Thursday, May 28, 2020

May, 2020, Part 13, Political Class Insanity: No Integrity At CNN, No Common Sense In New York, And Hypocrisy In MIchigan

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Unfortunately, we have had to point out in an increasing manner how the free press and journalism industry in this country continue to slide down the trail of non-credibility with its slanted news reporting. We have always contended that a free, aggressive, and unbiased news industry in a democracy is crucial to maintaining that democracy and the freedoms that come with it. A free, vibrant and honest press identifies corruption, crime, and ineffective policies and programs of government and politicians.

But those qualities of integrity and unbiased reporting basically no longer exist in this country. Just about every media outlet, every cable news station has chosen a political side and slants news, twists facts, or ignores realities to support their political friends. The latest episode concerns one of the most biased and least credible news outlet today, CNN:
  • CNN recently ran its own public opinion poll regarding Trump vs,. Biden for the Presidency.
  • The poll was based on a good seized sample of 1,112 adults
  • 583 of those sampled were in so-called battleground states where the outcome of voting could go either Democrat or Republican.
  • These battle ground states in 2016 had their final results decided by 8 percentage points or less and included Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
  • According to the poll results, if the election were held today, Biden would win the popular vote but Trump would win every battleground state and its share of Electoral votes.
  • Given that CNN hates Trump and Republicans, this did not sit well with CNN management.
  • Thus, they decided to bury these results and focus on a secondary question in the poll related to the pandemic where Biden did better than Trump.
  • But the poll was designed primarily to see who might win the Presidential vote in November, not who would handle the pandemic better.
  • But CNN did not want to give credit where credit was due and where credit was determined by its own poll.
  • It got so bad that CNN actually started to bad mouth themselves, saying the sample size was too small, it wasn’t, and attributed the results to a “fluke of random sampling.”
And this is what we mean when we say the journalism industry in this country has lost all credibility. If Biden had won their poll, you know CNN would have trumpeted the results every way it could. Since Trump won the poll, it gets buried deep down on the CNN web page. Democracy needs a free and unbiased press to survive, too bad that CNN is no longer a participant in that noble venture.

2) We have previously discussed the sad reality that Governor Andrew Cuomo and his order to force nursing homes to accept elderly,  coronavirus patients likely resulted in thousands of possibly unnecessary virus deaths in those nursing homes:
  • According to an Associated Press analysis, New York state forced nursing homes to accept over 4,500 coronavirus patients after Cuomo issued his order to do so on March 25.
  • As elderly nursing home deaths mounted in New York to well over 5,000, it took Cuomo about six weeks to finally reverse his fatal order and error.
  • The 4,500 number is an Associated Press estimate, the New York Department of Health refused to release their numbers from an internal survey regarding how many elderly patients were forced into nursing homes, an action that smells of a cover up.
  • A further coverup is the new reality that the department changed how it was counting the number of nursing home virus deaths since as of a stealth change in policy: if a nursing home patient caught the virus in the nursing home but died in a hospital, the Department of Health no longer counts that as a nursing home death in order to make itself and Cuomo look less culpable.
  • According to news reports, New York is the only state that makes this distinction, i.e. it is trying to reduce what a horrible impact its bad decision had on individuals and nursing homes.
It seems like every decision anyone in power in New York state made in this virus crisis was the wrong one:
  • Cuomo sent elderly virus patients to nursing homes to die and infect other susceptible elderly nursing home patients.
  • The Department of Health in New York City, as of late January/ early February, said there might be ONE potential case of the virus in the whole city but there is no doubt that by that time there must have been thousands of infected city residents, a gross miss on their part. 
  • In the second week of March, Mayor Bill de Blasio was encouraging New Yorkers to go about their business and go out to bars and restaurants like nothing was going on since he assured everyone, grossly incorrectly, that the virus was it pass by food or drink. Which technically was a correct statement, transmission is based on person to person transmissions, going to bars and restaurants was the last thing he should have been encouraging. Horrible and fatal decisions all around.
Nice ineptness in all quarters by those who were supposed to be protecting everyone.

3) During the coronavirus crisis we have discussed the many times that politicians have been caught in that age old, disgusting attitude, “do as a say, not as I do:”
  • The mayor of Chicago has shut down the city for the most part including barber shops and hair salons but that did not stop her from violating her own stay at home edict by forcing her hair salon to open for her to get a haircut, something her city residents were forbidden to do.
  • The mayor of Beaumont, Texas, needed a manicure so even though she had shut down manicure businesses in her city under her own stay at home order, she forced a nail salon to open only for her to get her nails done.
  • The governor of Illinois got all in a huff when questioned if his family had fled the state and his draconian stay at home order to go to the family ranch in Florida, never denying it, but getting upset the question dared to be asked only to admit a few weeks later that, yes, his family had fled the state and his lock down order.
Which brings us to Michigan and its governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Michigan has probably had some of the tightest and zaniest lock down orders from this dictator like governor of any other state:
  • Residents were forbidden to buy paint during the lock down….unless they bought it from a store less than 50,000 square feet in size.
  • Residents were forbidden to buy garden equipment and seeds….unless they bought it from a store less than 50,000 square feet in size.
  • Construction people were forbidden to work on private construction jobs….but were allowed to work on government construction projects.
  • And although the vast, vast majority of Michigan virus cases were centered around Detroit, all areas of the state, even those far away from Detroit and experiencing little or no virus activity, were forced to abide by these vicious and unnecessary lock down, stay at home rules.
Alas, while the governor has spent a lot of time bad mouthing and slandering anyone state resident who questioned her reasoning, her husband had other ideas:
  • According to Andrew West’s reporting for the Freedom Outpost website, Whitmer’s husband owns a boat.
  • Boating is not allowed under his wife’s orders.
  • But the Detroit News reported that her husband tried to get his boat placed in the water at their marina for a Memorial Day boating excursion.
  • Specifically: "The owner of a Northern Michigan dock company says Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s husband wanted his boat placed in the water before the Memorial Day weekend as Whitmer urged residents not to rush to the region. No longer visible to the public, Facebook posts from NorthShore Dock LLC and its owner, Tad Dowker, focused on what Dowker said was a request last week by Whitmer’s husband, Marc Mallory. The posts have drawn the attention of Republican state lawmakers, who said the Democratic governor’s family may not be following her guidance for the rest of the state."
Gotta love it, the hypocrisy, nerve, and corruption of the American political class knows no bounds when it comes to their greed, their enrichment, their desires.

That will do it for today: hypocrisy in Michigan, idiocy in New York, and biased reporting at CNN. A typical day for the American political class.

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