Saturday, April 25, 2020

April, 2020,Part 9, Political Class Insanity: Democrats Eat Their Own, Cuomo Lacks Empathy, and A Historical Screw Up By Bill Clinton

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The political debate in this country has gotten very, very nasty over these past few decades. Rather than debate issues based on facts and like adults, politicians today, and many of their supporters do not debate, they only attack anyone who dares to deviate from their line of thinking. It is my observation and opinion, that Democrats and liberals are the worst when it comes to attack politics instead of debate and resolving politics.

In fact, one of most popular past posts addressed this tendency and reality directly. It laid out the outrageous, venomous, and hateful things that Democrats and liberals called other Americans during the Obama years. It makes a very strong case that Republicans and Independents did not get Trump elected, Democrats and liberals got Trump elected. Many non-liberals got so fed up with the childish and hateful things liberals in politics, the media and entertainment were calling those with a different opinion that they voted for Trump out of spite. They wanted someone who listened to them and not berate and curse them.

That post can be accessed at:


Well, it seems that Michigan liberals and Democrats have learned nothing from the Trump experience and election:
  • Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett unfortunately caught the coronavirus.
  • Fortunately, she recovered from the virus.
  • It was her experience and opinion that her life was likely saved because of a drug she took, hydroxycloroquine.
  • This was a drug that Trump had pointed out that may have some properties that would be useful in the fight against the coronavirus.
  • This was the drug that Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer criticized Trump about but shortly afterwards turned around and tried to get the drug for her constituents in Michigan.
  • Ms. Whitsett had an opinion, an opinion based on a scary encounter with a scary disease, an opinion that should be respected.
  • But that is not the case with her fellow politicians in the Democratic party in the state legislature in Michigan.
  • Her fellow Democrats are thinking about putting forth a resolution condemning her for daring to have an opinion of Trump that differs from theirs and may move to remove the party’s endorsement for her for reelection.
  • The resolution included the following words: “State Representative Karen Whitsett has repeatedly and publicly praised the president’s delayed and misguided COVID-19 response efforts in contradiction with the scientifically based and action-oriented response from Michigan’s duly election Democratic leadership … endangering the health, safety and welfare of her constituents, the city of Detroit, and the state of Michigan.”
  • In other words, how dare she have a different opinion than them based on her own life experiences, an experience that almost cost her her life.
  • The words of the district Democrat Party Chairman Jonathan Kinlock are very telling: “Folks in the 13th were complaining about why is she attacking, why can’t she just sit down, she’s always acting like a fool up their in Lansing.” 
  • So he is telling an African-American woman [Ms.Whitsett] who just survived a dangerous disease to just sit down and be quiet.
  • Can you imagine what the reaction would be from the Democrats and the media if a Republican had told an African American to just sit down and be quiet?
No compassion, no sympathy for a suffering fellow citizen, just shut up and tow the party line that we tell you to tow. Sad.

2) Andrew Cuomo is the governor of New York state. He obviously has had a rough month or so since New York City and New York state have by far been the most affected by the coronavirus. So I can understand his frustration and short temper. 

But he has had a short temper before so his latest idiocy and short temper is no surprise. A few years ago he told his own constituents, those that were pro life or supporters of the Second Amendment to just move out of New York state, they were not wanted in their home state simply because they had a difference of opinion with him. Rather act like a leader and unite people, looking for common ground and supporting the various needs and views of all New Yorkers, he basically said “get out,” you are not welcomed in his state.

Given that background, consider his latest tirade and idiocy:
  • A lot of Americans are getting restless staying at home because of the coronavirus.
  • Many have lost their jobs and their income and are worried about how they will feed their family and make their mortgage payments and many are just bored and want to get on with their careers.
  • Their frustration is understandable to most mature adults.
  • But as we just mentioned, Cuomo has a history of not being understanding with others who have a different opinion than his.
  • When asked about this stay at home frustration in a new conference the other day, Cuomo, rather than show any type of empathy or understanding, just flippantly said the following: “If you want to go to work, go take a job as essential worker. Do it tomorrow. There are people hiring. You can get a job as an essential worker, so now you can go to work and now you are an essential worker and now you won’t kill anyone.”
  • So basically it was a f-you response, don't bother me with your desires, needs, worries and wants.
  • First of all, maybe these people do not want to work in “essential services" or are not qualified for essential services jobs.
  • Also, since many of these essential services jobs, e.g. working in grocery stores, warehouses, and other industries, have also experienced coronavirus outbreaks, they are not disease free zones either.
  • For example, Cuomo has refused to shut down public transit since he says “there’s no reason to do so.”
  • But according to the New York Times, 41 public transit “essential” workers have died from the virus and over 6,000 have gotten sick or self quarantined themselves.
  • Plus, Cuomo’s list of essential services include such nonsense as dog grooming, printing, publishing, and signage production.
Rather than show a little compassion and explain why he has his restrictions in place, possibly explaining how dog grooming is essential, he lashes out and belittles desperate Americans in desperate straits, just get a job, they are hiring, I don't care if cannot or do not want the jobs they are hiring, even if some of them are dangerous relative to the virus.

Confusing and childish outburst, but not surprising, given his previous impatience with those that have opinions that run contrary to his on abortion and gun rights. It is my way or the highway, hardly a leadership or statesman approach.

But being combative, childish, and wrong has also been Cuomo’s MO during the crisis. Early on, he berated Trump for not sending 40,000 ventilators to New York hospitals, Trump said he did not need that many. It turns out New York did not need anywhere near that many and the ones they did have then ended up giving to other states by the hundreds. 

He then yelled that he needed more hospital beds in ICU units, for which the Federal government sent the hospital ship USNS Comfort to New York City to satisfy his demands. But that ship was never really needed. An angry politician that has gotten just about everything wrong or pigheaded.

3) Okay, let’s get away from the coronavirus for a bit and talk about some new reports on how Bill Clinton blew it when it came to Osama Bin Laden and the 9-11 attacks. According to Frank Holmes, writing for the Horn News website, new government documents show that Clinton had many, many chances to take out Bin Laden before the deadly 9-11 attacks on this country that killed almost 3,000 innocent Americans:
  • New documents show that not only did Bill Clinton not kill Bin Laden when he had the chance, he threatened to punish anyone in the United States intelligence community who did in fact kill him.
  • Bob Grenier, who was the CIA station chief in Pakistan during the Clinton years, says that Clinton signed an order that anyone who killed Bin Laden would be “risking jail” time.
  • In fact, Clinton’s order was pretty nonsensical and stupid since it said the military could take “lethal activity” against Bin Laden but forbid anyone to kill him.
  • Doesn’t the very definition of lethal mean to kill?
  • But if you remember the Clinton years, he was always a politician first, always looking to avoid blame, rather than being a leader first.
  • Clinton told intelligence officers he wanted Bin Laden taken alive.
  • Mr. Grenier summarized this idiocy also: “We were being asked to remove this threat to the United States essentially with one hand tied behind our backs.” 
  • And it is not like Bin Laden was not known to have American blood on his hands. 
  • In 1992, he tried to bomb and kill Americans at a hotel in Yemen.
  • He was associated with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a 1995 attack on Americans in Saudi Arabia.
  • The CIA and others knew about Bin Laden before he bombed two U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and killed 224 Americans.
  • Bin Laden's organization, Al-Qaida, bombed the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, killing 17 U.S. Navy members.
  • All of these attacks happened before 9-11, Clinton knew that Bin Laden was associated directly or indirectly with all of them and still he said do not kill him.
  • The 9-11 Commission itself found that Clinton had at least nine chances to kill Bin Laden and he nixed every one of those nine opportunities.
  • Ironically and sadly, on September 10, 2001, the day before the Bin Laden designed attacks, Clinton actually bragged that he could have killed Bin Laden: “I could have killed him. But I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I just didn’t do it.”
  • The next day, Bin Laden killed 3,000 innocent Americans.
  • So, Clinton opted not to kill 300 civilians which ended up resulting in the death of thousands and thousands American civilians and soldiers.
  • But this does not address the other eight times he could have killed him and in fact, U.S. intelligence agents told Clinton at least three times about opportunities to kill him where no one else would have been hurt.
  • All of this frustrated trained intelligence officers who knew they could kill Bin Laden without collateral damage, as Mr. Grenier reports: “Policy decisions were made that seem unfathomable today like a Justice Department ruling that it would be illegal for the United States to intentionally kill bin Laden, which left CIA officers in the field feeling frustrated and angry.”
  • Even after Bin Laden operatives almost killed Clinton in Manila in 1996 he still refused to put forth the kill order on Bin Laden.
What a terrible and incoherent decision by Clinton. Imagine what would have happened if he had had the guts to actually wipe out the worst terrorist ever, a terrorist that could have been killed any number of times without collateral damage:
  • 3,000 Americans would not have been killed on 9-11.
  • Thousands of American soldiers would not have been killed and hundreds of billions of dollars would not have been wasted by invading Afghanistan, a debt we are still paying today.
  • Thousands of American soldiers would not have been killed and hundreds of billions of dollars would have been wasted by invading Iraq, a debt we are still paying today.
  • The Patriot Act would have never been passed and the freedoms it attacks would be much safer.
  • Radical Islamic terrorism would likely be less powerful and destructive.
  • Iraq and Iran might still be fighting each other, leaving Iran far less powerful as a terrorist nation.
Less wasted national wealth, less American deaths, lower threat from terrorism, all of that would have been possible if Clinton was not so worried about being a politician and more worried about protecting American interests and lives.

Politicians being politicians, either gutless, lacking in empathy, or just being vindictive even against their own kind.

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