Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August, 2019, Part 2, Politicians Say The Darndest Things: The Idiotic, Delusional, False, and Inane Comments of Joe Biden, Second Set

We have done previous posts under the theme of “politicians say the darndest things.” These posts highlight the idiocy and inane comments that American politicians actually say out loud, which makes us question how broken our political processes have become that people in powerful positions can be so inept and stupid. 

Some of those previous posts include the following links:

Nancy Pelosi has usually been the star of these posts, having said some of the most out of touch and inane things that any politician has said. But a close second has been former Senator and Vice President Joe Biden. And now that Biden is running for President, it seems that Pelosi’s reign of most inane quote machine is in danger, given some of the most ridiculous statements he has uttered lately:

1) For those younger readers, George Wallace was a Democratic governor of Alabama back in the 1960s. He was a devout racist and segregationist and tried everything possible to oppose integration and the Federal government’s attempts to enforce integration in his state. 

He actually ran for President in 1968 before an attempted assassination attempt took him out of the race. Despite his open and long standing racism, this is what Biden thinks of him: “I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right.”

In this time of heightened sensitivity to race and sex and other politically incorrect subjects, is it really a good idea to glorify a devout segregationist? Honest or stupid? I do not know.

2) Staying with the whole racism angle, consider what many thought was an overt racist statement from Biden: “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” By implication, Biden thinks that only non-white kids are poor and white kids are never poor, stereotyping several major races.

He then tried to get out of the racist statement and just ended up rambling on with very little coherence: “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids. No, I really mean it. But think how we think about it. We think how we’re going to dumb it down. They can do anything anybody else can do, given a shot.”

He continues to dig the racist hole with this follow up statement. Only white kids are wealthy, then there are black kids and brown kids. What a mess.

3) We have often asked the question, after reviewing an inane statement from Nancy Pelosi, what color is the sky in Pelosi’s world? That is how out of touch she seems to be at times, completely out of this world perspective and associated quote.

But we could also ask Biden the same question after he recently uttered this confusing, and impossible, statement: “We choose truth over facts.” Huh? In our world, truth is defined by facts. In what world that Biden refers to are facts and truth disconnected? Makes no sense.

4) At a recent political rally in Iowa, a young lady reporter asked Biden how many sexes there were. Biden first answered the question by stating there are three sexes which, of course, makes no sense. But he then grabbed the young lady by the arm and threateningly told her not to mess with him, a totally inappropriate and un-Presidential move, threatening a young American woman reporter for simply asking a which he gave a stupid answer.

5) Things must be getting a little tense within the Biden campaign, given his gaffes and idiotic comments. How tense? The campaign wheeled out Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, to issue the following scary quote: “So yes, you know, your candidate might be better on, I don’t know, healthcare than Joe is, but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election, and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, ‘OK, I personally like so and so better,’ but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump.”

Say what? We have to “swallow a little bit”? Sounds like you have to vote for her husband even if it gags you. Hardly a description of someone who is completely under control and is always lucid, two traits you want in a President.

6) Recently Biden was campaigning in Keene, New Hampshire. But he thought he was in Vermont: “I’ve been here a number of times. The last time I think was all the way back in 2014, but I’ve been here before that. I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?”

If this was the only time that Biden screwed up it would be no big deal. I assume he is traveling a lot and so an isolated mix up is no big deal. Heck, Obama once said he had campaigned in all 57 states. 

But it is one gaffe and inane idea and comment after another, this just geography gaffe makes the pile of screwups a little higher and not unexpected.

7) Biden was Vice President during the Obama years, one of the most lawless and disrespect of the Constitution and Bill of Rights of any other Presidency. We documented the long list of how many times Obama and Biden abused the rule of law in this country in the following post:

But Biden obviously has a very short memory because at a recent campaign stop in Iowa he issued the following hypocritical statement about the Trump Presidency: “So, folks, think about the Constitution. What was it designed to do? It was designed to separate power so it couldn’t be abused. The Congress is as powerful as the president. The court’s as powerful as the Congress. The president’s as powerful as the court. And what’s this president do? He is engaging in a gigantic abuse of power.”

Seriously Joe? Under you and Obama the Federal government via the IRS denied First Amendment rights to millions of Americans. By tracking and spying on the electronic communications of most Americans you violated the Fourth Amendment. By issuing murder edicts on Americans citizens you deprived those Americans of due process. By ignoring multiple tenets of Obama Care you abused the Constitution. By not enforcing existing laws you violated the Constitution. It was the Obama administration that was a gigantic abuse of power.

Don’t believe me? Consider the opinion of liberal law professor Garrett Epps: “Even for those like me who admire Barack Obama, the constitutional record [of the Obama administration] is disturbingly mixed. Obama leaves the Constitution weaker than at the beginning of his terms.”

So when even legal experts and fans of Obama believe that he and you left the Constitution weaker than before, please do not tell me that Trump is abusing power. You were part of a disgraceful abuse of the rule of law and the Constitution. The country does not need a continuation of abuse that you and Obama started.

Delusional, dishonest, forgetful, inane.This is what is coming out of Biden’s mouth these days, hardly Presidential timber. The country needs more than what Biden is saying.

But the sad thing is that it is not only Biden that is saying wacky, untruthful, and dangerous things as you will see in our next post.

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