Saturday, April 18, 2020

April, 2020, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: More Examples Where Folks Like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden Really Don't Care About You At All

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) These are difficult times for tens of millions of Americans. Millions have lost their job due to the coronavirus crisis and are being challenged to pay their bills and feed their families. Obviously, this condition leads to depression and a feeling of helplessness. It is a time that requires leadership and compassion.

And most ordinary Americans are showing both traits. They are eating out more over tipping at restaurants that have been forced to do take out and delivery orders only. They are donating money to companies that are then redistributing that money to their laid off employees. They are writing checks to or volunteering at local food banks.

And then there is Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi purposely delayed the mailing out of economic relief checks to millions of Americans so that she could stuff unwanted, wasteful, and unneeded components into the stimulus legislation. She has successfully delayed aid to small businesses across the country which will likely result in a tsunami of small business failures and closures. She has contributed nothing positive to potential solutions to the crisis.

And then recently on national TV she rubbed all of her pettiness, lack of leadership and lack of compassion into every American’s face:
  • Not staying in Washington to help out the country, she was back home in California in her sumptuous home to talk on late night television.
  • While she should be in Washington working on solutions, she should have at least used the late night TV interview to discuss solutions, encourage Americans to hang in there and maybe for once show some sort of leadership.
  • But no, during the interview on the Late Show, she decided to show off her very expensive refrigerators (yes, plural refrigerators) to America.
  • Sources say these refrigerators cost over $20,000 and Pelosi was so proud to show them off, filled with gourmet ice cream.
  • Yes, millions of Americans are struggling to feed themselves and their families and Pelosi is so proud of her expensive appliances and look, “I have tons of expensive gourmet ice cream to eat.”
  • The ice cream she eats by the way costs over $12 a pint.
  • Actor James Woods nicely summed up this lack of leadership and compassion: “Her two refrigerators together cost $24,000 for her specialty chocolate ice creams, but she hates the small business owners of America. “Let them eat cake.””
  • Director Steve Guest had these observations: “While Nancy Pelosi sits in her ivory tower in San Francisco, eating $13 dollar a pint ice cream out of her $24,000 fridge, she is cheering on Democrats for blocking coronavirus relief aid that has so far been distributed to 1.3 million small businesses that is about to run out.”
Disgusting and repugnant behavior. She and the rest of Congress are sitting at home for the next month doing nothing, with her dining on gourmet ice cream, while small businesses fold up across the country, people wait in food lines to get basic food (never mind gourmet ice cream) and she apparently does not care. That is just evil, pure evil.

2) Let’s stay with the topic of leadership. True leaders unite people together in a common cause, be it in business, an athletic team, research, etc. They do not disparage members of the team, they do not call them names or insult them, they find common ground for the betterment of all. And obviously none of those traits exist in Washington DC where the current mode of operation is to destroy, malign, slander, and piss on anyone who has a different opinion than theirs.

And Joe Biden is no exception:
  • Joe Biden is obviously on track to be the Democrats’ Presidential candidate.
  • As such, one would hope that he for once could rise above petty and nasty politics and name and work on uniting the country.
  • During a recent coronavirus forced virtual campaign rally, he basically called a lot of Trump supporters racists: “There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in political division. They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and … dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race.”
Here we go again, if you do not agree with a liberal you must be a racist, so tiring. They still do not realize that Republicans and Independents did not get Trump elected. It was comments like these and thousands of other hate filled comments and slurs during the Obama administration from liberals in politics, the media and Hollywood that got Trump elected.

And Biden is repeating the same mistakes that got Trump elected in the first place. If you are a liberal and do not believe me, go to the following link, answer the questions posed, and I bet that you too also sat silent when Republican women were being called sluts, whores, and needed to be hate raped. I would bet that you sat silent when those of us that had viable and logical disagreements with Obama policies were called Nazis, racists, ignorant, and other demeaning names. 

Because if you sat silent when your friends, neighbors and co-workers were being bashed and being called all kinds of horrorific names, then you and Biden and other liberals are the real reason Trump got elected:

3) Staying with Joe Biden, he continues to spout what appears to be incoherent gibberish. Over the past few months we have discussed the many times where he has stated nonsense, where he does not know where he physically is, where he cannot put together two coherent sentences in a row. It is our opinion that he is in severe cognitive decline and it is a form of elder abuse to keep putting him forward as a candidate for a job he clearly no longer has the mental facilities to handle.

Consider the following statements he made in an interview on the coronavirus. His logic stream is non-existent, his incoherency is staggered and stuttering and somehow, unbelievably, he tries to tie the corona virus to fighting climate change. Trust me, millions of Americans who have just lost their jobs, who are having trouble feeding their families, could not give a hoot about climate change in this environment of fear. 

And for Biden to even think about linking the crisis with climate change is either idiocy and cognitive decline on his part or like Pelosi, someone who does not care about Americans. 
  • “One of the things that I think that we keep coming back to, and I’ve spent this morning talking to the docs that used to work with Sanjay in our last administration and heads of other entities that a, um, you know, it gets down to testing, it’s about testing, tracing, and treatment. And so, we’re way behind on the testing piece and I don’t quite, I don’t quite understand why we’re taking so long to do the kinds of things that have to be done.”
  • “You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war the War Production Board. I don’t know why we don’t set up something like a pandemic production board.”
  • “One last thing, look, Anderson, you and I have talked about this. We have an opportunity now to take in a recovery act, a real recovery, we can fundamentally change the science relating to global warming and we can create, seriously create, 10 million good paying jobs, we can do it, it’s within our power to do it.”
Total gibberish, totally out of touch, total lack of compassion for those suffering. Typical political class insanity.

These people in DC are so out of touch with reality and the pain and agony that their lack of compassion and lack of leadership cause Americans and small businesses across the country.

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