Friday, July 29, 2016

Is Hilary Clinton The Most Corrupt, Dishonest Presidential Candidate Ever?

We have not talked a lot about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, the two national party candidates for President. One reason is that if you tried to follow all of the insanity, law breaking, name calling, inane quotes, and indicting-avoiding that both of them constantly do, you could write a non-stop post for years. I am obviously not a big fan of either of them.

Today, the focus will be on the nefarious doings of the Hillary Clinton camp, a camp that I find far more dangerous along every dimension imaginable than Trump. There has been some very interesting realities exposed over the past week as the Wikileaks website has published almost 20,000 emails that were hacked out of the Democratic National Committee computers that do not shine a positive light on Clinton. 

Specifically, the emails showed that the Clinton campaign staff was in close contact with the DNC executives and employees to help sabotage Bernie Sanders’s bid to become the Democratic nominee for President. Emails showed the DNC plotting to do various things to make Sanders look bad in the press, leveraging his religious beliefs against him, etc. If this were the early 1970s, we would be looking at the infamous “dirty tricks” tactics employed by Nixon as he ran for President.

,All nasty, dirty politics which shows how corrupt both political parties are today even when dealing with their own kind. But today’s focus will be on what I call the Clinton Crime Syndicate, otherwise known as the Clinton Foundation. I thought I was going to have to do a lot of research to pull together all of the nefarious, corrupt, immoral, and very likely illegal activities of the Syndicate/Foundation but I found that most of that homework had already been done by Reason magazine writer, John Stossel, on July 27, 2016. 

His entire article can be accessed at:

Highlights of his findings and research and how the Clintons’ got rich trading off of Hillary’s State Department position are listed below:
  • Stossel gives credit to the recent documentary movie, Clinton Cash, which was based on the book of the same name by Peter Schweizer.
  • It is Stossel’s opinion that the Clintons use “speaking fees” to get around bribery laws: "If somebody gave a politician or family member money for a favor, that's breaking the law. But if you say it's a speaking fee, and you pay double or triple the normal rate, that seems to be legal."
  • The article claims, and other sources have made similar estimates, that Bill Clinton has made an amazing $126 million or more on speaking fees and giving speeches.
  • If he can get someone to pay him to give what is likely a canned speech all the more power to him, it is supposed to be a free country.
  • But Stossel points out how the Clintons were able to supercharge Bill’s speaking fees by coupling his speeches with Hillary’s influence peddling as the head of the State Department.
  • Before Hillary was named as Secretary of State, Bill's speaking fees averaged just under $200,000. 
  • But after Hillary became Secretary of State, Bill often got speaking fees upwards of over $700,00 PER speech.
  • Schweizer is quoted in the article that this kind of jump in fees is "evidence that people paying him expect to get something in return. She [Hillary] becomes appointed secretary of state, a friend of the president of Nigeria suddenly offers (Bill) $700,000 apiece for two speeches. An investment firm in Moscow that's tied to the Kremlin who had never paid for him to speak before suddenly gave him $500,000."
  • Stossel accuse the Clinton’s of using the Clinton Foundation to launder money and has had over $2 billion pass through the Foundation to “improve global health and wellness” even if only a meager 15% of that $2 billion was actually spent on needy causes (Source: Sean Davis of the Federalist who examined the actual Foundation accounting records).
  • As an example of such nonsense, Stossel describes what happened after the Haitian earthquake that ravaged the country.
  • The Foundation announced it would help rebuild the country and promised to develop an industrial park that create up to 60,000 jobs.
  • That effort ended up creating a meager 7,000 jobs.
  • But Clinton friends made out very well in Haiti. Irish billionaire Denis O’Brien, who runs a cellphone company named Digicel, paid Bill Clinton $225,000 to give a speech and within four months was given a Clinton Foundation grant and the job to operate Haiti’s cellular telephone operations.
  • VCS mining which, according to Schweizer, "has no experience in mining, very little experience in Haiti, and it raises the question, of all the companies out there, why did the Haitian government pick this one company?"  got an exclusive gold mining contract for Haiti. Two simple answers to Schweizer’s questions: Hillary’s brother works for VCS and the chairman of the company just happens to be a campaign donor to Democratic politicians and causes.
  • Maybe the most blatant form of extortion and influence peddling has to do with the Swedish telecommunications company, Ericsson.
  • For a while, according to Schweizer, Ericsson had been viewed negatively and aggressively by Hillary Clinton's State Department because Ericsson sold telecommunications equipment to what the State Department considered repressive governments: "WikiLeaks cables show the State Department sort of busting up the Swedish foreign minister, saying you need to get Ericsson into line. Ericsson decides that this would be a great time to sponsor a speech by Bill Clinton. They had never done so before. They decided to go big, $750,000 for a 20-minute speech. Bill gives the speech and literally seven days later, the State Department comes out with a statement saying we're not going to take further action against Ericsson. We're going to ask them to police themselves."
  • Let me repeat something that Wikileaks found: Bill Clinton got paid an amazing $750,000 to give a 20 minute speech. That’s $37,5000 a minute. 
  • Soon afterwards, Hillary’s State Department basically said “never mind” when it came to Ericsson selling telecom equipment to repressive governments.
A few questions:
  • Has there ever been an official candidate for President that has been so corrupt, so greedy, so criminal going into the battle for the White House than Hillary Clinton? 
  • What will Bernie Sanders supporters do in November? The above activities are the very things and very corruption that they fought so passionately against.
  • Why hasn’t Obama stepped in to stop this corruption since it occurred on his watch? 
  • Instead, he has come out and endorsed Clinton, does she have similar corruption leverage on him that Obama needs to keep hushed up?
  • How can all of this money laundering and corruption not be against some law someplace or against the racketeering (RICO) statutes? Please note, that the above discussion is not comprehensive when it comes to these kinds of Clinton antics, e.g. the selling of U.S. uranium interests to Russian interests, etc.
  • And most of all, how can any American vote for Hillary, given her corruption, law breaking, greed, and lies, from the above racketeering charges, to lying in front of Congress, to breaking multiple Federal laws when it came to an unsecured email system, etc., etc., etc. Please let me know of you are one of those that are willing to overlook such slimy behavior.
Oh, an answer to that last question is that Clinton is less evil than Donald Trump is not acceptable. At the risk of overcliching, “the lesser of two evils is still evil,” consider voting for the Libertarian or Green party candidate, candidates that at least appear to have some degree of honesty and integrity. 

Write in Sanders name as a protest vote that keeps you within integrity. 

Ignore that Presidential ballot line as you vote for other, non-Presidential positions. 

Remember, never wrestle with a pig: the pig likes it and you both get dirty. Stay clean and vote for honesty and integrity, not someone who launders money and lies anytime it is self serving.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Politicians Say The Darndest Things...Unfortunately - Inane Quotes and Thoughts From Today's Political Class, Democratic National Convention Special Edition

On a semi-regular basis we run a post or two under the theme, “Politicians Say The Darndest Things.” It is a theme stolen from an old television show, House Party, that was hosted by Art Linkletter and which contained a segment called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” That show was cute and funny, our version of politicians saying the stupidest and most inane things would also be funny if they were not in charge of the government in this country. Instead, we should be very scared that these are the people in charge.

Previous memorable quotes from politicians we have covered include the following topics:
  • A Georgia Congressman wondered out loud in the middle of a Congressional committee hearing if the island of Guam might actually tip over.
  • A Texas Congresswoman wanted to know if a MARS Rover mission would be driving by the place where Neil Armstrong landed on the MOON.
  • The Speaker of the House Of Representatives said that we had to pass the Obama Care legislation in order to see what is in it. Yes, why bother reading a proposed law BEFORE you vote on it.
  • A state politician in North Carolina wanted to know how many women die every year from prostate cancer during a state government hearing on Obama Care. 
Scary stuff, yes these people are in charge. 

Please note: two days ago we did a post on what we thought were all of the latest inane quotes from politicians. But then the Democratic National Convention got underway and the idiocy, stupidity, and general meanness of politicians started popping up requiring us to do this additional post. That post from two days ago can be accessed at:

Let’s take a look at what the latest blather from the American political class has been recently spoken:

1) Back in the late 1960s, George Wallace, a one time Alabama governor, ran for President as a third party candidate. Wallace was an old time Southerner governor famous for his segregationist stances. Today, most Democrats would call him a racist. In fact, a current Congressman, Keith Ellison, actually did so recently on the TV show, ABC Sunday. He was trying to make the point that the Republican nominee for President Donald Trump, was much like Wallace in that in Ellison’s mind he was racist and intolerant.

Ellison, though, apparently does not know his history: “At the same time, we do have the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace.” However, if you are going to invoke George Wallace’s name, you may want to do some basic history homework. Because Wallace was never a Republican, he was always a Democrat, as a fellow Congressman on the show, a Republican, correctly pointed out. In fact, Wallace actually ran for the national Democratic Party Presidential nomination that year before dropping out to run as a third party candidate. 

Lesson learned: if you are going to call someone a racist, make sure you have your facts straight so that your own mudslinging does not end up bouncing back all over you.

2) Long ago, I was actually a fan of Elizabeth Warren. She had a lot of oversight responsibility for the bank bailout efforts during the past recession and she seemed to be fair, thoughtful, smart, and ruggedly honest in assessing what was going on and whether or not taxpayer bailout money was being spent wisely. But then she became a politician, got elected, and just went off the deep end from a sanity and integrity perspective. So shame on me. 

Evidence that I was so wrong popped up in the past few days with two quotes from her from the Democrat’s convention. The first quote goes as follows, in referring to Donald Trump's speech at the Repubican national convention: "Other than talking about building a stupid wall...did you hear any actual ideas?" Two problems with this quote:

- First, three days into the Democrats’ convention and I have not heard any ideas from ANYONE the Democrats put up to speak including Ms. Warren.

- Second, she failed to mention that the Democrats have walled themselves in with a four mile long, eight foot high fence/wall around their own convention in Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo building. What are they afraid of? If their view of reality is that no walls are needed to protect us from drug cartels, human traffickers, rapists, and criminals coming over the southern border, why do they need an eight foot, non-scalable wall around themselves deep in the heart of America? Severe hypocrites.

3) The mainstream media and most liberals in this country are very politically correct, claiming they are the most compassionate, tolerant, and caring people in the world. How dare anyone say something negative about another human being’s race, religion, and background, we should all be super nice to each other. 

The problem is that these people want to be the arbiters of what is nice language and what is not and are quick to jump on anyone who deviates from their sense of what is tolerant and what is not. This attitude of condescension comes not only from liberal politicians but also from the liberal press. 

But they all come off as hypocrites since it is apparently okay for them to be intolerant of others when it suits them. John King, an important and highly visible CNN commentator, was recenlty caught saying on a hot microphone that “It’s the Irish Lives Matter movement” while watching the Irish mayor of Philadelphia speaking at the Democratic national convention. 

This is obviously a play off of the Black Lives Matter movement. The mayor was speaking about a story of discrimination against Irish Catholics. News reports say that King's tone was “mocking” and laughing.

Imagine what the uproar would have been if someone on Fox News had mocked the mayor or other nationality? The liberals would have been besides themselves if the Fox person had said “It’s the Italian Lives Matter movement” of “It’s the Muslim Lives Matter movement.” But as good hypocrites, they allow those of their own kind to get away with what they consider non-political correctness but not their political enemies.

4) Maybe the quote containing the biggest lie for the past week goes to Senator Elizabeth Warren when she made this most insane comment, with a straight face: “America isn’t going broke.”

Some comments from politicians are so stupid it is tough to even respond but let’s try:
  • America isn’t going broke but its Federal government is now carrying a $20 TRILLION debt load, twice what it was at the beginning of the Obama administration.
  • American isn’t going broke but at $20 TRILLION, every man, woman and child in the country would have to fork over about $63,000 to pay off this enormous debt.
  • America isn't going broke but a premier credit ratings agency downgraded our country’s credit worthiness a few years ago, the first time that has happened in the entire history of the country.
  • American isn't going broke but Social Security is now in a forever negative cash flow situation with its so-called trust fund nothing but an empty accounting trick since those real funds were spent and squandered long ago by the American political class.
  • American isn't going broke but Medicare and Medicaid are hurtling towards fiscal insolvency also.
  • America isn't going broke but the debt to GDP ratio is now well over 100%, putting us on a par with the financial basket cases of Greece and other faltering European countries.
  • America isn't going broke but if interest rates were at their historical average, the country might have gone broke already, only historically low interest rates have saved us so far.
  • America isn't going broke but most Americans have to obscenely work until late March or into April to reach their Tax Freedom Day, the day they stop working for government and start working for their families.
  • America isn't going broke but demand for Federal bonds this week hit the lowest point since 2009.

Worst of all, the $10 TRILLION in debt that the Obama administration has incurred has left us with no benefit in return: our infrastructure is still crumbling, our schools still do not educate, our military is a shell of its former self, all we got was a lot more debt that our kids and grandkids will either pay off or will suffer through horrible economic consequences.

Yep, the biggest lie and the most stupid quote from the entire political class this past week and beyond. courtesy of Ms. Warren.

5) If Warren had the most stupid political quote of recent note, Congressman Hank Johnson had the most vile and despicable quote. He spoke his quote in the context that Israeli Jews steal the homes of Palestinians. Speaking at a Democratic National Convention event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an organization that promotes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the Jewish state, Johnson stated: “There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites [i.e. Jews] can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever-increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming.”

Talk about a vile thing to say about any human being, never mind a group of human beings. And even if he thinks this, how stupid is it to speak it out loud? How willing is anyone going to be to negotiate with a person like this after he called them termites? Talk about sabotaging your chances of getting an adult conversation and meaningful change, all you did was tick off those that you oppose.

Getting back to hypocrisy, what if Donald Trump or another non-liberal had said that Middle East immigrants flooding into Europe were “like termites, and were marching forward with impunity and at an ever-increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming.” My gosh, liberals and Democrats would have been besides themselves with rage and anger and indignation. But that is what hypocrites do.

Oh, by the way, Congressman Johnson was the same Congressman who spoke up in a Congressional hearing that he was worried that the island of Guam was going to tip over in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Thus, take anything he says with a pound of salt. Anyone who thinks a physical island can tip over should not be given an opportunity to publicly speak anywhere, which is proven again by his vicious and uncalled for “termite” analogy.

That will do it for the latest quotes from the American political class. Stupid, inane, vile, wrong, and hypocritical. Yep, sounds about right for this group of American politicians, the worst set of politicians this country has ever had to endure.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Obama's Iranian Nuclear Deal - Another Foreign Relations Bust?

We have never been a big fan of Obama’s foreign policy actions and results. During his tenure:
  • Russian invaded and still occupies a large part of the Ukraine.
  • China is building and militarizing man made islands in the South China Sea to the concerns and fears of many other countries.
  • The Taliban now occupy more territory in Afghanistan then at any time since the U.S. and other countries invaded the country, meaning the blood spilt and money spent in that country has gotten us nothing since the beginning.
  • Obama's illegal and un-Constitutional war against Libya has destabilized a stable country and made it a haven for terrorists.
  • His intrusion into the civil war in Syria has risked military confrontations with Russia, made the civil war worst which resulted in more civilian deaths and refugees, and has given rise to the worst terrorist group of all time, ISIS.
  • His spying on world leaders has caused bad feelings among our allies.
  • He prematurely withdrew American troops from Iraq, against the strong advice of his military advisors, claiming that we were leaving behind a strong, safe, and democratic country that has continued to disintegrate since that withdrawal decision, so much so that he has had to reinsert almost the same number of troops back into the country that were originally there.
But many of his supporters claim that he hit a home run with the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. But according to recent news reports and events, even this singular foreign relations endeavor may also be falling apart:

1) An article by James Phillips on the Heritage Foundation website on July 20, 2016 sets the stage for some of the problems arising from the Iran/Obama/John Kerry deal:
  • According to an Associated Press report, the deal apparently had a secret, non-disclosed section in the final deal with Iran that allows key restrictions on Iran’s uranium enrichment activities and efforts to ease significantly after ten years, long before those restrictions were supposed to end after 15 years.
  • This secret side arrangement was not disclosed to Congress or the American public and came to light only because an anonymous diplomat leaked the information.
  • Specifically, it appears that after ten years, Iran can start replacing its current centrifuges with thousands of advanced centrifuges that would be up to five times more efficient than the over 5,000 centrifuges that it is still allowed to operate under the deal.
  • According to the article: “This concession could allow Tehran to enrich at more than twice the rate that it is now doing, even if the total number of operating centrifuges are reduced. This is a major concern because if the enrichment rate doubles, the time Tehran would need to stage a nuclear breakout would be reduced from the 12 months promised by the Obama administration to six months or less, much earlier than the administration had advertised when it was trying to sell the nuclear deal.”
  • Side, secret deals are not new to this whole process since it has also been found out that one side deal allows Iran to inspect itself on certain nuclear weapons work and another side deal that weakened inspectors' reporting abilities on Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Great, another secret and seriously disturbing side deal that allows Iran to enrich uranium much quicker than Obama told the world. And if not for that anonymous diplomat, Obama would have never told us how weak the deal is that he cut with a hostile and belligerent Iran.

2) But the dissatisfaction with the deal is not limited to Republicans and political opponents of Obama. A recent article by the website,, on July 17, 2016 said that Senate Democrats are also uneasy about the deal:
  • Fifteen Democrats in the U.S. Senate sent a formal letter to Obama demanding that the inspections of shadowy Iranian nuclear sites be conducted properly and the inspection reports be published in full detail.
  • According to reporting by Politico, the Senators were highly critical of the deal’s inspection processes.
  • The Senators want more inspection results published publicly including how many enrichment centrifuges Iran is using and what is the size of uranium stockpiles, information that has not previously been disclosed.
  • The Senators are worried about the lack of inspection information from the Fordow nuclear facility, which is a critical location for Iranian nuclear weapons research.
  • Specifically, the letter to Obama demands that: “Providing additional situational awareness of Iran’s nuclear program is vital for the long-term health of this agreement. We urge [the Obama] administration to ensure that the IAEA releases all relevant technical information so that we may continue to make our own judgments about the status of Iran’s nuclear program.”
  • In addition to this letter, Democratic Senator Ron Wyden released a press release in September stating that “this agreement with the duplicitous and untrustworthy Iranian regime falls short of what I had envisioned,” and specifically raised concerns about secret “side deals” between Iran and the IAEA.
When Obama’s devout friends, Democrats in the Senate, are angry and frustrated by this deal, it speaks volumes of how bad this deal is, and all of the secret side deals, are not what they appear to be and may not be effective in deterring a nuclear obsessed Iran.

3) Under the deal, the Iranians were supposed to shut down some of their nuclear weapons research facilities. But according to a Washington Free Beacon report by Adam Kredo on July 21, 2016, the Iranians are getting ready to reopen some of the nuclear sites that had been shut down because of the agreement. These sites had originally been shut down to try and minimize the ability of the Iranians to do research into nuclear weapons technology.

But the leader of Iran’s parliament, Ali Larijani, recently requested that the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, put together a plan to reopen these weapons research locations, this according to Iran’s state controlled media. Apparently, Iranians leaders are not happy being criticized in a United Nations report that accused Iran of violating agreements that banned the country’s work on ballistic missiles and that the country’s recent launching of said missiles is prohibited. 

Not surprisingly, Larijani blamed, who else, the United States, for undermining the nuclear agreement reached last year: “While regretting the U.N. secretary general’s move, the Majlis warn the U.S. administration, the House of Representatives, and the Senate that diversionary actions against the nuclear deal have reached a point where Iran has no other option but to retaliate.”

Yes, the Iranians are fiddling around with ballistic missiles that they agreed not to do, they are reopening closed nuclear weapons research facilities that they agreed not to do but it is the United States' fault that the agreement is in danger of falling apart. Insane.

4) The July 29, 2016 issue of the Week magazine summarized a number of news reports about the nuclear agreement one year after it was approved and most of the writers cited were quite negative on what had happened over the past year:

- Jonathan Tobin of Commentary Magazine:
  • Iran has launched several ballistic missiles in violation of a U.N. mandate.
  • It continues to sponsor Middle East terrorism and helps keep the Syrian government in power.
  • Germany’s intelligence agency found that Iran was secretly trying to obtain nuclear technology. 
- Robin Wright of the
  • The deal’s condition as of now is “fragile at best.”
  • The lifting of the sanctions, which was supposed to make the Iranian citizens happy and more prosperous, is not working since unemployment is still high and there has been scant foreign investment flowing into the country.
  • Three out of four Iranians believe that they have not seen any benefits from the deal and that the U.S. will renege on the agreement’s tenets.
- David Sanger of the New York Times:
  • Iranians always had an inflated view of what the agreement would do for the common Iranian citizen.
  • The country is still a mess with an antiquated banking system, a political-influenced judicial system, and its continued involvement in terrorism makes foreign investment unlikely any time soon.
Once the Iranians realize they are not getting much of anything out of the agreement from an economic perspective and the Iranian government already has gotten billions of dollars of sanctions relief, what incentives do they have to keep up their end of the bargain? Not much.

5) And to think that the Obama administration pipe dream that lifting sanctions and playing nice with Iranian hardliners would make the country more open to democracy and freedom, consider a recent article by Breitbart. The Iranian government recently destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers as part of a coordinated campaign to deny Iranians access to information that is not controlled by the government. 

The equipment was destroyed at a public spectacle with General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of Iran’s Basij militia warning what the impact that satellite television was having on Iranians: “The truth is that most satellite channels… deviate the society’s morality and culture. What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society.”

These 100,000 pieces of equipment were in addition to over one million pieces of equipment that the government claimed Iranian citizens had “voluntarily” turned in. The Breitbart article also did report that Iranian police also do sweeps through neighborhoods and have been known to confiscate dishes right off of people’s rooftops.

So much for freedom of speech freedom of the press, and just plain freedom to get information that may not be approved by the central government.

So, let’s review: Obama hid secret agreements and side deals from the American public and Congress which allows Iran to rev up its nuclear enrichment ability much quicker than Obama let on to, even Democrats in the Senate want more transparency of the deal beyond what their party leader, Obama, has already provided, the Iranians are already blaming the U.S. as a cover to reactivate a lot of their nuclear weapons research facilities, many journalists see the agreement as being on shaky ground, “fragile at best,” the lifting of the sanctions as a result of the agreement has had minimal economic impacts on the Iranian population, and the lifting of the sanctions has not had the promised impact of making Iran more democratic, not when possessing a simple TV dish is still against the law.

Not looking like a successful foreign relations effort for the Obama administration. Too bad, it would have been the first one.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Term Limits Now:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Politicians Say The Darndest Things...Unfortunately - Inane Quotes and Thoughts From Today's Political Class

On a semi-regular basis we run a post or two under the theme, “Politicians Say The Darndest Things.” It is a theme stolen from an old television show, House Party, that was hosted by Art Linkletter and which contained a segment called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” That show was cute and funny, our version of politicians saying the stupidest and most inane things would also be funny if they were not in charge of the government in this country. Instead, we should be very scared that these are the people in charge.

Previous memorable quotes from politicians we have covered include the following topics:
  • A Georgia Congressman wondered out loud in the middle of a Congressional committee hearing if the island of Guam might actually tip over.
  • A Texas Congresswoman wanted to know if a MARS Rover mission would be driving by the place where Neil Armstrong landed on the MOON.
  • The Speaker of the House Of Representatives said that we had to pass the Obama Care legislation in order to see what is in it. Yes, why bother reading a proposed law BEFORE you vote on it.
  • A state politician in North Carolina wanted to know how many women die every year from prostate cancer during a state government hearing on Obama Care. 
Scary stuff, yes these people are in charge. Let’s take a look at what the latest blather from the American political class has been recently spoken:

1) Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown was recently indicted on 24 Federal criminal charges. These charges revolve around an alleged fake charity her and her office manager ran that resulted in the two of them collecting money for the educational charity and then using the money for their own pleasure rather than awarding scholarships. If convicted on all charges, she could face up to 300 years in jail.

She really had two unbelievable quotes that need to be called out. Her first quote was: “Last week was very rough. Two black men were needlessly gunned down by police; five Dallas police officers were slain by a demented man; and on Friday I had to appear in federal court.” Yes, going to court is totally equivalent to two black men being killed and five Dallas police officers being ambushed and killed. Totally on the same level of importance….Not!

Her second quote pertained to her 24 count indictment that came about after an extensive FBI investigation: “These are the same agents that was not able to do a thorough investigation of [Omar Mateen, the terrorist shooter], and we ended up with 50 people dead.” Her attorney, Elizabeth White doubled down on this stupid quote: “Perhaps had it [the FBI] chosen to devote its resources more thoughtfully, 50 innocent people would be alive today.” So, in her mind, the FBI could have saved lives if they had just ignored her paltry 24 alleged felonies. Shame on the FBI, shame! 

Hey, Congresswoman Brown, maybe if you were not possibly breaking the law at just about every opportunity, maybe the FBI could have been looking at potential terrorists. Instead, they were upholding the law against people like you that were totally disrespecting it for your own personal enjoyment and enrichment. You are the reason the FBi was not deployed elsewhere. Following your perverted logic, you are the reason those people died in the club in Orlando.

2) It is no secret that Hillary Clinton set up her own email computer server in a closet in her home while Secretary of State, totally and secretly bypassing the Federal government’s rules, protocols, and procedures for keeping secret and sensitive government information safe and secure. As a result, the FBI launched an extensive investigation that showed among other things that she was “careless” in using her own non-secure computer server to handle highly sensitive and secret government communications. The FBI Director also concluded, after his FBI experts and investigators looked deeply into the whole sordid affair, that simple Gmail email accounts had better security than Hillary’s private home server.

Despite the experts at the FBI and their long, deep investigation, a Democratic Congresswoman seems to think that she knows best. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren sloughed off conclusions from FBI Director James Comey that Clinton’s email procedures were “extremely careless” and were possibly compromised by cyber attacks from hostile forces. 

But the Congresswoman apparently has a better handle on computer security: “Certainly we know from press reports that the official State Department email account was the subject of the worst ever cyber intrusion of any federal agency. What we don’t know is whether her communications on her private email was actually more secure than had she used the State Department email system.”

Yes, a computer server in Hillary’s closet is more secure than a computer server being protected by the best the Federal government can give. If that actually is the case, contradicting the expertise of the entire FBI, than this country is in a lot worse shape than anyone can imagine.

3) Let’s review a little radical Islamic terrorism history before we go to the next quote:
  • Radical Islamic terrorists carried out the first World Trade Center bombing.
  • Radical Islamic terrorists were responsible for the 9-11 attacks.
  • Radical Islamic terrorists blew a hole in the U.S.S. Cole Navy ship.
  • Radical Islamic terrorists were responsible for the last three terror attacks, the only three terror attacks, in France over the past year or so.
  • Radical Islamic terrorists carried out the Brussels terrorist attack.
  • The San Bernardino, Orlando, Tennessee, and the multitude of other domestic terror attacks that happened on Obama’s watch were done by radical Islamic terrorists.
  • The recent attack on Turkey’s airport was done by radical Islamic terrorists.
  • The many attacks in Iraq which killed hundreds of people were done by radical Islamic terrorists.
  • The enslaving, butchering, and sexual abuse of non-Muslims in the Middle East was done by radical Islamic terrorists.
  • The brutal executions of homosexuals in the Middle East were done by radical Islamic terrorists.
  • An Israeli study found that at least 450 of the 452 terrorist attacks in 2015 were executed by Islamic terrorists.
In light of these realities, consider an amazing quote from president Obama: “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

Pardon me if you call me “skeptical” at that statement. I am sure the vast majority of Muslims are just ordinary, non-violent folks. But really, Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance? I would like to see his proof of that tolerance position. Hillary Clinton apparently shares his view: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

But let’s use some real world numbers to show and see if these two views are in touch with reality, courtesy of the Eagle Rising website:
  • 83 percent of Palestinian Muslims, 62 percent of Jordanians and 61 percent of Egyptians approve of jihadist attacks on Americans. World Public Opinion Poll(2009).
  • 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half their total population. ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015.
  • Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (2015).
  • 45 percent of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” BBC Radio (2015).
  • 38 percent of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015).
  • One-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam. Center for Social Cohesion (Wikileaks cable).
  • 78 percent of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons. NOP Research.
  • 80 percent of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with holy war against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters. Motivaction Survey (2014).
  • 68 percent of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. NOP Research.
  • 81 percent of Muslim respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). Al-Jazeera poll (2015).
The original article which sourced each of these numbers and studies can be found at:

You decide, who is right, Obama and Clinton or real world polls and attitudes. I say, politicians say the darndest, and most out of touch, things.

So we now know that the Orlando club terrorist attack could have been prevented if the FBI had not been wasting time on a corrupt Congresswoman, that another Congresswoman thinks that an unsecured computer server in Hillary’s closet was more secure than anything the Federal government could provide, and Obama's and Clinton's words seem to put them at odds with reality. Yes, politicians say the darndest things...unfortunately.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How American Liberals and The Washington Political Class Created Trump Mania - Revisited

Now that Donald Trump has clinched the Republican nomination for President for 2016, I thought it might be worthwhile to go back to a post we did earlier this year where we showed how Obama and liberals created Trump mania. I know a lot of Democrats and liberals were going nuts last week with the nomination of Trump, pulling their hair out and denying the reality that he could become President.

However, they keep denying or do not realize that the liberal wing in this country created Trump, the Presidential candidate. To prove my point, our March 16, 2016 post had a quiz that I asked liberals to take to show that either overtly or via their silence, they helped create Trump mania. 

With the Republican convention now over and the Democrats at bat, I challenge you to take the following quiz to see if you helped create the Trump mania, especially if you consider yourself a liberal. As an added bonus, I have added two additional questions that have arisen since March 16 to further prove that liberals have continued to reinforce the Trump mania ever since.

The original article with links to the sources that support each of the quiz questions can be accessed at:

FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016

Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you probably know that Donald Trump has been very successful in gathering Republican delegates in his quest to become President of the United States. This has upset many people, media types, politicians, and pundits all along the traditional political spectrum. And upset is actually a pretty tame description given how crazy and out of their minds some people, especially liberals, are going. 

Many of them, liberals, are having trouble dealing with the reality that someone so non-politically correct as Trump might become President. Many of them are having trouble dealing with the reality that someone who is so honest might actually become President. Many of them are having trouble dealing with the reality that a non-politician might actually become President. Many of them are having trouble dealing with the reality that someone so arrogant and crude might actually become President. Many of them are having trouble believing the reality that anyone could actually support someone like Trump. The whole situation repulses them, throws them into a tizzy that blows their minds.

But while liberals are going nuts over the Trump phenomenon, they fail to get underneath what is actually driving that phenomenon. Trump has somehow tapped into a strong undercurrent of unrest, resentment, disgust, and rebellion that is brewing in this country. According to one Gallup poll, over 70% of Americans view the current political class in Washington as corrupt. Another Gallup poll found that 69% of Americans view “big government” as the biggest threat to the country. Trump is neither a member of the political class or a member of big government, he is viewed as an outsider, one who might actually be independent enough to overcome these poll results and the disgust they represent. 

But I think there is something more subtle also going on beyond the what these polls reveal. 

A lot of Americans have kept their mouths shut over the past seven plus years of the Obama administration despite a tidal wave of insults and slurs from liberals and many Washington politicians that have been cast out against anyone who dared to have a different position on the issues than them. They have had to endure crudity and obscenities and they stood by quietly and absorbed the blows.

But along comes Trump and these Americans have found someone that seems to understand them, that that seems to understand how tens of millions of Americans have been slandered by liberals and Democrats for years. Someone who seems to understand that the President of the United States stood silently by, giving at least his tacit acceptance, as common American citizens and politicians with a different and legitimate position were viciously pummeled by his political allies.

Which leads to the following theory: the Trump phenomenon was created by and fed by liberals, Democrats, and the President of the United States. It was also fed by ordinary citizens who stood silently on the sidelines as their friends, family members, and neighbors were obscenely attacked and slandered by liberals and Democrats over the past seven years. To prove my point, especially the point where the President purposely allowed Americans to be personally and obscenely attacked, take the following quiz:

When the campaign manager of Democrat’s Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial campaign called his Republican opponent, Meg Whitman, a whore, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When TV host Montel Williams publicly hoped that Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachman would commit suicide by decapitating herself, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Ed Schultz, an on air commentator for the Democratic leaning MSNBC news channel, called Laura Ingraham of Fox News a slut, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When HBO TV host Bill Maher, a major donor to Obama’s 2012 Presidential Super PAC, said on air that Republican Sarah Palin “would f*** Rick Perry if he was black,” Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Bill Maher called Republican Sarah Palin disgusting and derogatory female anatomical names that I will not repeat here, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Playboy magazine’s online website offered a detailed analysis on why and how each of ten Republican women in politics should be hate raped, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When a rap artist gave a Minnesota concert that was billed as the “F*** Michele Bachman” concert (spelling out the entire f-word), a Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When a Democratic operative insulted Ann Romney, and millions of other American women, by slandering and demeaning her as a stay at home mother, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democrat Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi called opponents to Obama Care unpatriotic for simply having a difference of opinion with many politicians in Washington, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democrat Charles Rangel slandered millions of ordinary Americans who opposed Obama Care by calling them racists for simply having an honest difference of opinion with many politicians in Washington, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democrat Shelia Lee Jackson slandered ordinary Americans who opposed Obama Care by associating them with the Ku Klux Klan, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When White House czar Van Jones called all Republicans a**h***s, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Louis Farrakhan said in Miami last year that the time has come for 10,000 black volunteers to step forward to kill white Americans, Obama was silent. Were you also silent? 

When Democrat Alan Grayson called all Republicans knuckle dragging Neanderthals, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When union boss and Democratic supporter Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. stated that his union was at war with the Republicans and Tea Party and that those people "need to be taken out," Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democratic Congressmen Mike Doyle and Henry Waxman and Vice President Joe Biden slandered ordinary Americans opposed to unfettered and destructive government spending and debt by calling them terrorists (those people that bomb and kill and innocent civilians), Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When ordinary Americans objected to the building of a Islamic mosque near the World Trade Center property because of the horrible memories of 9-11 and Democrat Nancy Pelosi said THEY should be investigated for simply having an opinion on the mosque, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen likened Republican critics of Obama Care to the Nazis and their propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Walters said ordinary American citizens can go to hell simply for having a difference of opinion with her, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Martin Bashier of leftist MSNBC News showed a video of Mitt Romney’s campaign bus that was interspersed with video clips of buses blowing up in balls of fire, explicitly wishing that the Romney bus also blow up and those inside die a fiery death, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Martin Bashier of leftist MSNBC News said someone should defecate into Sarah Palin’s mouth, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When liberal Professor Richard Parncutt of the University of Graz said he wanted to execute other human beings that are global warming deniers for simply having a different opinion than his and Obama's on global warming, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When liberal newspaper columnist Donald Kaul wrote an article for the Des Moines Register where he called for the killing of gun owners and“dragging legislators who disagree with gun control behind pickup trucks until they get the message,” Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When liberal Erik Loomis, PhD, assistant professor of history at the University of Rhode Island decided that he wanted the death of National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre, branding the gun rights group he heads as a terrorist organization: "[I] want Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick," Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Karen Lewis, head of the Chicago Teachers’ Union shared some violent rhetoric of her own: “Do not think for a minute that the wealthy are ever going to allow you to legislate their riches away from them. Please understand that. However, we are in a moment where the wealth disparity in this country is very reminiscent of the robber baron ages. The labor leaders of that time, though, were ready to kill. They were. They were just – off with their heads. They were seriously talking about that,” Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When liberal Elizabeth Ashack, an economist at the Department of Labor, said that all Christians are Nazis, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democratic Indiana state representative Vanessa Summers publicly stated that a fellow legislator’s 18 month old son was a racist, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Bernie Sanders said that any American believes that the Social Security process is hurtling towards insolvency (which it is) is a liar, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

When Democratic activist Sarah Noble said that all men should die or get f***ed, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

Bonus insult: When the Hispanic Congressional Caucus sent out a fundraising letter and said that Republicans needed to be “kicked in the teeth,” Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

Bonus insult: When Professor James Pearce, who teaches at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro, said that “A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors,” Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

Bonus Insult: When BillNMaher called Trumps kids a**h**** and Nazis, Obama was silent. Were you silent also?

Maybe now you see that if someone was constantly being called a whore, a slut, an a**h***, a racist, a member of the KKK, a liar, unpatriotic, a terrorist, derogatory female body parts, a Neanderthal, and a Nazi, they might be attracted to a Presidential candidate that seems to understand their frustrations.

Maybe now you see that if someone was constantly being told to kill yourself, f*** yourself, die in a bus crash, just die, have someone defecate in your mouth, go to hell, get hate raped, get kicked in the teeth, get taken out, and get decapitated, they might be attracted to a Presidential candidate that seems to understand their frustrations.

Additionally, maybe now you see that if someone was constantly being blamed for events that happened long before they were born and long before their family even came to this country, that someone was being blamed for the ills of the world because they were born a certain skin color, that someone should be killed for simply being white, and that you achieved success in life not because of your hard work and efforts but because of an inane concept called “white privilege,” they might be attracted to a Presidential candidate that seems to understand their frustrations.

And if your answers to the quiz above were that you also remained silent as your neighbors, family members, and friends were being attacked by politicians, media types, and others, then you along with Obama helped create the Trump phenomenon. So stop fretting about Trump, stop lashing out to those that are supporting Trump, stop being part of the problem, stop casting and supporting the insults and slander, and start being part of the solution. 

Insist that the personal attacks stop and set an example by discussing only the issues and not the looks or intelligence of those that have a different opinion than you. Insist that your political representatives do the same. Otherwise you are part of the problem, you are part of the divisiveness in the country, you created the mania that is Trump.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom: