Friday, January 24, 2025

January, 2025, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: Climate Change Idiocy In Ottawa, Pardon Idiocy From Biden, Shaky Covid Accounting In Massachusetts and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country.

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)As we have proven over the years, political class corruption is not restricted to Washington. Let’s head out to California the latest alleged corruption:

  • Former Oakland mayor, Sheng Thao, was recently indicted on Federal bribery and corruption charges.

  • She allegedly promised business contracts in exchange for campaign contributions.

  • The Justice Department said that Thao vowed to  benefit the businesses of David Duong and Andy Duoung who had a recycling business and were makers of prefab modular homes.

  • Thao promised them city contracts for their businesses and allowed them to choose city appointees in exchange for $75,000 in campaign funding.

  • According to assistant United States attorney Patrick Robbins: “When elected officials agree to a pay-to-play system to benefit themselves rather than work for the best interests of their constituents, that breaches the public trust.”

  • The Duoungs also made a payment of $95,000 to Andre Jones, a romantic partner of Thao, for a no show job at the Duoung’s business.

Another day, another bout of at least alleged political class corruption.

2)No sure if the following situations is more corruption or just incompetence on the part of the political class corruption:

  • We have often discussed the reality that the Federal government covid support programs were rife with fraud, incompetence, and criminal activity.

  • But a new twist to this fraud and incompetence is the reality that Massachusetts has agreed to pay back the Federal government and U.S. taxpayers $2.1 billion for the “misuse” of covid funds.

  • Instead of using the funds for the intended purpose, unemployment benefits, the former governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, had his administration use the unemployment funds for other state government purposes.

  • Now the current $2.1 billion will have to be paid by Massachusetts taxpayers over the next ten years.

  • Which puts more pressure on the state government budget which was already in trouble in funding the expected unemployment benefits for state residents.

All of which means that state taxpayers are going to have to pay more taxes for the accounting and/or corruption of state politicians. Was it an innocent accounting mishap or did the former governor think he could get away with misspending  U.S, taxpayer wealth? Whatever the case, taxpayers pay the price and penalty.

2)As most people know, Biden went absolutely crazy issuing pardons to well over 1,500 people in his last weeks as President. While it is impossible to understand why he issued so many pardons and so many pardons to many despicable candidates, let’s look at a small sample today and try to figure out “why did these people get pardons?”:

  • He offered pardons to two convicted criminals who brutally killed Sussex, Virginia police officer Allen Gibson.

  • Virginia governor, Glenn Youngkin, was not happy about these actions: “I am beyond outraged and in utter disbelief that President Biden would announce clemency for Ferrone Claiborne and Terence Richardson–two men who admitted for being responsible for brutally killing Officer Allen Gibson, a hero and dedicated servant to our community. What makes this even more unconscionable is the Biden U.S. Attorney advised the White House not to commute these sentences as they are violent offenders. The pain and sorrow this clemency causes the Gibson family is unimaginable. To know that the men who took Officer Gibson’s life will walk free is not just a grave injustice–it is a heartbreaking blow to those who continue to mourn his sacrifice. This is despicable; a grim day for justice and for the families who trust that our system will hold the guilty accountable.” 

  • Although the two convicts actually admitted to killing Officer Gibson, they will  be released from prison in July.

  • Both Obama and Trump refused to pardon these two cop killers but somehow Biden thought it was a good idea.

  • Ctissana Gibson, the daughter of officer Gibson, was not happy: “I am absolutely outraged by what has happened. My heart is shattered knowing that the men that killed my father are going to be released from prison and can walk the streets freely, This is a huge miscarriage of justice, and I am completely disgusted by the outgoing administration. 

Makes no sense: two murderers confess to killing a police officer during a drug deal, previous Presidents do not pardon them, Biden claims he is only pardoning “non-violent” offenders and yet, two convicted, self confessed murderers are going to be on the streets in July. Much like most of Biden’s Presidency, it makes no sense.

3)But his pardons did  not stop with cop killers:

  • Judge Michael Conahan was convicted of taking $2.8 million for jailing more than 2,300 children, some as young as eight years old, when he was a judge.

  • It was called a “kids-for-cash” scandal when he was a judge in Pennsylvania.

  • He was convicted in 2011 and sentenced to more than 17 years in prison.

  • Apparently he and  another judge, Mark Ciavarella, were found guilty of taking $2.8 million to send over 2,300 kids to private juvenile detention centers  which apparently, in turn, kicked back money for the kids being sent to them.

  • One of those kids he sent to the private detention center at age 17, and who later died of suicide, and his mother, Sandy Fonzo, was shocked at the pardon: I am shocked and I am hurt. Conahan’s actions destroyed families, including mine, and my son’s death is a tragic reminder of the consequences of his abuse of power.  This pardon feels like an injustice for all of us who still suffer. Right now I am processing and doing the best I can to cope with the pain that this has brought back.”

  • Amanda Lorah, who was wrongly imprisoned by Conahan at age 14, was equally appalled at the Biden pardon: “It’s a big slap in the face for us once again. We had … time taken away from us. We had no one to talk to, but now we’re talking about the president of the United States to do this. What about all of us?”

  • Even the Pennsylvania governor, Josh Shapiro, a fellow Democrat of Biden, was appalled by the Biden pardon: “[Biden] got it absolutely wrong. I’ll offer these thoughts as an outsider, not privy to all the information he looked at, but I do feel strongly that President Biden got it absolutely wrong and created a lot of pain here in north-eastern Pennsylvania.” 

  • Another case where the two previous Presidents realized how despicable and destructive the judge’s actions were and passed on giving him a pardon but Biden had no qualms about this despicable act.

Despicable behavior that cannot be explained. You wonder if Biden even knew what he was doing, given his cognitive decline, and if he did know, how could he be so insensitive to the grief and suffering of the victims, be they Conahan’s kids or Officer Gibson’s family?

4)Stupid political actions are not restricted to the U.S. Consider the insanity up in Canada as it relates to the myth of climate change:

  • As everyone knows, it can get pretty cold up in Canada.

  • As a result, many Canadians have remote control starters in their cars so that they can start their cars and get the heater going a few  minutes before they leave their house and they get in the vehicle, which makes sense in a cold environment.

  • But why should citizens have this small comfort in their lives?

  • The city politicians in Ottawa have made it illegal for citizens to pre-start their cars before getting into them, regardless of how cold it  is outside.

  • City police even have the authority to come onto your property if they even suspect you are warming your car up from the comfort of your home.

  • This is supposed to fight climate change since those few minutes when your car is warming up is having dire consequences on the climate (satire).

  • The average nighttime temperature in Ottawa in January is 7 degrees Fahrenheit and 9 degrees in February so a preheated car is a nice life treat to have.

  • But the city politicians deny the comfort by proclaiming on their city website: “We are lowering greenhouse gas emissions and improving Ottawa’s air quality.”

How stupid is this law? Consider the numbers:

  • Canada is not a populous country, ranked 36th in  population vs. the rest of the world and accounts for only .5% of the planet’s population, not 5%, .5%.

  • Therefore, Canada contributes only 1.6% of the carbon emissions in the whole world.

  • China is starting up two, carbon spewing new coal plants every week on average.

Given these numbers, who really believes that only a handful of Canadians for only a few months a year is going to make ANY measurable impact on carbon emissions by warming up their cars in the morning for a few minutes? That impact is too small to even be measured but the insane politicians in Ottawa forged ahead with a useless and obviously inconvenient law for their citizens. Insanity.

Enough for today: political class insanity in Canada, in Biden’s heads, and Massachusetts.


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Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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