Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May, 2020, Part 10, Political Class Insanity: Ocasio-Cortez Dodges Taxes, NYC Residents Dare To Go Swimming and CNN Conitnues To Be Silly

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) One of the most ridiculous members to ever be elected to Congress is current Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We used to devote entire posts to her ignorant, racist, and inane comments and actions but after a while it just got too repetitive and boring.

But let’s talk about her latest escapade:
  • Before we get into the details, keep in mind that she has always hated wealthy people, the top 1%.
  • She wants to fund her socialism/communism plans by taxing the wealthy at the unreal and counterproductive level of 70% on their income. {Note: we have already shown that her numbers make no sense and would never come close to funding the massive government programs she supports.}
  • But it turns out that all the while that she was wanting to put onerous taxes on the rich, she was allegedly evading owed taxes back in her home state of New York.
  • News reports claim that she has not paid a seven year old tax bill from a failed business venture she was involved in.
  • The business was called Brook Avenue Press, a publishing business that sought artists and writers from urban areas to help create a good image of the Bronx.
  • The state of New York dissolved the business in 2016 after the business failed to pay back taxes.
  • The taxes due are $2,088.
  • A spokesperson for her told the press that the taxes would be paid right away back in 2019 but a year later they are still not paid.
Just another case of a politician's creed, “do as I say, not as I do.” They want to continually raise our taxes while they continually try to weasel out of the taxes they owe and which they have already put in place. And it is not as if she cannot afford the $2,088. She earns over $170,000 a year as a member of Congress and has been photographed at public events wearing designer clothes that cost over $3,000 an outfit. The hypocrisy is just amazing.

2) A few posts ago we talked about the insanity and stupidity of the New Jersey governor and government authorities relative to a coronavirus issue. New Jersey has been hit quite hard by the virus and the residents have been under a strict stay at home edict for a long time. The governor recently loosened the restrictions as the crisis has eased and opened up the state parks so that residents could get out and about in the fresh air.

But at the same time they went stupid since they locked up the restrooms in the state parks, forcing visitors to do their business outside in the woods. This resulted in the governor and others in the state government being aghast that this would happen and leaving the rest of us thinking how stupid can you be to open the parks but lock the rest rooms.

But apparently this virus stupidity is not unique to New Jersey:
  • NYC has also been under strict lock down edicts because it has become the center of the virus outbreak in the country.
  • But Mayor Bill de Blasio recently loosened restrictions since the city’s virus crisis was easing.
  • This easing involved opening up the city beaches.
  • But at the same time the mayor threatened those that dare go to the beach AND go into the water: “Anyone tries to get in the water they’ll be taken right out of the water.”
  • He went on to say that swimming, parties, BBQs and sports would not be allowed on the beaches.
Much like the inane politicians in New Jersey who opened the parks, locked the restrooms and were then surprised that people had to go to the bathroom, what did de Blasio think was going to happen when people went to the beach after being cooped up for months? They would go into the water, they would throw a Frisbee or two, they would sit with friends. If these are the restrictions you are going to be placed on cabin fever crazed residents, then why open the beaches and state parks at all? The idiocy and lack of common sense of American politicians continues to amaze and often disturb the rest of us.

I am looking forward to seeing police officers wading into the ocean and trying to retrieve and arrest law-abiding citizens who have dared to go into the water while at the same time de Blasio and other politicians like him across the country have released from prison convicted felons of all sorts. The dichotomy will be epic.

3) CNN was once the shining example of network news. It had morals, integrity, and was basically in the business of reporting the news. It has now degenerated into a biased, unethical, and useless television entity that has lost any sense of being fair and unbiased.

And the numbers prove that Americans have realized how biased and mostly useless its reporting has become. The cable viewership levels of CNN have plummeted over the past few years, so much so that many nights it has fewer viewers than the Food Channel and the Hallmark channel. Think about that for a moment: on any given night it is highly likely that CNN has fewer viewers than Cupcake Wars or some schmaltzy love story on the Hallmark channel.

More recently the channel has embarrassed itself by waiting over three weeks to even begin addressing the Tara Reade/Joe Biden accusations, namely because CNN loves Democrats and liberals and will protect them e.g. much like they protected Hilary Clinton during her run for the Presidency. 

They then concocted a stunt that had one of its anchors go into home quarantine for two weeks because he supposedly had gotten the coronavirus. But in the middle of his “quarantine” he was seen outside frolicking with his kids and wife in the Hamptons on a piece of property he was interested in buying. So much for the “quarantine.”

And most recently, they embarrassed themselves again:
  • Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old Swedish kid who the climate change advocates have put forth as their star witness supporting the mostly mythical man made climate change industry.
  • Great has no science degrees, no experience working in the sciences, or has parents who might have educated her about climate science.
  • She is a public relations stunt of the climate change crowd.
  • Thus, her climate change credentials are virtually non-existent.
  • But somehow CNN thought it would be a good idea to have her be a panel member on a coronavirus town hall meeting they were broadcasting.
  • Much like her climate change gig, she has no education, training, or medical experience and yet, CNN thought she would make a good member of the virus panel.
  • One Twitter user summed this insanity quite nicely: “Cuz a teenager best known for skipping school is who CNN considers an expert virologist.”
Is it any wonder that hundreds of thousands of viewers have abandoned their CNN viewing habits, given that this is what the network thinks is valid news reporting: a sixteen year teenage girl is set up as some kind of expert on climate change AND the coronavirus!?

That will do it for today: CNN continues to lose viewers and integrity as an unbiased news organization, de Blasio cannot understand why cooped up city residents might actually go into the water when he opened the beaches in NYC, and Ocasio-Cortez’s hypocrisy just rolls on.

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