Friday, May 8, 2020

May, 2020,Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Ocasio-Cortex Ignores Her Own Citizens, CBS Allegedly Caught Doing Fake News, and More Politician Hypocrisy

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have often and recently discussed the irritating trait of American politicians when they think and act like they are above the law and above government rules and regulations. Their “do as I say, not as I do” is so irritating, childish and selfish. We have already reviewed this behaviors in previous posts of selfish politicians disobeying their own edicts but since then there have even more hypocrites:
  • We already reported that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio had a gym reopen solely for himself so he could exercise even though he shut down all of the other city gyms for regular citizens.
  • Turns out that he also decided to take a walk in the park with his wife even though he forbade regular folks from doing the same thing, getting out and getting some fresh air and a little exercise, only he could do that.
  • We have previously reported on how the mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, went and got her hair done even though she forbade every other Chicago citizen from doing the same thing.
  • She then doubled down on her stern, stay at home edict, by threatening to arrest anyone who dared to go out and about in the city even though she had done exactly that.
  • While a public service announcement from his wife, Michelle Obama, was being broadcast urging everyone to stay home and stay safe, her husband Barack was being driven forty miles out to the Virginia countryside to play a round of golf.
  • We have previously reported on how the mayor of Beaumont, Texas, Becky Ames, had enacted a strict stay at home edict for her town but then and went out and broke her own stay at home edict by forcing a nail salon to open so she could get her nails manicured.
  • There are reports that the wife of the billionaire governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, has broken her husband’s ban on traveling and has flown to the family's property in Florida to wait out the pandemic, a charge that the governor found reprehensible but did not deny.
  • According to the Washington Post, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took heat in mid-April when he traveled to join his family at his summer residence in Quebec despite quarantining most of his citizens to their homes.
Seems to never end, politicians put burdens of all kinds on us but always seem to escape consequences when they break those same burdens, rules and laws, whether it is insider trading, taxation, or breaking their very own stay at home orders.

2) Project Veritas is an underground news reporting agency in that they secretly and sometimes openly video record situations that show crooked and corrupt politicians and/or news agencies when explaining the world. Uncovering lies, coverups, and corruption has been the hallmark of Project Veritas and their track record in this area is of the highest quality and integrity.

Now, we have often pointed out in this blog that we now expect most politicians to be liars, corrupt, and inept. That is where a free and vibrant press is necessary in any democracy to seek out and report the truth. Unfortunately, as we have shown far too many times, for the most part we no longer have an unbiased, truth and in integrity journalism industry in this country. For the most part, journalism today does not protect us from lies, it does not protect our democracy, it is part of the problem of the corruption in the political class.

A recent situation involving the national CBS News organization is alleged to have happened in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, a situation that Project Veritas has reported on with several onsite eye witnesses:
  • Apparently, a CBS News team went to a medical facility in Grand Rapids, Michigan to report on the pandemic.
  • According to Project Veritas and eyewitnesses, the number of patients waiting to be treated was not longer enough for the new team, so they recruited first responders to get in line to make the medical situation look worse than it was.
  • This not only took first responders away from attending to actual sick people but also put them close to potentially sick patients and thus, endangering the health of those first responders.
  • According to one of the nurses on staff at the facility: “We knew they (CBS) was coming, had no clue we were going to have to like do fake patients. There were real patients which made it worse.”
  • According to the CEO of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe: “Our insider witnessed the whole thing and came to Project Veritas because he knew we would protect him. The insider told us that medical personnel were taken away from treating patients and making the line longer for actual patients wait for the COVID-19 test.”
  • Specifically, O'Keefe asked the whistleblower: “You’re telling me you’re a hundred percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation–national, staged a fake event. They faked the news. They faked the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last Friday on ‘CBS This Morning.'”
  • To which the insider responded: “A hundred percent. Absolutely.”
  • Nick Ross works at the medical facility and this is what he saw: “Apparently the news crew wanted more people in the line because they knew it was scheduled.” 
  • Another employee, Maria Hernandez-Vaquez, told Veritas that it was Cherry Health Director of Quality and Informatics Glenda Walker who turned the first responders into fake patients.
  • Another nurse told Veritas:“It’s just annoying cause we could have done other stuff. We knew they were coming. We had no clue that we’re going to have to, like, do fake patients.” 
  • The first responders were asked to line up their cars outside of the building to make it look as if the line of potential coronavirus victims was longer than it actually was.According to nurse Alison Mauro: “We pretended. There were a couple of real patients, which made it worse.” 
  • CBS News and the management of the facility denied any such thing happened: “CBS News did not stage anything at the Cherry Health facility. Any suggestion to the contrary is 100% false. These allegations are alarming. We reached out to Cherry Health to address them immediately. They informed us for the first time that one of their chief officers told at least one staffer to get in the testing line along with real patients. No one from CBS News had any knowledge of this before tonight. They also said that their actions did not prevent any actual patients from being tested. We take the accuracy of our reporting very seriously and we are removing the Cherry Health portion from the piece.” 
  • Shortly thereafter, the CBS news piece disappeared.
Obviously, all of this is alleged. But the sad thing is that I trust the reporting of Project Veritas over the denial of CBS News and this is why democracy is in trouble: we no longer trust established news and journalism organizations to deliver unbiased, correct, and accurate realities.

3) Let’s finish up today with a visit with the best Congressional and most ignorant gaffe machine to come along in a long time, Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. We used to report a lot about her gaffes, ignorance, and just plain silly talking points. However, much like too much caffeine or alcohol, at some point you just have to give it up because it is not good for your health.

One of our main gripes with her is how she is more interested in helping illegal immigrants in this country than her own constituents. She jets all over the country lecturing everyone on how we mistreat illegal immigrants, who are here illegally, but does not seem to care about the homeless, hungry, and now quarantined frightened citizens in her Congressional district.

New York City has been Ground Zero for the pandemic in this country, you would have hoped she was working hard to make sure her American citizens were getting medical help, financial help and any other aid, health and hope they needed. I am sure that her district has suffered greatly, much like every other part of the city has suffered.

But no, she has gone on a tirade about illegal immigrants across the country and how they are not getting stimulus money, even though the are law breaking illegal immigrants: “Undocumented people pay taxes. So these folks, the folks that are working the farms to feed us, the people that are delivering our groceries and driving us from one place to another or doing our laundry and cleaning our clothes and our homes—these people pay taxes. They pay for the very recovery funds that they are being cut out of on city, state or federal levels, and so we have to make sure they get their fair share and that they are included.”

First of all, I have no idea and neither does she how much illegal immigrant workers pay in taxes in this country. They are illegal, they would want most of their wages in cash in order to not be visible in the financial markets that would likely make them visible ot immigration officials. To assume they are fine, upstanding tax paying people on the whole is ludicrous.

She goes on to say what a great job California is doing paying out American tax dollars to illegal immigrants. Again, why is she worried more about illegal immigrants in California than American citizens in her own Congressional district? Her ignorance and disregard for her own people continues to baffle.

That will do it for today: Ocasio-Cortez still with the bad priorities, CBS News still likely doing the whole fake news routine, and politicians everywhere continuing to practice the “do as I say, not as I do” mantra. Insane.

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