Sunday, April 12, 2020

April, 2020, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Joe Biden Still Talking Gibberish, The FBI Goes Lawless Rogue,and The WHO Proposes the End Of Freedom

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have given many examples of why Joe Biden is not cognitively fit to be President of the United States, He misstates facts, he forgets where he is, he makes up history that never happened, and he has trouble stringing together coherent sentences. We have expressed sympathy for his cognitive decline, insisting that those who prop him up and force him to undergo the rigors of running for office are encouraging a form of elder abuse.

He recently demonstrated this type of behavior again:
  • The coronavirus crisis has been compared to the massive 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 that wiped out a large percentage of the world’s population.
  • History and current references to the epidemic are always clear that it was in 1918.
  • But apparently Biden is having a tough time comprehending the simple facts around this deadly virus, recently stating that, “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”
Not only did he not get the date of the Spanish Flu right, I have no idea what he is saying, it is gibberish. Again, those around him that push him forward for a run for the Presidency are doing his health a great disservice and again, perpetrating a form of elder abuse.

2) The FBI is supposed to be an organization of highest integrity, the national law enforcement force that should be protecting the lives, property, and rights of every American citizen. But recent audit findings by Department of Justice Inspector General Micheal Horowitz continue to show how out of control, how lawless, and how dangerous the FBI was to basic American rights when James Comey was running the operation:
  • FISA is a Federal Justice Department process that is basically a secret court that issues warrants and subpoenas on very secret and dangerous suspected criminal activity.
  • Comey’s FBI went through the FISA secret court process a number of times to get warrants to spy on the Trump Presidential campaign.
  • Horowitz had already found and published a bunch of irregularities and criminal activity regarding the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page, within that campaign.
  • Horowitz went back through 29 other FISA applications and found that every single one of those applications had significant, shady problems.
  • He found that the FBI abused its power and scope of jurisdiction by forging paperwork and outright lying when they claimed on the FISA applications that the information they were basing the applications on had been verified to be correct even though they had not done the verification or lied about the verification.
  • The verifications are supposed to be “scrupulously accurate” on all facts within all FISA applications.
  • In 4 of the 29 applications that Horowtiz examined the verifications process was not even done, never mind be done under incorrect or false pretenses.
  • The other 25 applications all had “apparent errors or inadequately supported facts.”
Unbelievable. The leading law enforcement entity in the country was in effect breaking the law over and over to get the FISA warrants and access they wanted, truth and integrity be damned. When the government and its law enforcement functions are allowed to operate outside of the law and limits set by Congress, then democracy and freedom is in extreme danger.

3) We supposedly live in a free country, a country where government interference in our lives is kept to a minimum. Now, you can make the argument quite easily that our freedoms have eroded over time as the American political class has expanded the functions of government and in the process interfered more and more in our lives from a privacy, financial, and freedom perspective. But you can probably also make the case that we are still probably one of the freest nations in the world although the trend is not good.

But now a high ranking executive within the World Health Organization, someone who is not even an American, is suggesting a massive intrusive into our lives and our freedom:
  • Keep in mind that the World Health Organization, WHO, has been at the forefront of fighting the coronavirus and has been doing an incredibly bad job in that role so their credibility is not high at this point in time.
  • Dr. Michael Ryan is the executive director of the WHO’s emergency program entity.
  • Showing no regard for freedom, privacy, property rights, and human decency, he recently suggested that government should invade people’s homes and remove anyone within that home that has the coronavirus.
  • Specifically: “In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level. In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units. Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.”
  • First of all, invading someone’s home with Gestapo like tactics can never be done in a safe and dignified manner.
  • Second, the invasion of privacy of knowing someone in the house had the virus is overwhelming since I am assuming that if someone went to the doctor and was found to be sick, the doctor would have them admitted right away.
  • In the absence of a doctor’s visit and diagnosis, is Ryan proposing that the government and police go door to door, test those that live at a home, and then pull them out for isolation if they test positive? This would be nothing more than living in a dictatorship.
Look, the virus is bad. But the vast majority of people survive the infection. A large percentage of people get the virus but exhibit no symptoms. And a large percentage of people never get the virus at all. To sacrifice our freedoms, to allow government authorities to enter our homes and take people away for a very small percentage of the population would be the end of freedom in this country.

History shows us that once liberty is breached a single time, the second time government finds it a lot easier to breach and we eventually slide down the slippery slope to tyranny. If Ryan and the WHO had done their job properly at the beginning he would not be proposing such dangerous nonsense now.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Joe Biden still out of touch, the corruption and lawlessness of the FBI, and the trampling of freedom as proposed by the WHO.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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