Sunday, April 5, 2020

By The Numbers: The Disgusting, Despicable, and Heartless Actions of Nancy Pelosi In Light of The Corona Virus Crisis

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us. 

Today’s discussion focuses only on the recent economic stimulus bill that Washington passed in light of the devastating economic impact the corona virus has had on the country and its workers. The sole purpose and only priority of the legislation should have been cut and dried: provide immediate economic assistance to distressed American workers. That should have been the extent of the legislation.

But Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, decided she wanted to load up the legislation with totally unnecessary and stupid expenditures, most of which satisfy her donors and political friends. As a result, the country will not only be wasting billions and billions of dollars on stupid stuff that the government should have no need to support but it also delayed the provisioning of economic relief to American workers. 

In other words, Pelosi again cared more about politics and herself than the people she is supposed to be serving. American citizens. I find her actions despicable, heartless, and evil.

One of the most disgusting parts of the legislation that she held captive until she got what she wanted was the spending of $10.8 billion for some efforts serving Africa, not America. This $10.8 billion was divided up as follows:
  • The African Development Fund will get $.5 billion of American taxpayer funding.
  • The African Development Bank will get $7.3 billion of American taxpayer funding.
  • The International Development Association will get $3.0 billion of American taxpayer funding.
These organizations have traditionally been set up to help relieve poverty in Africa, they have nothing to do with the corona virus economic fall out here in this country.

So when millions of Americans have been thrown out of their jobs because of nothing they did, when thousands and thousands of Americans are sick and suffering because of nothing they did, when medical supplies such as hospital gowns, masks and ventilators are making health care workers jobs more dangerous and more frustrating, Pelosi is giving away $10.8 billion to faraway land AND delayed the providing of assistance to those here in this country.

Let’s look at the numbers and see how much good that $10.8 billions could do for suffering Americans vs. some likely bureaucratic, inefficient and likely mostly useless government bureaucracies halfway around the world:
  • According to the Feeding America charity, on average, it costs charities about $2.94 to provide a nutritious meal to a needy American. Given that there are about half a million homeless Americans in the country on any given day, this $10.8 billion could have provided three meals a day to every one of those 500,000 homeless Americans for over six years.
  • According to the government’s Drug Abuse website, it costs, on average, about $6,522 a year to treat a drug addict’s addiction. This $10.8 billion could have provided relief to over 330,000 drug addicted Americans for five years, probably saving tens of thousands of American lives in the process.
  • According to my research, it looks like it costs about $40,000 on average to purchase a hospital ventilator, critical piece of equipment in the fight against the corona virus. This $10.8 billion could have funded the purchase of 270,000 ventilators that obviously would also save untold thousands of lives of those suffering from the virus.
  • According to current Obama Care average costs, this $10.8 billion could have provided a year of Obama Care Bronze health insurance to almost three million American households.
  • This $10.8 billion could have increased the size of relief checks for lower income Americans, those earning less than $30,000 a year, by over $200.
You get the idea. In a time of crisis, Pelosi decided to not fund the feeding of homeless Americans, not treat drug addicted Americans, not fund the purchase of life saving medical equipment for sick Americans, not provide health insurance for uncovered American families and not provide additional relief funding for lower income Americans.

Rather, she insisted and held captive the economic relief that was needed for millions of Americans to send $10.8 billion overseas. And I wouldn't be surprised that if you scratched underneath the surface of this funding you would find that much of this funding is to the benefit of Democratic donors, friends, and family members, ala Busima in the Ukraine.

The numbers don't lie and they tell the story, again, of how Pelosi’s actions and priorities rarely match up with the needs, priorities, and desires of the American people. Her delaying and childish behavior resulted in untold pain, both financially and health wise, on millions of Americans and for this and the story the numbers tell, her actions are disgusting.

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