Sunday, May 24, 2020

May, 2020, Part 11, Political Class Insanity: Bad Priorities of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's Racist Comment, and More Fake News From CBS

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Kamala Harris is a U.S. Senator from California. The current state of California is as follows:
  • California is home to about half of the country’s homeless population.
  • The homeless situation is so bad in Los Angeles that medieval diseases have started to appear such as typhus due to the unsanitary conditions the homeless problem has caused.
  • In San Francisco, it is okay to defecate, urinate, and shoot up illegal drugs in the street,
  • The power washing away of the public defecation and urination is causing water pollution problems for the state.
  • The state’s infrastructure of roads, dams, and bridges is in horrible shape.
  • The state is in a huge budget hole when it comes to unfunded liabilities.
  • The public schools in California do a terrible job at educating the kids.
The list goes on and on but you get the idea: California is a basket case in so many different, ugly ways. So what is Harris focusing her attention and resources on these days? Helping the homeless in her state? No. Helping improve the schools in her state? No. Helping fix the bridges,roads, and dams in the state? No.

Rather than working on issues that affect millions of people in her state, she and her staff recently spent time and resources drafting a Senate resolution calling for a ban of using the phrase “Chinese Virus” when describing the current coronavirus pandemic:
  • She feels it is hate speech that fuels attacks against Asians.
  • Of course, she provides no data or research that verifies that calling it the “Chinese Virus” is doing such a thing.
  • Her resolution class for the condemning of “all forms of Anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19.”
  • This is driven by the fact that the current coronavirus crisis was caused by a virus that originated in Wuhan, China.
  • The resolution calls for public officials to denounce any form of associating the virus with China.
Never mind the fact that naming a disease after it origin has been common medical practice for decades, e.g. the Zika virus is named after the Zika Forest, German Measles is named after Germany, Lyme disease originated in Lyme, Connecticut, the Ebola virus is from the Ebola River area, etc. but she does not seem to mind that practice, only this Chinese virus.

Again, like most politicians, Harris has no idea how to fix and remedy the real issues facing her constituents so she busies herself working on this type of nonsense. No American is better off because of this resolution, it just wastes taxpayer money and resources.

2) We could probably write for months on the stupid, inane, hateful, and ignorant things that Joe Biden says. However, we believe that his cognitive abilities are slipping away very quickly everyday and for his family, friends, and Democratic Party members to put him through the grind of a Presidential race, given his deteriorating mental state is a form of elder abuse.

However, from the country’s welfare perspective, having him elected as President would be a disaster. He has trouble putting two thoughts together or having a completely cogent conversation with a reporter or anyone else. Sometimes he forgets where he is or what he is talking about, with his words often turning into senseless babble.

And he may also be a racist, as illustrated by a recent comment he made regarding African-American voters: “If you’ve [African-American voters] got a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t black.” Now how racist is that comment? He is basically saying to the African-American community that if you vote for Trump you are stupid. That African-Americans should be treated as a single voting bloc supporting only Democrats and if you refuse to toe the line then you need to denounce your African-American heritage.

He tried to walk that comment back in a later interview but let’s be clear: if Trump had said something like that, the press and the Democrats would never have accepted his apology. And I believe that he meant what he said, that he assumed that Africa-Americans are too dumb to consider alternatives to any Democrat, based on previous racist comments he has made.

A racist comment from a potentially racist candidate. But again, I feel sorry for him, given his poor mental stability and condition. But he should not be President, given that mental loss of acuity, this racial comment, and his history of stalking and inappropriately touching women and young girls.

3) We have always advocated for a strong, free, aggressive and unbiased journalism industry in this country. A free press and unbiased press is essential to any democracy by keeping law breakers, government corruption, and corrupt politicians in line.

However, as we have pointed out many times with many examples, the free press in this country today is a disgrace. In the race for ratings and money, journalists in this country today are more focused on sensationalism and creating controversy than honest, truthful reporting. 

This in turn weakens our democracy and freedoms since the journalists in this country are no longer watchdogs for corruption of public officials, they are now accomplices, picking the side they want to see “win” and biasing their reporting towards their “side.”

Another example of sensationalism and biased reporting recently arose concerning CBS News:
  • CBS News posted a story about a supposedly ICU nurse who was hysterically crying over poor hospital working conditions relative to the coronavirus in a video she had created.
  • The nurse was so upset about working without a face mask when treating virus patients that she claimed she had to leave her job and was so distraught over the situation.
  • Specifically: “America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected. I quit my job today. I went into work and I was assigned to a COVID patient on an ICU unit that has been converted to a designated COVID unit. None of the nurses are wearing masks.”
  • CBS took the nurse’s video and added music and captions to it and the story got a lot of press coverage and recognition for CBS News.
  • Unfortunately, CBS News either did not vet the validity of the ICU nurse’s story or knew it was false but still ran the story and the associated video anyway.
  • You see, the whole thing, the video, the crying, the hysterical crying, the claims of not having the right equipment to treat patients, was a fake.
  • An investigation by the Federalist, found out that the woman in the video goes by the name of Imaris and is a so-called social media influencer on Instagram.
  • Before CBS ran the video, Imaris had posted on her Facebook page that she has anxiety and bi polar depression and that SHE HAD NOT WORKED AT HER HOSPITAL FOR OVER A YEAR.
  • Obviously, having not worked at the hospital in over a year means that she had not worked at her hospital job since the corona virus hit which means that she was NOT “assigned to a COVID patient in an ICU” and she was NOT “assigned to a COVID unit.”
So the story is a fake, the nurse is a fake relative to her story, and trust in the mainstream press takes another awful credibility hit. Why CBS News did not check out the story like the Federalist did is something we will never know. Was CBS just lazy in not verifying the nurse’s story or were they complicit with the nurse in putting out what is really “fake news’ that had no basis in reality. Recall in a previous post we pointed out that CBS News had posted a video about a New York City hospital ICU unit which turned out to be an Italian ICU unit, more fake news.

When you see stories and sloppy reporting like this, it brings into doubt the truthfulness and validity of any reporting by any of the mainstream press outlets. And that is why journalists today are no longer the protectors of democracy, they have become the enemies, the undercover enemies of truth, justice, and integrity. 

Or as the Federalist correctly points out: “Shame on CBS News for not vetting the video and shame on this woman for using nurses and doctors on the front line to try and boost her internet fame.”

That will do it for today’s insanity: CBS News and its fake news, racism from Joe Biden and bad priorities of an inept Washington politician, Senator Kamala Harris.

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