On a periodic basis we review the wasteful government spending via a continuing theme of “By The Numbers.” We review how poorly taxpayer wealth is being spent and wasted on stupid programs and projects and also how many government programs are being ripped off of billions and billions of dollars by fraud and criminal enterprises. Today is just another sad chapter on how politicians and government bureaucrats are pretty inept when it comes to safeguarding taxpayer dollars.
1)We had previously discussed this type of wasteful spending but it is back in the news so let’s update the numbers:
Apparently, taxpayer money has been used in the past to pay off the legal costs for sexual harassment accusations and actions that members of Congress have perpetrated.
Apparently the taxpayer cost to cover up these aggressions is estimated to be $17 million.
There is a list of Congressional members that have incurred these costs that is being secretly held by the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights.
Since 1997, the Congressional office has managed and resolved almost 300 cases of sexual harassment, retaliation, and discrimination that arose relative to members of Congress.
Thus, on average members of Congress have misbehaved in the sexual harassment area more than ten times a year.
More wasted taxpayer wealth, needed this time to secretly cover up the sexual atrocities of DC politicians.
2)This next discussion involved only one number but it is a deadly serious one: according to Sarah Adams, a former CIA employee who worked as an Intelligence Analyst and Targeter, which made her an expert on the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, in her expert opinion, Biden’s failed border security policies have probably allowed more than 1,000 Al Qaeda terrorists to infiltrate into the country.
She foresees many terrorist attacks, such as suicide bombers, throughout the country from these 1,000 terrorists and that the result will be devastating. A truly deadly and scary number, courtesy of the Biden administration.
3)We have often lamented the fact that Joe Biden specifically and Washington in general would rather send taxpayer wealth around the world for useless and trivial matters than spend it on needy Americans in our own country. We have often cited the fact that it was once estimated that at any time, there are probably about 600,000 homeless Americans living on the streets of the wealthiest country in the world.
And yet Biden and Washington continue to send billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine and other corrupt governments around the world as hundreds of thousands of Americans are homeless. But apparently, that 600,000 number is no longer valid:
According to the 2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment report (AHAR) that is done by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are now more than 770,000 homeless Americans in the country.
This is a whopping 18% increase from just one year ago in 2023.
Even worse, families with children are especially affected by current economic conditions since their homelessness numbers jumped 39% in just one year.
This means that about 150,000 American kids do not have permanent housing in their lives.
Sadly, the Biden administration, which significantly increased the homeless population problem, apparently has no solution except to talk in empty generalities, as witness by a statement by Acting Housing and urban Development Secretary Adrianne Todman: “No American should face homelessness, and the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to ensuring every family has access to affordable, safe, and quality housing they deserve.”
Probably one of Biden’s saddest accomplishments: making a disgusting situation even worse, growing the number of homeless Americans and homeless kids while sending billions and billions of dollars around the world.
4)One more set of numbers as it relates to failed Biden policies, specifically on how his failed illegal immigration policies have resulted in a significant increase in crime across the country while at the same time draining government budgets of taxpayer dollars to feed, house, and take care of the millions and millions of illegal immigrants Biden has allowed into the country:
A recent analysis by Dr. John R. Lott of the data on the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) show that the homicide rate among illegal immigrants is 13 times higher than the national average.
The Department of Justice estimates that there are 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories currently on the NDD,
435,719 of these folks have prior convictions and 226,847 face pending criminal charges.
Among the crimes committed or alleged to have been committed by these illegal immigrants are 14,944 homicides, 20,061 sexual assaults, over 100,000 assaults, 60,268 robberies and burglaries, and over 126,000 traffic violations.
The total estimated cost incurred by just homicides was estimated by Dr. Lott to be $153.8 billion.
Thus, the cost to feed, house, and service all of the millions of illegal immigrants Biden has allowed into the country now has to be increased by the cost of addressing the thousands and thousands of crimes that many of these illegal immigrants are responsible for.
Enough bad and sad numbers for today: terrorists, homeless Americans, expensive Congressional sexual exploits, and crime by illegal immigrants.
If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:
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