Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Retro 4, Part 4, The Obama Presidency, The End Of An Error - Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs Failures and Disasters

We originally ran this post back in October at around the 100 day mark of the final days of the Obama Presidency. We ended up running about seven blog posts which did a deep dive into the activities, acomplishmentsand failures of this Presidency. We found very little in the way of accomplishments but dozens and dozens of cases of falures and disasters, from the economy to foreign affairs to the basic concept of integrity. We are going to rerun those post over the next week or so as we close in on an end of an error, the Obama Presidency.

Part 4, The Obama Presidency, The End Of An Error - Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs Failures and Disasters

As we near the end of the Obama Presidency, I thought it would be a good idea at the 100 day mark to review what he has done to and for this country over the past eight years. Before we do that, though, let me repeat my previous background statements on my past political actions:
  • I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate in my life and I have been voting since the the Nixon era.
  • Until 2010, I have never voted for a Republican for national office in my life.
  • I am not affiliated with nor do I associate myself with the Republican Party, conservatives or people like Donald Trump.
Okay, now that we understand where I am coming from, let me just say that in my opinion Barack Obama has been the most inept, most divisive, most narcissist and worst diplomat in my lifetime to reside in the White House. From the economy, to race relations, to the national debt, to foreign relations to government operations, to blatant disregard for existing laws and the Constitution, in just about any measure we are far worse off as a nation than prior to him coming into office.

We will breaking down the failures and disappointments of this administration into some broad categories that will take us a number of days to cover as we analyze “The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error.” Three days ago we reviewed the dozens of lies and broken promises of this President and two days we talked about the dozens of times that the Obama administration violated laws, the Constitution, and judicial rulings. 

Yesterday, we focused on how Obama and his administration has actively and aggressively divided Americans along sexual, racial, economic, and political lines. Specifically, rather than bringing people together, Obama stood silent and watched his political allies slander, degrade, insult, and divide the country to suit his needs, not the needs of the country and its citizens.

Today, we will focus on the many,many failures of the Obama administration when it comes to international relations. I can think of now world area or even a single country where we are in better relations now than when Obama came into office. Instead, we have been graced with the following foreign relations disasters:

Massive Foreign Affairs Failures:

Remember when Obama failed to slow down the North Korean drive for nuclear weapons when that country conducted its second nuclear bomb test in 2016 which had the blast equivalent to the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.

Remember when North Korea claimed that it now had“a variety of smaller, lighter, and diversified nuclear warheads of higher strike power … standardized [to be] mounted on strategic ballistic rockets,” and successfully conducted tests of its intercontinental ballistic missile, a road-mobile intermediate-range missile, a submarine-launched ballistic missile, upgraded medium- and short-range missiles, re-entry vehicle technology, a new solid-fuel rocket engine, and an improved liquid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile engine,” all of which makes the world and our country less safe than it was eight years ago.

Remember when Obama butted into, criticized, and lectured the Philippines and its President on its effort to curb drug addiction and drug cartels in its country, ticking off the country and it’s President, Rodrigo Duterte, so much that he called Obama the “a son of a whore,” and promptly began distancing his country from the U.S. and making overtones to become more closely aligned with China, a U.S. competitor in many, many ways.

Remember when Obama gave Iran just about anything it wanted in its so-called nuclear weapons agreement and Iran turned around and showed its gratitude by threatening to shoot down US spy planes operating in the Persian Gulf and harassed U.S. Navy ships operating in international waters, showing that nothing says no respect for a US President than some piss ant little country harassing the most powerful armed forces in the world and the President and commander in chief of those armed forces doing nothing. 

Remember when the President of Brazil turned down the opportunity to have a state dinner at the White House sponsored by Obama because his administration had spied on the Brazilian President’s phone calls.

Remember when Obama called ISIS a JV terrorist organization and then the world watched as ISIS grew into the most terrifying, gruesome, and richest terror organization of all time?

Remember when Obama threatened the Syrian government and strongman Assad not to cross the “red line” of using chemical weapons on Syrian citizens and then did nothing when Assad ignored Obama’s warning and crossed that red line?

Remember when Putin and Russia invaded the Ukraine and Obama did relatively little to oppose that hostile move, a strategy that was so ineffective that Russia still controls vast swaths of the Ukraine?

Remember when Obama pulled off one of the lamest foreign affairs stunts of all time when he refused to join other world leaders when Paris and France suffered terrible terror attacks by ISIS but a week or so later sent John Kerry and singer James Taylor to France where he sang his four decade old hit song, “You’ve Got A Friend?”

Remember when Obama prematurely withdrew the last US troops from Iraq, against the advice of his diplomatic and military advisors, in order to make a trite political point in his reelection campaign, which directly led to the rise of ISIS, the terrorist implosion of the country, and the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of Iraqi citizens from terrorism?

Remember when Obama injected himself into the whole BREXIT discussion in Great Britain and not only was he told by any number of British politicians to butt out of their internal affairs but there is some evidence that his intrusion with his opinion that Britain should reject the BREXIT option resulted in a backlash that actually allowed the BREXIT option to win?

Remember when China decided to build artificial islands all over the Pacific Ocean, likely for military purposes, and faced no effective counter strategy or counter balance from the Obama administration

Remember when Obama tried to open diplomatic relations with Cuba and the Casto brothers, Fidel and Raul, and then had to sit by as the brothers then belittled and insulted the President in various ways and via various media outlets?

Remember when Obama became the first President to have U.S. armed forces actively involved in warfare during the entire length of his Presidency?

Remember when Obama’s lack of a cohesive Afghanistan military strategy resulted in the Taliban regaining much of the territory it had to give up over the past decade or so, endangering any and all progress that had been made by the U.S. and its allies over the same timeframe?

Remember how Obama incurred the highest percentage, by far, of Israeli citizens saying that Obama was the least friendly President ever towards Israel, one of our few allies in the Middle East region?

Remember when Obama illegally and un-Constitutionally entered U.S. armed forces in the Libyan military conflict, resulting in the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars on weapons and munitions and needlessly toppling a foreign government and society, causing it to morph into a terrorist haven and failed country?
This list is a lot of failures to remember. Intrusion to other country’s business, ticking off traditional allies, impotence to stop evil from spreading, failure to consolidate gains in Iraq and Afghanistan, failures on all fronts. A foreign affairs end of an error. More discussion tomorrow and subsequent days on the Obama Presidency.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Monday, November 28, 2016

Retro 3 - The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error - ONce A Community Organizer, Still A Community Organizer

We originally ran this post back in October at around the 100 day mark of the final days of the Obama Presidency. We ended up running about seven blog posts which did a deep dive into the activities, acomplishmentsand failures of this Presidency. We found very little in the way of accomplishments but dozens and dozens of cases of falures and disasters, from the economy to foreign affairs to the basic concept of integrity. We are going to rerun those post over the next week or so as we close in on an end of an error, the Obama Presidency.

Part 3 The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error - Once A Community Organizer, Still A Community Organizer

As we near the end of the Obama Presidency, I thought it would be a good idea at the 100 day mark to review what he has done to and for this country over the past eight years. Before we do that, though, let me repeat my previous background statements on my past political actions:
  • I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate in my life and I have been voting since the the Nixon era. 
  • Until 2010, I have never voted for a Republican for national office in my life. 
  • I am not affiliated with nor do I associate myself with the Republican Party, conservatives or people like Donald Trump.
Okay, now that we understand where I am coming from, let me just say that in my opinion Barack Obama has been the most inept, most divisive, most narcissist and worst diplomat in my lifetime to reside in the White House. From the economy, to race relations, to the national debt, to foreign relations to government operations, to blatant disregard for existing laws and the Constitution, in just about any measure we are far worse off as a nation than prior to him coming into office.

We will breaking down the failures and disappointments of this administration into some broad categories that will take us a number of days to cover as we analyze “The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error.” Two days ago we reviewed the dozens of lies and broken promises of this President and yesterday we talked about the dozens of times that the Obama administration violated laws, the Constitution, and judicial rulings. Today, we will focus on how Obama and his administration has actively and aggressively divided Americans along sexual, racial, economic, and political lines. 

Specifically, rather than bringing people together, Obama stood silent and watched his political allies slander, degrade, insult, and divide the country to suit his needs, not the needs of the country and its citizens:

The Many Times When Obama Stood Silent Rather Than Be A leader And Speak Up:

When the campaign manager of Democrat’s Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial campaign called his Republican opponent, Meg Whitman, a whore, Obama was silent. 

When TV host Montel Williams publicly hoped that Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachman would commit suicide by decapitating herself, Obama was silent. 

When Ed Schultz, an on air commentator for the Democratic leaning MSNBC news channel, called Laura Ingraham of Fox News a slut, Obama was silent. 

When HBO TV host Bill Maher, a major donor to Obama’s 2012 Presidential Super PAC, said on air that Republican Sarah Palin “would f*** Rick Perry if he was black,” Obama was silent. 

When Bill Maher called Republican Sarah Palin disgusting and derogatory female anatomical names that I will not repeat here, Obama was silent. 

When Playboy magazine’s online website offered a detailed analysis on why and how each of ten Republican women in politics should be hate raped, Obama was silent. 

When a rap artist gave a Minnesota concert that was billed as the “F*** Michele Bachman” concert (spelling out the entire f-word), a Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota, Obama was silent.

When a Democratic operative insulted Ann Romney, and millions of other American women, by slandering and demeaning her as a stay at home mother, Obama was silent. 

When Democrat Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi called opponents to Obama Care unpatriotic for simply having a difference of opinion with many politicians in Washington, Obama was silent.

When Democrat Charles Rangel slandered millions of ordinary Americans who opposed Obama Care by calling them racists for simply having an honest difference of opinion with many politicians in Washington, Obama was silent. 

When Democrat Shelia Lee Jackson slandered ordinary Americans who opposed Obama Care by associating them with the Ku Klux Klan, Obama was silent.

When White House czar Van Jones called all Republicans a**h***s, Obama was silent. 

When Louis Farrakhan said in Miami last year that the time has come for 10,000 black volunteers to step forward to kill white Americans, Obama was silent. 

When Democrat Alan Grayson called all Republicans knuckle dragging Neanderthals, Obama was silent. 

When union boss and Democratic supporter Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. stated that his union was at war with the Republicans and Tea Party and that those people "need to be taken out," Obama was silent. 

When Democratic Congressmen Mike Doyle and Henry Waxman and Vice President Joe Biden slandered ordinary Americans opposed to unfettered and destructive government spending and debt by calling them terrorists (those people that bomb and kill and innocent civilians), Obama was silent.

When ordinary Americans objected to the building of a Islamic mosque near the World Trade Center property because of the horrible memories of 9-11 and Democrat Nancy Pelosi said THEY should be investigated for simply having an opinion on the mosque, Obama was silent. 

When Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen likened Republican critics of Obama Care to the Nazis and their propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Obama was silent. 

When Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Walters said ordinary American citizens can go to hell simply for having a difference of opinion with her, Obama was silent. 

When Martin Bashier of leftist MSNBC News showed a video of Mitt Romney’s campaign bus that was interspersed with video clips of buses blowing up in balls of fire, explicitly wishing that the Romney bus also blow up and those inside die a fiery death, Obama was silent. 

When Martin Bashier of leftist MSNBC News said someone should defecate into Sarah Palin’s mouth, Obama was silent. 

When liberal Professor Richard Parncutt of the University of Graz said he wanted to execute other human beings that are global warming deniers for simply having a different opinion than his and Obama's on global warming, Obama was silent. 

When liberal newspaper columnist Donald Kaul wrote an article for the Des Moines Register where he called for the killing of gun owners and “dragging legislators who disagree with gun control behind pickup trucks until they get the message,” Obama was silent.

When liberal Erik Loomis, PhD, assistant professor of history at the University of Rhode Island decided that he wanted the death of National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre, branding the gun rights group he heads as a terrorist organization: "[I] want Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick," Obama was silent.

When Karen Lewis, head of the Chicago Teachers’ Union shared some violent rhetoric of her own: “Do not think for a minute that the wealthy are ever going to allow you to legislate their riches away from them. Please understand that. However, we are in a moment where the wealth disparity in this country is very reminiscent of the robber baron ages. The labor leaders of that time, though, were ready to kill. They were. They were just – off with their heads. They were seriously talking about that,” Obama was silent. 

When liberal Elizabeth Ashack, an economist at the Department of Labor, said that all Christians are Nazis, Obama was silent. 

When Democratic Indiana state representative Vanessa Summers publicly stated that a fellow legislator’s 18 month old son was a racist, Obama was silent. 

When Bernie Sanders said that any American believes that the Social Security process is hurtling towards insolvency (which it is) is a liar, Obama was silent. 

When Democratic activist Sarah Noble said that all menshould die or get f***ed, Obama was silent. 

When the Hispanic Congressional Caucus sent out a fundraising letter and said that Republicans needed to be “kicked in the teeth,” Obama was silent. 

When Professor James Pearce, who teaches at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro, said that “A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors,” Obama was silent. 

When Bill Maher called Trumps kids a**h**** and Nazis, Obama was silent. 

Now, I realize that it would be impossible for President Obama to respond to all of these disgusting statements and and analogies. But he never set the tone for civility and compromise and understanding during his Presidency:

  • If a President stands silently by as ordinary citizens and politicians from another party are constantly being called a whore, a slut, an a**h***, a racist, a member of the KKK, a liar, unpatriotic, a terrorist, derogatory female body parts, a Neanderthal, and a Nazi, he is not a leader. 
  • If a President stands silently by as ordinary citizens and politicians from another party are constantly being told to kill yourselves, f*** yourselves, die in a bus crash, just die, have someone defecate in their mouth, go to hell, get hate raped, get kicked in the teeth, get taken out, and get decapitated, he is not a leader. 
  • If a President stands silently by as ordinary citizens are constantly being blamed for events that happened long before they were born and long before their family even came to this country, that someone was being blamed for the ills of the world because they were born a certain skin color, that someone should be killed for simply being white, and that you achieved success in life not because of your hard work and efforts but because of an inane concept called “white privilege,” he is not a leader.

Obama’s silence in every one of these situations makes him complicit in his implicit support of these insults and slanders. There were worries that when he became President, he was little more than a one term Senator and a community organizer. A good community organizer fights aggressively to get their demands and needs met, the opposing party be damned.

A good leader unites people, seeking compromise and civility, fairly and compassionately considering all viewpoints and everyone’s needs. After almost eight years, Barack Obama’s perpetual silence shows that he is still….. a community organizer.

More discussions tomorrow on the failures of the Obama Presidency.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Retro 2 - The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error - Violations Of The Constitution and Laws of the Land

We originally ran this post back in October at around the 100 day mark of the final days of the Obama Presidency. We ended up running about seven blog posts which did a deep dive into the activities, acomplishmentsand failures of this Presidency. We found very little in the way of accomplishments but dozens and dozens of cases of falures and disasters, from the economy to foreign affairs to the basic concept of integrity. We are going to rerun those post over the next week or so as we close in on an end of an error, the Obama Presidency.

Part 2, The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error -Violations of The Constitution and Laws of The Land

As we near the end of the Obama Presidency, I thought it would be a good idea at the 100 day mark to review what he has done to and for this country over the past eight years. Before we do that, though, let me repeat my previous background statements on my past political actions:
  • I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate in my life and I have been voting since the the Nixon era. 
  • Until 2010, I have never voted for a Republican for national office in my life. 
  • I am not affiliated with nor do I associate myself with the Republican Party, conservatives or people like Donald Trump. 
Okay, now that we understand where I am coming from, let me just say that in my opinion Barack Obama has been the most inept, most divisive, most narcissist and worst diplomat in my lifetime to reside in the White House. From the economy, to race relations, to the national debt, to foreign relations to government operations, to blatant disregard for existing laws and the Constitution, in just about any measure we are far worse off as a nation than prior to him coming into office.

We will breaking down the failures and disappointments of this administration into some broad categories that will take us a number of days to cover as we analyze“The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error.” Yesterday, we reviewed the dozens of lies and broken promises of this President while today we will focus on:

Likely Unlawful and Un-Constitutional Actions Of The Obama Administration

Despite claiming to be a Constitutional scholar, I know of no President who violated more laws and tenets of the Constitution than President Obama: 

He led the United States into a major military action against the country of Libya, spending well over a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth and placing our armed forces in danger without the approval of Congress, violating the War Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

He refused to fire James Clapper, a high ranking member of the President’s national security team after Clapper lied to Congress about how much electronic information the National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting on every American citizen, becoming an accessory after the fact in Clapper's lying to Congress.

He signed the latest NDAA legislation whose sections 1021 and 1022 allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, without trial, who the government considers terrorist suspects until the vague “end of hostilities,” which violates the habeas corpus protection of American citizens under Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.

He personally signed off on the assassination of American citizens in foreign lands, e.g. the killing of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone attack in Yemen, denying him and other citizens a fair trial by their peers, negating the rights, and lives, of al-Awlaki and at least three other American citizens, violating their right “to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the Fourth Amendment, and the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.

He has repeatedly and in varied ways denied members of our armed forces of their right to personally celebrate, follow, and take comfort in their personal Christian religion and faith, violating the First Amendment to the Constitution.

His administration’s development and deployment of the Fast and Furious gun running operation to supply weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels has violated any number of laws including:
  • The illegal shipment of weapons to criminal organizations. 
  • Violations of international treaties regarding illegal gun smuggling. 
  • Abetting the violence of those cartels who used Fast and Furious weapons to kill innocent Mexican civilians and a U.S. border agent, Brian Terry. 
  • Denying Congress and Congressional investigators access to pertinent Fast and Furious executive branch documents needed to investigate the alleged transgressions by claiming executive privilege. 
He unilaterally delayed the small business (SHOP) mandates from his own Obama Care legislation, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He unilaterally delayed the employer mandates, without Congressional approval, from his own Obama Care legislation without Congressional, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He allowed so-called "sancturary cities" to illegally protect illegal immigrants from arrest and deportation, in defiance of existing Federal laws, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that Obama Care enrollees in states using only the Federal health care exchange, i.e. those states that did not set up their own Obama Care exchange, would also be eligible for Obama Care subsidies, violating his own Obama Care legislation and violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that those personal insurance policies that insurance companies had to legally terminate as a result of Obama Care could indeed stay in effect, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, to change out many more tenets and deadlines of the Obama Care legislation (e.g. delaying the caps on out of pocket medical expenses, waiving the income proof requirement for subsidies, waiving the criminal background checks on Obama Care navigators, etc.), violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration has hassled, spied on, harassed, and threatened a multitude of journalists including, but not likely limited to, Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis, Fox News employees James Rosen and Mike Levine, Sheryl Atkinson, Audrey Hudson (whose home was ransacked by Department of Homeland Security armed personnel who confiscated her journalistic files despite serving a court order that was restricted to only looking for guns), Associated Press reporters, and others, violating their First Amendment rights.

When the Egyptian military staged a coup and overturned a democratically elected government, he refused to cut off aid to that military ruling junta as required by U.S. law, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration allowed lucrative taxpayer funded financial credits to Congressional members and their staffs to pay for Obama Care policies in violation of the Obama Care legislation, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His Obama Care legislation forced individuals, companies, and charities to violate their own religious beliefs relative to contraception and birth control, violating those citizens’ and organizations’ First Amendment rights.

He illegally made government appointments to high level government positions while the Senate was still in session, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

He ignored the ruling of a Federal judge in Louisiana regarding the administration’s illegal moratorium on Gulf oil drilling, resulting in the following stinging rebuke from the judge:

“Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance, Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt.”

His administration’s unparalleled invasion of citizens’ privacy via the warrantless and groundless interception and storage of just about every citizens’ electronic and other communications via the National Security agency and other government entities is a gross violation and insult to every citizens’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.

He unilaterally decided not to enforce the DOMA law, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

He illegally violated immigration laws by forbidding the deportation of illegal aliens, without the approval of Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration illegally used the IRS to harass and minimize the impact and activities of conservative and other contrary political action organizations, violating those citizens’ First Amendment rights.

He illegally created a “shadow government” by establishing a so-call “czar” system in order to bypass the Constitutionally required Congressional approvals of high ranking government positions, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. 

His administration violated existing laws by failing to produce a Federal budget proposal on time in four of the first five years of this administration, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration illegally demanded monetary kickbacks (often exuberant kickbacks) from American organizations requesting government documents under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA), requests that by law have to be provided for free or for a very small processing cost, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration demanded that the Ford Motor company stop showing a Ford television commercial that mentioned that its competitors, General Motors and Chrysler, had received Federal bailout money, a violation of the company’s First Amendment rights.

His administration coldly ignored the request for military help, help that was readily available, when the U.S. Benghazi consulate and nearby adjacent annex were under siege by terrorists, a siege that endangered the lives of about 24 American citizens and resulted in the unnecessary death of four of those brave citizens violating their pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

His administration illegally used resources of the Federal government to inhibit and harass companies (e.g. Gibson Guitar, Boeing’s planned move of jobs to South Carolina, etc.) whose political agenda did not line up with the President’s political agenda, abusing the power of his office and the executive branch for political gain, violating Section 2, Articles 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His administration intentionally violated the WARN act by telling companies to not announce layoffs that were in compliance with the WARN Act prior to the 2012 Presidential election, promising to pay any fines incurred in the future with taxpayer money that those companies may incur as a result of violating the WARN as requested by the Obama administration.

He refused to fire Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, after Holder testified before Congress that he was unaware that the Justice Department was harassing journalist James Rosen even though Holder had signed off on the harassing investigation, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.

His administration directly harassed and pressured insurance companies and insurance company executives not to publish or discuss the very disappointing number of people that had signed up for Obama Care insurance policies, violating their First Amendment rights.

His administration asked and/or forced contractors to disclose their political contributions before being allowed to bid on Federal contracts and projects, violating those contractors’ First Amendment rights.

He failed to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated the Hatch Law when she campaigned/endorsed a Democrat for office in North Carolina, becoming an accessory after the fact after the fact of the crime.

He allegedly told the EPA to unilaterally set emissions standards and bypass Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

His destruction of citizens’ privacy via the massive and illegal spying of the National Security Agency and other government entities destroys the underpinnings of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling which was based on the principle of privacy. If this concept of privacy is destroyed by NSA and other government spying, i.e. if there is no privacy now in this country given that the government spies on every citizens’ electronic and other forms of communication, there is no right to an abortion in this country.

His administration violated the Federal Information Security Information Act (FISMA) by giving the Obama Care information systems infrastructure “authority to operate” even though it failed the required FISMA’s security control assessment.

According to a Federal judge’s ruling, his administration illegally tried to avoid disclosure of a foreign aid directive.

He allowed multiple high ranking members of his administration to use mutiple false email accounts in violation of Federal sunshine laws and regulations.

His administration illegally intruded into the General Motors bankruptcy proceedings to illegally rob General Motors bondholders of their due while protecting his politically friendly union interests.

His administration violated the Solyndra loan agreement and illegally moved an Obama financial political backer ahead of the Federal government and American taxpayer in the Solyndra bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in the American taxpayer getting less out of those proceedings than legally permissible.

Well over three dozen instances where this administration violated the law, the Constitution or judicial rulings. This gives you an idea how corrupt Washington has become that a President can violate so many laws and the Constitution and not get thrown out of office. More examples of the worst Presidency in my lifetime in the next few days.

Note: While the above list covers many of the most egregious examples of law breaking by this President, please go to the following link for dozens more of examples that have links to the original news stories that broke the infractions:

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Friday, November 25, 2016

Retro 1 - Part 1, The Obama Presidency- The End Of An Error - Broken Promises and Lies

We originally ran this post back in October at around the 100 day mark of the final days of the Obama Presidency. We ended up running about seven blog posts which did a deep dive into the activities, acomplishmentsand failures of this Presidency. We found very little in the way of accomplishments but dozens and dozens of cases of falures and disasters, from the economy to foreign affairs to the basic concept of integrity. We are going to rerun those post over the next week or so as we close in on an end of an error, the Obama Presidency.

Part 1, The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error - Broken Promises and Lies

As we near the end of the Obama Presidency, I thought it would be a good idea at the 100 day mark to review what he has done to and for this country over the past eight years. Before we do that, though, let me repeat my previous background statements on my past political actions:
  • I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate in my life and I have been voting since the the Nixon era.
  • Until 2010, I have never voted for a Republican for national office in my life.
  • I am not affiliated with nor do I associate myself with the Republican Party, conservatives or people like Donald Trump.
Okay, now that we understand where I am coming from, let me just say that in my opinion Barack Obama has been the most inept, most divisive, most narcissist and worst diplomat in my lifetime to reside in the White House. From the economy, to race relations, to the national debt, to foreign relations to government operations, to blatant disregard for existing laws and the Constitution, in just about any measure we are far worse off as a nation than prior to him coming into office.

We will breaking down the failures and disappointments of this administration into some broad categories that will take us a number of days to cover as we analyze “The Obama Presidency - The End Of An Error.” Today we start with:

Broken Promises and/or Lies

These disappointments are related in that many times it is tough to tell whether the President actually believed the things he promised and then failed to deliver them (incompetence) or he just outright lied in order to get what he wanted. I cannot tell which is which, which is why the following incidents of broken promises and/or lies are grouped together:

Obama promised if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor under the Obama Care legislation. This was not a truth since millions of Americans lost access to their current and favored doctors as a direct result of Obama Care’s tenets.

Obama promised if you like your current health insurance policy, you can keep your current health insurance policy. This was not a truth since millions of Americans lost access to their current and favored health insurance policies as a result of Obama Care tenets.

Obama promised that the average American family could see their annual health insurance costs go down by up to $2,500 a year. This was not a truth since Obama Care policies costs, for both the premiums and deductibles, have been going up every year since the legislation was passed and was often much higher than the insurance premiums and deductibles people had prior to the Obama Care legislation taking effect.

Obama promised that getting access to an Obama Care health insurance policy was going to be a really simple online process which it was not. The Obama Care online processes, were slow, inaccurate, difficult to navigate, and opened up millions of Americans to a high chance of identity theft.

Obama promised that Obama Care would “bend the cost curve” of health care costs in this country but health care costs in this country and the cost of Obama Care policies continue to grow significantly year over year.

Obama promised that enacting the Obama Care legislation would not add a single dime to the Federal government deficits or the overall national debt but the legislation will likely add at least a trillion dollars to the national debt over the next ten years.

Obama promised to go through the Federal budget line by line to weed out wasteful spending which he did not do.

Obama promised to reduce the annual Federal government deficit by 50% by the end of his first term. Instead, he presided over four consecutive Federal budget deficits that exceeded a trillion dollars year, multiple times larger than any previous annual Federal deficit.

Obama promised to devote every waking moment of his life to serving Americans if elected President, foregoing private time, recreation time, and vacations and he then spent the next eight years playing over 300 rounds of golf, attending a record number of political fundraisers and taking exotic vacations around the world.

Obama promised that all Obama Care negotiations would be aired on C-SPAN which they were not.

Obama promised that all pending legislation would be put up on the Internet for public review for five days before he signed it but that never happened.

Obama promised we would have our troops out of Afghanistan by 2014 but two years after that deadline U.S. troops are still in the country. 

Obama promised that he would close the terrorist prison camp at Gitmo but it is still open and many of those terrorist suspects that he has released have returned to the world of terrorism around the world.

Obama lied to the world, to the nation and the families of those who were killed by a terrorist attack at Benghazi, falsely and willingly claiming that the cause of the terror attack at our consulate at Benghazi was an unknown YouTube video.

Obama promised to operate the most transparent Presidency ever and ended up operating one of the most secretive administrations of all times, ignoring Congressional requests and subpoenas, blocking and delaying many, many legitimate Freedom Of Information Act requests, persecuting and prosecuting more government whistleblowers than all previous Presidents combined, and spying on and hounding legitimate journalists.

Obama promised that his economic stimulus plan would create a plethora of “shovel ready jobs” but ended up creating very few legitimate and enduring jobs.

Obama falsely claimed that the Supreme Court had never overturned any law that Congress had passed.

Obama promised that lobbyists would be excluded from high ranking positions in his administration, a promise that never occurred as many lobbyists ended up taking jobs high up in his administration.

Obama stated that the IRS was not targeting or violating the First Amendment rights of anyone but it is now apparent that the administration conspired with the IRS to block any political groups or citizens that were not consistent with the views of the administration.

Obama lied when he said that he did not say there was a red line that would result in dire consequences if the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its citizens when he actually did say there was a red line that should not be crossed.

Obama promised that he was not spying on innocent Americans but it was later clear that his administration, via the NSA, was spying on just about every American’s electronic communications.

And his biggest lie or broken promise of all: “I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Let's stop our broken promise/lies list here but let me give you one more source of Obama lies. The Politifact website, an organization that is supposed to be an unbiased source for facts and realities, tends to give Democrats and liberals the benefit of the doubt when it comes to political statements. Thus, whenever it declares that a liberal or Democrat has lied, you know it must have really passed the smell test. The following link to their website lists 71 other Obama lies, most of which did not make our list above:

That will complete this first section of our review of the Obama administration. Twenty lies or broken promises that this President has made that bring the integrity of his entire Presidency into question. More reviews of different aspect of his Presidency in the following days as we approach the end of an error.

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