Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April, 2020, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Politicians Continue to Practice "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" and CNN Turns To Hollywood For Expert Medical Advice

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have already discussed how at least three U.S. Senators made suspicious stock share moves about the time they were receiving delicate and secret information about the coronavirus, a virus that shortly afterwards caused the stock market to tank dramatically. Obviously the suspicion of insider trading on secret government information arose almost immediately, forcing the Senators to try and tell us that it was all a simple coincidence that they were receiving secret and sensitive market information at the same time they were making strategic moves in their stock portfolios.

This reminded us of the old saying, “do as we say, not as we do.” Ordinary people go to jail for insider trading but apparently that rule does not apply to Washington insiders. And there is no bigger insider than Nancy Pelosi and now it appears she might also have been doing a little insider trading, via her husband, relative to the coronavirus crisis, as reported by Barron’s magazine:
  • Her husband, Paul Pelosi, according to Barron’s, made some very specific stock purchases late in February just as the stock market began tanking as a result of the coronavirus.
  • And although the purchases may not have been great financial winners, they are somewhat suspicious relative to what they were and the timing.
  • He invested a whopping $3.3 million in two established technology firms and a relatively new technology firm that just so happens to make an app that allows workers to to chart and communicate remotely with each other, a function that has heightened need in the midst of everyone staying safe at home and thus, working at home.
  • His stock option investments were in Google, Microsoft, and Slack Technologies, the remote communications app.
  • The Barron’s report found no evidence that he had ever before invested in any of these companies, all of which could be logically expected to do better than the majority of stocks in this pandemic environment.
  • Slack is the only one of the three whose stock price is higher this year but Microsoft and Google have outperformed the rest of the S&P 500 during the crisis.
  • The Pelosis had also purchased stock in Amazon and Facebook in January, two other stocks that should do better during and after the crisis than the rest of the stocks in the world.
As always, all of this may just be a coincidence and Pelosi and her husband were not making stock portfolio adjustments based on insider government information that Pelosi surely had access to. But given that Pelosi has a history of using and managing insider information to make a stock killing, e.g. her VISA IPO windfall, and others inside the Beltway have used insider information during this current crisis to minimize losses or look for secret gains, it bears an investigation to how these people, once elected to Congress, become fabulously wealthy in a short amount of time, a level of wealth no supported by their government salaries.

2) As you know, we have all been asked to bite the bullet and stay home and sheltered as much as possible to help the country fight back the coronavirus. The vast, vast majority of Americans have done their civic duty to do just that, stay at home, off the streets, and away from other humans. It is not a fun thing to do but Americans are generally compassionate people who care about others.

The situation was no different in Alton, Illinois. The mayor there had done what mayors and governors across the country have done, closed bars and restaurants and asked everyone to stay at home for the common good. Which was fine but what was not so good is that shortly after he made the edict to stay home, his wife was busted and arrested partying at a crowded bar in Alton, a bar and party in violation of the stay at home edict. Again, when it comes to politicians, it is often do as I say, not do as I do...or in this case what my wife does. The story can be followed in more detail at the following link:

3) We have often made the case that an unbiased, focused, non-political, and hardworking press is critical to living in a free country. We need journalists and news organizations that are fair, hard hitting, and live a professional life filled with integrity and always seeking the truth. Or as someone once said something to the effect that journalism is all about correctness, context, clarity and communication. Those that practice pure journalism keep those in charge in line with their reporting that provides context to their correctness in a story that is explained and communicated with clarity.

Of course, the journalism profession and those that practice journalism in this country today do very little of the above. The mainstream media has devolved into political camps where news reporting is biased, intentionally taken out of context, and not communicated in a fair and balanced manner.

Probably the worst purveyors of this false journalism has been CNN. This entity has gone from being a beacon of truth in the news industry to a hack organization whose biased reporting is so obvious that their viewership has plummeted over the past few years. 

They currently rank viewership wise far behind other cable news and far below a multitude of other cable shows including the Food Channel and the Hallmark channel. In other words, rather than spend time watching the news from CNN more and more people are turning off their TVs to CNN and are watching some mushy love story movie or Cupcake Wars.

They have done themselves any favors with their coverage of the coronavirus crisis. Rather than bringing in smart and experienced people in the fields related to the crisis they have decided that bringing in celebrities to talk about the crisis is a good journalistic move:
  • Recently they brought in actor Sean Penn to discuss the coronavirus crisis, not an epidemiologist, not a medical doctor, not a medical researcher, Sean frigging Penn, an actor who I don't even think has ever even played a doctor in the movies.
  • They then got a tiny bit better when they brought in screenwriter Scott Burns to discuss the virus.
  • Yes, Scott Burns did write the screenplay for the movie, Contagion, a movie about a virus type outbreak, but he is still only a screenwriter.
  • And finally, when the network did a town hall segment on the virus they brought in, not a famous doctor or researcher, they brought in famous basketball legend Magic Johnson who has fortunately survived the AIDS virus, a virus that has absolutely nothing to do with the current coronavirus and absolutely nothing to do with medical knowledge.
If a news organization cannot take itself seriously, trying to pass off an actor, screenwriter, and a basketball legend as people who somehow have something constructive to add to the coronavirus crisis then there is no reason for us to take them seriously.

And when you cannot take a large news organization seriously or consider them truthful and worth you time watching, then democracy and freedom eventually suffer.

That will do it for today’s insanity: more hypocrisy from the American political class, from Alton, Illinois to Washington DC and the collapse of integrity and truth within the journalism in this country continues to endanger our democracy and freedoms.

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