To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.
1) There are a lot of inept governors out there today but quite possibly the worst of all is New York’s Andrew Cuomo. Residents are fleeing his state because of higher and higher taxes and crime rates, he is facing a major budget shortfall, the state has been so bad in setting up covid vaccination plans that vaccines are expiring before they can be administered, and he blames everyone else for his failures.
But probably his worst failure and most fatal was when he forced nursing homes to accept covid patients back into their facilities without providing the support to segregate these infected folks from healthy elderly folks. As a result, covid ripped through state nursing homes and killed thousands of nursing home residents and staff. He forced this situation even though there were severely underutilized medical facilities where covid patients could have been cared for, away from healthy vulnerable people, e.g. the Jacob Javits Center in NYC that was converted into a medical location but hardly used, a U.S. Navy ship that Trump had sent to NYC, etc.
And now it appears that even more people died as a result of his ill fated decision to co-mingle covid folks with healthy folks in state nursing homes:
- The state attorney general recently completed a report that indicates that far more New York nursing home residents died from the virus than previously thought.
- Attorney General, Letitia James, estimates that the undercounting could be as high as 50% based on her analysis of discrepancies between the number of deaths reported by the state Department of Health and the number of deaths reported by the actual nursing homes.
- According to state Representative Elise Srefanik: “This is now more than a nursing home scandal, this is a massive corruption and coverup scandal at the highest level of New York State Government implicating the Governor, the Secretary to the Governor, the New York State Health Commissioner and the Governor’s staff. Every New Yorker deserves transparency, accountability and answers regarding the orchestration of this illegal coverup.”
- In a sample of 62 nursing homes, the homes reported covid deaths of 1,914 while the state only reported 1,229 deaths in those 62 nursing homes.
- This sample then represents a 56% under reporting of covid deaths.
- Apparently the state decided that if you got sick in a nursing home because of Cuomo’s policy but eventually died in a hospital from covid then that nursing home death did not count.
- The current Cuomo estimate of nursing home deaths is just over 8,700 but if the Attorney General is right, the truer number is over 13,000.
- This analysis is consistent with a previous Associated Press report which put the under counting at 65%.
These people knew that at some point in time they would need a vaccine process and for ten months since the beginning of the pandemic they apparently did little to make that process a reality. As a result, the delay in vaccinating New Yorkers is likely causing even more unnecessary deaths due to political incompetence.
2) But at least in Cuomo’s eyes, none of this is his fault, it is always the fault of others, as seen by his latest cry baby tantrum:
- Cuomo recently threatened the Biden administration unless he gets them to fork over $15 billion of Federal tax money to cover up his inability to operate within a budget.
- In a childish tantrum, he said if he does not get what he wants, he will bring a lawsuit.
- He claims, without any proof, that New York is “unique in the nation” in the amount of economic damage the pandemic caused.
- Specifically: “The COVID assault on New York was caused by federal negligence. And, second, New York was used as a political piñata.”
- If he does not get his way and the $15 billion, he will enact tax hikes on New York residents to close the budget gap.
- Since New York usually leads the nation in people moving out of the state, this is like shooting yourself in the foot: higher taxes will drive more people out of the state which will further reduce the tax base and tax revenue stream which will require higher taxes and the financial death spiral is on.
3) We have reported how many millions of Americans are in need in this country today:
- At any one time there are likely 500,000 to 600,000 homeless Americans living on the streets of the country.
- Millions of Americans are at risk at any time of not having enough money for enough food.
- Millions of Americans are drug addicted and in need of treatment.
- Millions of Americans are in need of the covid vaccine and their health hangs in the balance until there are enough vaccines available….and inept politicians like Cuomo do not allow them to go to waste.
- He recently signed an order that rescinded a regulation that forbid U.S. taxpayer dollars from being used to perform abortions overseas.
- At the same time he is committing additional taxpayer dollars to fund the “United Nations Population Fund,” an organization to control population growth.
- He tried to justify his decision with the following nonsensical and convoluted reasoning:“These excessive conditions on foreign and development assistance undermine the United States’ efforts to advance gender equality globally by restricting our ability to support women’s health and programs that prevent and respond to gender-based violence. The expansion of the policy has also affected all other areas of global health assistance, limiting the United States’ ability to work with local partners around the world and inhibiting their efforts to confront serious health challenges such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, among others. Such restrictions on global health assistance are particularly harmful in light of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.”
- So in his mind somehow funding abortions overseas fights malaria, HIV, tubercolosis, etc. which is ridiculous.
- The last year that the U.S. funded that United Nations fund it cost the American taxpayer $69 million.
4) To prove political class insanity exists outside of the U.S. also, consider this stupidity up in Manitoba, Canada:
- Obviously, Canada has also been hit hard by the covid pandemic.
- As a result they have put a moratorium on many mass gatherings like sports games, restaurants, and church services.
- In fact, at one point in time, they had forbidden any church services from being held unless they were strictly done online.
- One church decided it was going to broadcast its services over the radio while parishioners sat in their cars in the parking lot of the church, not mingling with anyone else, just them and possibly their family secluded and safely enclosed in their vehicles while they listened to the service.
- Sounds like a rational, unique, and certainly safe way to enjoy a religious ceremony even if it was not online.
- Well, without anything better to do, the local authorities broke up the gathering, actually fining a parishioner over $1,000 for daring to participate in this safe and secure religious ceremony.
In the meantime, governors, mayors and other political “leaders” are going to parties without masks, going on vacation, walking around maskless in public and nothing happens to them. But some poor church going guy in Canada gets hit with a $1,000 fine for doing nothing nearly as bad as politicians who flaunt their own rules.
Okay, that will do it for today's insanity review: Pandemic insanity in Canada, Biden’s double talk and wasting of American taxpayer dollars while Americans go hungry, and Cuomo continues to screw up everything he touches.
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