour of the ghetto she represents to highlight a piece of legislation she is pushing, the “Ending Homelessness Act.” While there, Walters came across a constituent who was down on her luck by trying to make a living by selling books. Walters met the woman and decided to purchase a book to help out this homeless woman: “And she’s [the homeless woman] so creative. She set up a really nice environment here, but she’s got all these educational books. And guess what? I bought the … Langston Hughes book, $10."

Then Walters issued this ridiculous quote, “I need change.” The book was $10 and Walters only had a $20 bill. Rather than let the poor book seller keep the change, which would probably would be considered a windfall in her mind, millionaire Congresswoman Maxine Walters insisted on getting change. Pathetic.

4) Our last stupid politician quote today comes from Congresswoman, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell who issued the following insane observation: Illegal immigration is “really not affecting American people.” Really Debbie, let’s talk about some realities:
  • The American taxpayer pays over $100 billion a year to handle the illegal immigration problem from, detention centers, to law enforcement, to housing, to food stamps, to crime, to funding pregnancies of illegal immigrants. That is $100 billion that could help out the millions of Americans that are homeless, hungry and drug addicted, $100 billion that could positively impact a lot of American people.
  • Recent Department of Justice statistics showed that 64% of Federal criminal arrests are of non-citizens, most of which are likely illegal immigrants. I am sure that the rapes, murders, robberies and other crimes these 64% committed did affect a lot of American people.
  • Federal arrests of non-citizens have jumped over 200% in just the past 20 years.
  • The American person who was allegedly raped by four illegal immigrants, who were recently arrested in a Maryland County, was probably affected.
  • Kate Steinle and her family were affected by an illegal immigrant who shot and killed her despite being arrested and deported multiple times.
  • Dominic Moons and his family were affected by an illegal immigrant who killed him.
  • Thousands and thousands of other American families who had loved ones killed, raped, and injured over the years by illegal immigrants were affected.
What a stupid and heartless statement to make Congresswoman.

Yes, it is not only Joe Biden who says the most stupid, inane, incorrect, and heartless things, it is an affliction that affects most American politicians.

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