Friday, April 24, 2020

April, 2020, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: The Dangerous Idiocy of de Blasio and Ocasio-Cortez

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) It looks like today we are going to be focused on politicians saying absolutely stupid things, often with fatal consequences. Let’s start with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Back in early March he made this idiotic statement in the midst of the growing coronoavirus pandemic: “If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.” He went on to say that people should go out and eat at restaurants since the virus “does not transmit through food and drink.”

He obviously did not know what he was talking about, giving this idiotic advice in the midst of a pandemic, caused by a virus that is caused by physical human contact and sneeze droplets from a contaminated person, things that happen in crowded places like bars and restaurants, places that de Blaso encouraged people to go to. Specifically, he said he was “telling people to not avoid restaurants, not avoid normal things that people do. If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.” 

He kept digging the hole deeper and deeper, assuring New Yorkers that the virus will only be an issue for “a finite amount of time.” In other words, no big deal. Go out, mingle with others, go to bars and restaurants, this is nothing to worry about.

Is it any wonder that NYC and the state of New York now lead the country by a wide margin in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths? How many got sick or even died because de Blasio issued such ignorant statements about a deadly disease, statements that obviously were not vetted by health professionals, just another politician blathering on with deadly consequences.

2) We have never been a big fan of CNN. From a journalism perspective, their lack of integrity and truth in reporting and lack of journalistic morals has led to a dramatic drop in their viewership ratings shows as a lot of America has figured out that they are no longer a viable, truthful, and worthwhile journalistic venture. Their hate for Trump and despising of anyone who is not a Democrat or a liberal is now obvious.

So when CNN actually belittles a Democrat, we sit up and take notice since they almost NEVER dare to criticize anything liberal, no matter how ridiculous a Democrat's actions or words are. Consider this situation in light of the point above we just discussed, de Blasio’s ignorant comments about the virus:
  • Rather than focusing on the epidemic in his city, de Blasio recently said that he plans to throw a ticker tape parade for healthcare providers once the virus subsides.
  • Not when the virus is beaten, only when it is “contained.”
  • A statement that shows he learned nothing from his March statement that everyone should go about their business and live like nothing happened, go mingle with large groups of people, the virus is no big deal.
  • Large crowds are where the virus thrives and there are few events larger and more congested than a ticker tape parade.
  • First of all, how many people does he actually think will attend a massive gathering of humanity before the pandemic is over, not just contained?
  • And second of all, why is he wasting time on such lunacy when his city is still ground zero for the most of everything bad that pertains to this crisis?
Bad and dangerous priorities from someone who is obviously not in tune with the reality of this deadly virus. Which gets us back to CNN’s Jake Tapper who called the ticker tape parade idea “the stupidest idea” he had ever heard. When you are a Democrat and CNN calls you out for having one of the stupidest ideas ever, you must have really screwed up.

3) Speaking of bad ideas and de Blasio, he seems to have a bunch of them. Somehow it has occurred to some Democratic politicians across the country that it would be a good idea to release prisoners from jails and prisons during this outbreak for their own good. Never mind that they could be locked down on a temporary basis for their own good inside the prison until the virus receded. 

Instead, politicians like de Blasio thought it was better to let them go free even though they were serving legitimate prison sentences for breaking the law, often breaking the law violently. Not surprisingly for most people, de Blasio excluded, some of these people have resorted to, gasp!, a life of crime, something that de Blasio never anticipated somehow, calling their new crime spree “unconscionable.” What did he think was going to happen, all of these convicted criminals were going to behave like choir boys?

Specifically, “We do see some recidivism. I have not seen a huge amount, but any amount is obviously troubling. We’re going to just keep buckling down on it, making sure there’s close monitoring and supervision to the maximum step possible. And the NYPD is going to keep doing what they’re doing. I think it’s unconscionable just on a human level that folks were shown mercy and this is what some of them have done.”

Talk about being out of touch with reality. The New York Post has reported that about 50 of the 1,500 released convicted criminals have already been rearrested for new crimes against the citizens of New York City. Fifty is bad enough but these are only the ones that got caught, how many others committed new crimes and have so far gotten away with their new crimes? And for an added insult to injury, some of the 50 that had been arrested for new crimes have already been released back into the streets even after taking advantage of the mayor’s ignorance and after they committed more crimes.

And according to the Post these were not simple misdemeanor law breaking, there were some serious, life threatening law breaking: “The re-offenders — just over 3 percent of those released — include a Rikers Island inmate initially jailed for allegedly setting his girlfriend’s door on fire and choking her mother, who was released early only to return to the Bronx apartment and allegedly threaten to kill the whole family. Another prisoner who is accused of assaulting a Department of Homeless services officer and was later set free was arrested for punching an agency sergeant just two days after his release, records show. Yet another, who was serving a 60-day sentence for theft, was charged with burglarizing Queens’ Singh Farm grocery store to the tune of more than $9,000 three weeks after his early release.”

And yet somehow de Blasio never thought that this would happen, finding it unconscionable. I find it ridiculous he could be so ignorant and so willing to endanger the lives of innocent people who did nothing wrong but who face the wrath of criminals being freed.

4) Alright, let’s move on from de Blasio, he has endangered enough people either by saying ignorant stuff about the virus's true nature or thinking that releasing criminals from jail was a good idea.

Let’s move onto to another one of our favorite gaffe machines, idiot thought politicians, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Sometimes she talks and it is impossible to figure out what she is saying since she usually has no idea what she is saying also. In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, rather than working to find solutions or help others out, she continues to espouse socialism and communism tenets that make no sense and thus, contribute nothing to help the suffering of millions and millions of Americans.

Her latest idiocy rant goes as follows: “Government at its best is an instrument to the public and the public’s means of taking care of itself, and this pandemic has just exposed the fragility of our system. I already hear people telling me, ‘I can’t believe I didn’t see this before. I cannot believe I didn’t see this before,’ and I’m just thankful that people are seeing it now.” I have no idea what this means and I dare anyone else to make sense of it. 

It probably continues her favorite line of insane reasoning that somehow “government” knows what is best for each of the 325 million Americans. The hell with freedom and the Bill Of Rights, “government is at its best” in her mind. Never mind that the Federal government and the people that run it like herself have really screwed up everything they ever touched. After hundreds of years, they still cannot operate an efficient and profitable postal system. After ninety years they cannot operate a solvent, non-crime infested Federal retirement system, Social Security, taking straight into bankruptcy in a very short time. After fifty years they cannot operate a solvent, non-crime infested Federal health care system, Medicare also taking that straight into bankruptcy quite soon. After operating a “do not call list” for about a decade, I still get annoying violations of that law every day. 

The track record of the Federal government and both political parties doing anything considered “best” is pathetically anemic. And yet, people like her continue to spout ignorance and drivel like she did above.

That will do it for today, proving again that politicians either don't care or are incapable of caring about our safety, our lives, and our freedoms. De Blasio and Ocasio-Cortez are the latest examples of do nothing, resolve nothing empty headed American politicians.

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