Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January, 2025, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Cuomo Is Back, More Corrupt on In NYC, Bad Priorities In DC and New Jersey Torpedoes Teacher Competence

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country.

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)First, a review:

  • People are still  living in tents and temporary housing in the middle of the winter in  North Carolina as a result of the autumn hurricanes and FEMA’s failure to properly get them into real housing.

  • Thousands and thousands of people have  lost their homes and their possessions as a result of the Los Angeles wildfires that are still burning out of control.

  • Well over 700,000 Americans are homeless today.

  • Over 21 million Americans still do not have health insurance coverage.

  • Millions of Americans are having trouble feeding their families as a result of Biden’s failed economic policies and the resultant inflation.

  • Over 100,000 Americans will likely die this year since they cannot get effective drug addiction treatment.

In the midst of all this, Biden has decided to send yet another $500,000,000 worth of taxpayer money to Ukraine to help fight the Russians. This is an endless war that the Biden administration has not even tried to stop, an  administration that  just keeps dumping billions and billions of dollars down the toilet that is this conflict.

Cannot help but wonder how much more effectively that $500,000,000, and the billions spent before this, would have helped the Americans in need listed above. Terrible, terrible priorities.

2)As  a former New Jersey resident, I was never happy with the very, very high property tax bills that were imposed on every property owner in New Jersey, making the state one of the highest taxed states in the union. The one consolation that I was able to draw was that a load of that money was going towards what I considered a very good public school system, at least where my family lived. Up-to-date facilities, certified and well trained teachers, expensive but at least there was value coming back.

Given what is going on in the teaching environment now in the state, not sure that I would be getting the same value back for the high taxes being paid:

  • A new New Jersey law that took effect January 1st removes the logical requirement that a public school teacher in the state had to pass a reading, writing, and math test in order to get certified for teaching in the state.

  • Anyone  seeking an instructional certificate will no longer need to pass a “basic skills” test administered by the state’s Commissioner of Education.

  • According to state senator, Jim Beach: “We need more teachers, This is the best way to get them.”

  • Yes, rather than find ways to get qualified teachers to teach the state’s kids, let’s just let anyone without necessarily having the skills get into the classroom, their expertise not being an issue.

  • No surprise that the state’s powerful teachers union pushed for the lessening of teaching qualifications in order to get more members, calling the competency test “an unnecessary barrier to entering the profession.”

  • Still trying to  figure out how a basic literacy test is an unnecessary barrier.

High taxes and low requirements for teaching in the state’ schools, another example of getting less value and quality for the tax dollars we hand off to American politicians.

3)Oh, and by the way, New Jersey is not the only state denigrating education in the country:

  • California and Arizona have lowered their requirements for teacher certification.

  • New York was the first to eliminate teacher certification tests altogether.

  • Massachusetts went to the other end of the education, the kids, by lowering testing requirements in order to allow more kids to pass rather than make up for learning shortfalls.

And what has degrading teaching requirements done for New York students? According to the National Education Association, only about 50% of New York students in grades three through eight tested as proficient in math and English in the 2022-2023 school year. These dismal results even though the state spends about twice as much on education than the national average while the state teachers are among the highest paid in the country.

So downgrade teaching skills, spend a lot of taxpayer money, and get dismal education results. Sounds about right for the American political class.

4)A number of times we have discussed the reality that it looks like New York City mayor, Eric Adams, may be running one of the most corrupt and criminal administrations in the history of the city. Numerous officials in many city government departments have been arrested, indicted, investigated, and fired.

And this corruption party keeps on  giving:

  • A number of high ranking police officials have recently been removed from their positions.

  • This follows closely on allegations that their former chief was accused of allegedly using his high ranking position to solicit sex in exchange for overtime duty and pay.

  • The latest police officials to  get the boot are from the Internal Affairs organization.

  • These officials did  not necessarily get fired but were given lower ranking and much less prestigious police assignments.

More taxpayer wealth still not being used efficiently or effectively if so many government employees continue to be downgraded, arrested, fired, etc.

4)And despite wasting taxpayer wealth, despite never seeming to run efficient or effective programs and projects, and often getting people killed, somehow tired, failed, and  rethread politicians continue to haunt us. Consider:

  • Andrew Cuomo is the former governor of New York.

  • He was forced out of office as a result of thirteen women accusing him of sexual predator and harassment actions. 

  • This led to him being nicknamed the “Love Gov,” and it was not meant as a compliment. 

  • On another front, he allegedly ordered nursing home facilities to accept people who had COVID symptoms or the actual disease, a stupid order that likely resulted in the  unnecessary death of thousands of nursing home residents.

  • And yet, according to a recent poll, he is the early leader in the Democratic party to be the next candidate for the mayor of New York City.

  • Sexual predator, unnecessary deaths because of his ignorance and he is leading the field as reported by Politico.

  • He is the favorite candidate of 32% of the Democratic voters polled, more than three times the percentage of his nearest rival, former NYC comptroller, Scott Stringer at 10%.

  • The current mayor, Eric Adams, polled at a dismal 6%, very difficult to do when you are the incumbent but an indication of how badly NYC voters view his performance.

It seems that retread politicians and weather forecasters are the only professions in the world where you can be wrong far more times than being right and still keep your job.  Sexual predator and alleged covid executioner, and he’s the leader for being the mayoral candidate for the city Democrats.  That speaks volumes of how broken our political system has become.

Enough for today: bad priorities in Washington, bad teaching philosophies in New Jersey and  elsewhere, more corruption in  New York City, and  Cuomo makes a comeback.


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Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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