Monday, May 25, 2020

May, 2020, Part 12, Political Class Insanity: Wasting Coronavirus Economic Funds, Conflict of Interest In Illinois, and Joe Biden Continues To Babble Incoherently

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The coronavirus has really rocked the employment status of millions and millions of Americans. To offset the financial impact of losing jobs or losing hours, Washington passed an economic stimulus package that was supposed to help individuals, families, and small businesses get by until the economy started to recover.

But like Washington always does, they have no elegance or finesse to address a problem. As a result, politicians in D.C. handed out billions and billions of dollars to entities that have nothing to do with the virus hardships or helping families and small businesses. 

For example, the legislation gave away $25 million of taxpayer wealth to the Kennedy Center in D.C. despite the fact that the large Board of Directors of that entity are mostly millionaires many times over. And despite getting $25 million, the Center laid off most of its employees, the exact opposite of what the legislation was supposed to do.

But that $25 million pales in comparison to another waste of money that was sent out to an organization that was neither a family or a small business:
  • Planned Parenthood, the leading entity of abortions in this country, received a whopping $80 million in stimulus checks.
  • Obviously, this is not a small business or a laid off American worker.
  • According to the legislation, only companies or entities with fewer than 500 employees should have gotten virus economic relief.
  • Planned Parenthood has about 1,200 employees which should have disqualified them from receiving this taxpayer wealth.
  • Planned Parenthood in California received $7.54 million and the D.C. chapter received $1.3 million.
  • This is compared to the average small business payout which was a meager $118,000 to pay its employees.
  • Planned Parenthood currently has about $2.2 billion worth of assets, it is not “small” by any stretch of the imagination.
  • But Planned Parenthood is a big campaign finance donor to Democrats all over the country which enabled them to continue this little criminal syndicate: Democrats give American taxpayer wealth to Planned Parenthood which then kicks back some of that wealth to individual Democrats running for office, a sweet deal.
  • Republican Senators are calling for investigation to find out which government bureaucrat allowed such a travesty and law breaking to happen.
But so typical of the American politician, always look for an opportunity to better oneself either financially or politically, the common, suffering American be damned.

2) J.P Pritzker is the governor of Illinois. We have previously reported on how accusations were made that his family left Illinois to go to their family ranch in Florida to avoid the extreme lock down edicts he forced on Illinois citizens. When confronted with those accusations, he vehemently reacted but never denied that his family had violated his stay at home orders.

The issue went away for a short time but he was finally forced to admit that his family did indeed leave the state for Florida. It turns out his emotional reaction was just a cover to change the topic. He weakly explained that his Florida ranch has a lot of animals that needed to be tended and that was why his family went to the ranch.

But Ptizker is a billionaire, he does not need his family to tend the animals. He could afford to have hired help tend the animals and keep his family in Illinois and not have them violate his own stay at home edict. A classic case of politicians dictating to their constituents to “do as I say, not as I do.” Pathetic.

But Pritzker’s problems might just be getting started:
  • Accusations are being made that Pritzker is making money off of the coronavirus crisis when it came to light that his family’s investment firm has a financial stake in two companies doing tests for the virus.
  • The Illinois Republican Chairman, Tim Schneider, said that a venture capital family company that is owned by the governor’s brothers “controls the companies that are making millions off the pandemic.”
  • Schneider demanded that Pritzker divest any financial interest he had with the family company controlling the testing companies: “Let’s be clear – Governor Pritzker and his family are clearly profiting off the COVID-19 crisis, and it’s appalling. The Pritzker Group controls the companies that are making millions off the pandemic, and the Governor stands to make huge profits.”
  • This lines up with Pritzker insisting that the state open up only when there is expanded virus testing.
This could all be a big coincidence. But the appearance of conflict of interest is often just as bad as actual conflict of interest. The governor should divest all assets of both his and his brothers of the testing companies in this time of crisis. To not do so would make him appear just as another greedy, selfish politician.

Add to this reality the reality that he tried to conceal, i.e. he lied, about the whereabouts of his family after they broke his edict on stay at home for state residents. Thus, he now has a track record of deception so you decide whether to believe him that his assets are all in a blind trust and he is not profiting from his brothers’ investment firms or he is again being deceptive as he has done at least once before.

3) We have often pointed out that Joe Biden is increasingly looking like his cognitive abilities are declining at a quite rapid rate. He has trouble having a logical conversation, he often forgets where he is, and he makes comments that are nothing more than senseless babble. We find the fact that given his cognitive decline, the fact that Democrats, friends, and family continue to put him out in public as the Democratic nominee for President is really a form of elder abuse. He needs medical treatment, not the stress and embarrassment of making a fool out of himself.

Nevertheless, we will continue to point out how poorly his communications skills have deteriorated:
  • Biden was recently at a campaign stop in his home state of Delaware.
  • During the stop he went forth with a dialog that somehow included children stroking his hairy legs in a pool and somehow connected that cockroaches.
  • Specifically: “And by the way I sit on a stand, I got hot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, turn blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and rub my legs, and watch the hairs rise up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap.”
What does this mean? I cannot imagine any context that this quote was taken out of making any sense. And Democrats want to make him President? What an embarrassment and what a tragic disaster of elder abuse to continually subject him to this type of situation where ridicule is the only response.

His comments can be viewed at:

That will do it for today’s insanity: a Presidential candidate that is not mentally fit for the job by any stretch of the imagination, an Illinois governor that does not follow his own edicts but who allegedly profits off of the virus crisis, and more graft and corruption at the expense of the American taxpayer, made even worse that it is allowed to exist in the middle of the coronavirus crisis.

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