Friday, May 15, 2020

May, 2020, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: The Disgusting Streets of San Francisco, The Dangerous Streets of San Francisco, and The Unnecessary Coronavirus Deaths

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have often discussed how California state politicians have failed the entire state and how politicians at the local, state, and national level (re: Nancy Pelosi) have failed California cities, particularly San Francisco. In San Francisco, the local politicians have made it legal to defecate, urinate, and shoot up illegal drugs in the streets or parks or anywhere in the city. This has resulted in insanity and polluting conditions which have gotten worse as the city’s homeless population has grown.

So this is just an update on how the political class in California is continuing to fail not only tax paying residents of the city but also the homeless population of that city and the other large cities in the state:
  • The Tenderloin District inside of San Francisco is the epicenter of all of San Francisco’s homeless problems, according to a report by a local news organization.
  • The number of tents belonging to the city’s homeless population has grown a whopping 300% in a very short time.
  • Times have gotten so sad, bad and disgusting, that the University of California Hastings College of Law has filed a lawsuit against the city and its politicians on behalf of the city’s residents and businesses.
  • The lawsuit demands that the city clean up the human waste that litters the streets, make sure that used and dangerous drug needles are also cleaned up, and that the city also finally find a way to compassionately handle the ever growing homeless population.
  • This is especially important in this time of coronavirus since many homeless share living quarters, drug needles, and exist in close proximity to each other, factors that likely contributed to the spread of the virus among the homeless population.
  • Best estimates say that there are over 400 tents on the streets, occupied by homeless folks, just in this single city district.
  • These tents not only block residents and businesses going about their day but have also become the focal point of the city’s open air illegal drug trade.
  • There have been over 10,000 reported cases of human waste on the streets of the city since 2011, or about 1,000 cases every year or three cases every day for ten years, and these are just the reported cases to the city.
So sad when taxpayer residents and businesses have to sue their own city government and the politicians that operate it just to have clean and healthy streets. The failure of this political class in California is particularly gross, disgusting, and a shame. And yet the Congressperson representing the district, Nancy Pelosi dares to show off her $20,000+ refrigerators in her San Francisco home and how it is stuffed with high end ice cream, $13 a pint, when basic human hygiene and respect does not exist very close to her front door. Insane.

2) Let’s stay in California where Judicial Watch shows that our example of not handling the homeless situation in the state exists side by side with the ineptness and idiocy of the state’s politicians when it comes to handling criminal illegal immigrants:
  • Kristian Jonas Gamez-Trejo is an illegal immigrant in this country who lives in San Francisco, California.
  • He has a long criminal record that includes a felony sex conviction for sex with a minor.
  • He also has a domestic violence arrest in his past and yet San Francisco politicians and government officials have arrested and released him six times.
  • He was actually on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Most Wanted criminal alien list and yet San Francisco authorities ignored the need to get this man off of the streets.
  • This sheltering of him included numerous times when he committed and was convicted of violent crimes, including felony sex with a minor, and each time the San Francisco authorities turned him loose into the community despite having been deported numerous times, returning to this country each time.
  • ICE finally got a hold of him themselves after no cooperation from the city officials.
So, California's politicians, especially San Francisco politicians, have no idea how to run a clean, safe city from a hygiene perspective and are more likely to protect a six time illegal immigrant criminal, who had a felony conviction with a minor, than care about the safety and protection of law abiding citizens. Sad.

3) We have already discussed the idiocy of New York governor Andrew Cuomo who put an order out that ended up commingling elderly coronavirus patients with elderly residents of nursing homes. Since the virus is especially deadly and effective among elderly folks, putting virus infected older folks with other elderly folks probably resulted in a lot of unnecessary deaths, deaths that could have been avoided if elderly patients were quarantined away from other elderly people.

But apparently we should not restrict our outrage just to the state of New York. Democratic governors in other states issued similarly stupid edicts:
  • These edicts were deemed stupid not by me but by the American Health Care Association that said that the “frail and older adults who reside in nursing homes” are most susceptible to the Wuhan virus and would “result in more people going to the hospital and more deaths.”
  • Despite this expert advice, several Democrat governors did the exact opposite and ordered nursing homes in their states to accept elderly coronavirus patients.
  • This was a deadly act according to the Intelligencer website.
  • In New York state, at least 3,043 people have died inside New York nursing homes due to the coronavirus which is about 17% of the state’s 18,015 deaths as of about a week ago.
  • In Pennsylvania, about 65% of the state’s virus deaths were nursing home residents with the 80% of the virus deaths in the Philadelphia area being nursing home residents.
  • In New Jersey, about 3,200 residents of long term nursing homes died from the virus, about 40% of the entire state’s death toll from the virus.
  • In Delaware, 58% of the state’s virus deaths were those in nursing homes.
  • In Maryland, 46% of the virus deaths were those nursing homes.
  • Another subject matter expert on this topic, executive director, Richard Mollot, of the Long Term Care Community Coalition also decried how stupid these moves were: “To have a mandate that nursing homes accept COVID-19 patients has put many people in grave danger.” 
Look, this virus was a new experience for everyone. But a little common sense, a little research, a little brainpower should have proven even to the most ignorant governor or politician that comminigling infected elderly people with other elderly people is often a stupid and fatal mistake, whether are talking about the common cold, influenza or the coronavirus. And yet none of these politicians and their staffs had enough sense to do the common sense thing until it was too late for probably thousands of citizens that they were supposed to be protecting.

So we have fatal virus idiocy in many state houses around the northeast, we have illegal immigrant felons being treated better than citizens in San Francisco, and that same city is now being sued basically for being simply incompetent in protecting and serving its citizens. In all three cases, the American political class, through their incompetence, has endangered the lives of Americans everywhere, be it from a deadly disease, a deadly felon or public health crises in the streets.

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