Sunday, January 31, 2021

February, 2021, Part 1, Political Class Insanity: Cuomo Screws Up Everything He Touches, Biden Would Rather Let Americans Go Hungry, and Canada Is Politically Insane Also

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) There are a lot of inept governors out there today but quite possibly the worst of all is New York’s Andrew Cuomo. Residents are fleeing his state because of higher and higher taxes and crime rates, he is facing a major budget shortfall, the state has been so bad in setting up covid vaccination plans that vaccines are expiring before they can be administered, and he blames everyone else for his failures.

But probably his worst failure and most fatal was when he forced nursing homes to accept covid patients back into their facilities without providing the support to segregate these infected folks from healthy elderly folks. As a result, covid ripped through state nursing homes and killed thousands of nursing home residents and staff. He forced this situation even though there were severely underutilized medical facilities where covid patients could have been cared for, away from healthy vulnerable people, e.g. the Jacob Javits Center in NYC that was converted into a medical location but hardly used, a U.S. Navy ship that Trump had sent to NYC, etc.

And now it appears that even more people died as a result of his ill fated decision to co-mingle covid folks with healthy folks in state nursing homes:
  • The state attorney general recently completed a report that indicates that far more New York nursing home residents died from the virus than previously thought.
  • Attorney General, Letitia James, estimates that the undercounting could be as high as 50% based on her analysis of discrepancies between the number of deaths reported by the state Department of Health and the number of deaths reported by the actual nursing homes.
  • According to state Representative Elise Srefanik: “This is now more than a nursing home scandal, this is a massive corruption and coverup scandal at the highest level of New York State Government implicating the Governor, the Secretary to the Governor, the New York State Health Commissioner and the Governor’s staff. Every New Yorker deserves transparency, accountability and answers regarding the orchestration of this illegal coverup.”
  • In a sample of 62 nursing homes, the homes reported covid deaths of 1,914 while the state only reported 1,229 deaths in those 62 nursing homes.
  • This sample then represents a 56% under reporting of covid deaths.
  • Apparently the state decided that if you got sick in a nursing home because of Cuomo’s policy but eventually died in a hospital from covid then that nursing home death did not count.
  • The current Cuomo estimate of nursing home deaths is just over 8,700 but if the Attorney General is right, the truer number is over 13,000.
  • This analysis is consistent with a previous Associated Press report which put the under counting at 65%.
Such incompetence that had unnecessary fatal consequences for thousands of New Yorkers. And that incompetence continues today, with the state having to throw out about 40% of the vaccine supply it received because the Cuomo administration did not have the ability or find the time to put in place an efficient and effective vaccine dispersal process. 

These people knew that at some point in time they would need a vaccine process and for ten months since the beginning of the pandemic they apparently did little to make that process a reality. As a result, the delay in vaccinating New Yorkers is likely causing even more unnecessary deaths due to political incompetence.

2) But at least in Cuomo’s eyes, none of this is his fault, it is always the fault of others, as seen by his latest cry baby tantrum:
  • Cuomo recently threatened the Biden administration unless he gets them to fork over $15 billion of Federal tax money to cover up his inability to operate within a budget.
  • In a childish tantrum, he said if he does not get what he wants, he will bring a lawsuit.
  • He claims, without any proof, that New York is “unique in the nation” in the amount of economic damage the pandemic caused.
  • Specifically: “The COVID assault on New York was caused by federal negligence. And, second, New York was used as a political piñata.”
  • If he does not get his way and the $15 billion, he will enact tax hikes on New York residents to close the budget gap.
  • Since New York usually leads the nation in people moving out of the state, this is like shooting yourself in the foot: higher taxes will drive more people out of the state which will further reduce the tax base and tax revenue stream which will require higher taxes and the financial death spiral is on.
But the Wall Street Journal reported that Cuomo was facing a $6.1 billion budget gap before the pandemic even hit so to claim that New York is “special” is ridiculous. He has a budget problem because he spends too much money for the revenue stream, and the high taxes that the state endures. Rather than fix what is wrong he stomps his feet like a two year old, trying to stick the rest of us with his ineptness.

3) We have reported how many millions of Americans are in need in this country today:
  • At any one time there are likely 500,000 to 600,000 homeless Americans living on the streets of the country.
  • Millions of Americans are at risk at any time of not having enough money for enough food.
  • Millions of Americans are drug addicted and in need of treatment.
  • Millions of Americans are in need of the covid vaccine and their health hangs in the balance until there are enough vaccines available….and inept politicians like Cuomo do not allow them to go to waste.
Yes, a lot of Americans are suffering but what does Joe Biden think is a good use of taxpayer money that avoids addressing the needs of these Americans:
  • He recently signed an order that rescinded a regulation that forbid U.S. taxpayer dollars from being used to perform abortions overseas.
  • At the same time he is committing additional taxpayer dollars to fund the “United Nations Population Fund,” an organization to control population growth.
  • He tried to justify his decision with the following nonsensical and convoluted reasoning:“These excessive conditions on foreign and development assistance undermine the United States’ efforts to advance gender equality globally by restricting our ability to support women’s health and programs that prevent and respond to gender-based violence. The expansion of the policy has also affected all other areas of global health assistance, limiting the United States’ ability to work with local partners around the world and inhibiting their efforts to confront serious health challenges such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, among others. Such restrictions on global health assistance are particularly harmful in light of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.”
  • So in his mind somehow funding abortions overseas fights malaria, HIV, tubercolosis, etc. which is ridiculous.
  • The last year that the U.S. funded that United Nations fund it cost the American taxpayer $69 million.
We have previously discussed the reality that on average, charities across the country spend about $2.94 per meal that they provide for homeless Americans. If that $69 million had been used to help those in need in this country, that $69 million of foreign abortion money could have been used to give 42 meals to every homeless American living on our streets today. That would have been the humanitarian thing to do.

4) To prove political class insanity exists outside of the U.S. also, consider this stupidity up in Manitoba, Canada:
  • Obviously, Canada has also been hit hard by the covid pandemic.
  • As a result they have put a moratorium on many mass gatherings like sports games, restaurants, and church services.
  • In fact, at one point in time, they had forbidden any church services from being held unless they were strictly done online.
  • One church decided it was going to broadcast its services over the radio while parishioners sat in their cars in the parking lot of the church, not mingling with anyone else, just them and possibly their family secluded and safely enclosed in their vehicles while they listened to the service.
  • Sounds like a rational, unique, and certainly safe way to enjoy a religious ceremony even if it was not online.
  • Well, without anything better to do, the local authorities broke up the gathering, actually fining a parishioner over $1,000 for daring to participate in this safe and secure religious ceremony.
Nobody was put in danger, nobody was spreading the virus, nobody was acting irrationally or violently, just some church worshippers looking for a different religious experience than sitting at home looking at their computer screen. And yet, taxpayer funding and resources were used to shut down what was a perfectly safe endeavor. 

In the meantime, governors, mayors and other political “leaders” are going to parties without masks, going on vacation, walking around maskless in public and nothing happens to them. But some poor church going guy in Canada gets hit with a $1,000 fine for doing nothing nearly as bad as politicians who flaunt their own rules.

Okay, that will do it for today's insanity review: Pandemic insanity in Canada, Biden’s double talk and wasting of American taxpayer dollars while Americans go hungry, and Cuomo continues to screw up everything he touches.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Thursday, January 28, 2021

By The Numbers: Cuomo Does Not Have The Numbers, Violence Numbers Run Rampant, Biden Has No Economic Sense And Trump Gets Some Good Final Numbers

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us. 

1) In a recent post we discussed the very likelihood/reality that many U.S. cities and states are likely to go bankrupt in the coming years, given the sad state of their financial numbers. Our number analysis predicted that Chicago, New York City, San Francisco, and a few other cities were the most likely to go bankrupt first. We also predicted that Illinois, New York state, New Jersey, and California were the states mostly likely to go bankrupt first. Those analysis and numbers can be reviewed at:

Given a recent article, we stand by our number analysis:
  • A lot of people and businesses are moving out of New York state for any number of reasons but especially because of the ever rising tax burden.
  • The article pointed out that New York state government is facing about a $15 billion budget deficit in the current fiscal year.
  • Given that there are about 19.5 million residents in the state, to close that budget deficit every man, woman and child would have to be assessed a tax burden of about $770 each to close the gap.
  • Thus, a family of four would have to cough up about $3,100 a year to close the annual gap. 
  • This is $3,100 that families could not spend on building up the state economy, creating jobs, making better lives for themselves and their families, etc.
Government spending out of control, the numbers are not pretty.

2) We have done a lot of sad posts over the years about the terrible and ongoing violence that constantly infests the city of Chicago. And through those years, no city or county or state politician has found a way to stem the tide of murders, violent crime and death that Chicago residents are subject to every day.

The latest numbers from the city are not good:
  • 29 Chicago residents were shot over a recent weekend.
  • Of those 29, 7 died from their gunshot wounds.
  • A five year old was seriously wounded in the violence.
  • This is not a good start to the new year since last year there were 769 murders in the city, the first time the murder total had exceeded 700 in over twenty years.
  • Last year, 4,033 Chicago residents in total got shot, up about 40% from the year before.
  • Manhattan Institute senior fellow, Heather MacDonald, writing for the Wall Street Journal recently, did not have any kind words for the political leadership and it's ineptness regarding the carnage: “Mainstream media and many politicians claim the pandemic caused this bloodbath, but the chronology doesn’t support that assertion. And now the criminal-justice policies supported by President Biden promise to exacerbate the current crime wave, while ignoring its actual causes.” 
Different year but yet likely the same blood bath in Chicago as the numbers prove that the city politicians cannot provide even the most basic function of government, protecting innocent people’s lives.

3) That Wall Street Journal article by Ms. MacDonald had some other distressing violence numbers that were not restricted to Chicago:
  • Murders were up a whopping 57% in a sample of 57 metro U.S. cities in 2020.
  • At least 2,000 more Americans were murdered in these cities than the previous year with most of the increase being composed of African-American citizens.
  • Murders were up an amazing 95% in Milwaukee, 78% in Louisville, 74% in Seattle, 72% in Minneapolis, 62% in New Orleans,and 58% in Atlanta as reported by crime analyst, Jeff Asher.
  • 55 kids were killed by violence in Chicago, 17 kids were killed in St. Louis, 11 were killed in Philadelphia.
  • 40 kids were shot in total in Los Angeles.
  • 18 people in Chicago were shot in ONE DAY on May 31 last year, the most violent day in over 60 years in the city.
Thus, it is not just bad numbers in Chicago, the crime and violence numbers across the country show that politicians in many, many places are failing in their basic duty to protect the lives of citizens.

4) Oh so many times we have pointed out how politicians in general have no common sense when it comes to economic theory, principles, and practice. It is no secret that the covid pandemic has wreaked havoc on the restaurant industry. Restaurants were forced to shut down early in the crisis to try and stem the rising number of covid cases. We have cited data that shows how about 50% of the pre-covid restaurants have not reopened yet and that about 20% of them may never reopen.

But according to the Wall Street Journal’s analysis of the numbers that exist today and which are likely to happen because of Biden’s idiotic economic policies when it comes to restaurants, things are likely to get worse the more government interferes in the industry:
  • There are 2.5 million fewer restaurant jobs today than before the pandemic.
  • Biden wants to fix that by getting $15 billion in funding to help the industry.
  • Which on the surface sounds good until you find out he also wants to mandate a $15 minimum wage which would hit many, many restaurant workers in not a good way.
  • We already know that when the minimum wage was raised anywhere in the country, jobs were slashed, hours were cut, and restaurant workers ended up earning less money than before the mandate minimum wage increase as restaurant owners slashed staff, cut hours, automated operations, or went out of business because of the extra business cost of wages.
  • Biden’s minimum age idea would double the current minimum wage and increase the current restaurant server minimum wage by over 600%, taking it from $2.13 an hour to $15 an hour.
  • This is a cost increase that restaurant owners would have to pay out.
  • The article goes through a hypothetical case of a West Virginia restaurant with five servers: these servers would see their minimum wage go from $2.13 an hour to $15 an hour, an annual increase of $19,313 per server, making the overall wage line of the restaurant go up about $100,000 which would be offset by about a $15,000 covid stimulus payment.
  • Thus, the restaurant owner would see his operating expenses as a result of this single act go up by about $85,000, hardly a cause for joy.
  • This in turn would likely lead to a staff reduction as that restaurant owner seeks to reduce his increased costs, an action that studies from Miami University and Trinity University estimate would ripple through the economy at a cost of about 1,000,000 lost restaurant jobs.
  • 700,000 of these lost jobs would be waiters and waitresses who almost all make over $15 an hour when you consider the $2.13 minimum wage AND tips that come with the job.
  • Thus, people would lose jobs and those that keep their jobs would likely earn less.
  • History shows that this will happen since when NYC and San Francisco raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour, the city saw year over year declines in restaurant employment in both 2018 and 2019, the first time that happened in many years.
  • The University of Washington estimates that when Seattle did the same thing, there was a 13% increase in businesses going out of business or leaving town.
The data, history and reality is pretty clear. But that did not stop Biden from making the idiotic statement during the debates with Trump that, “There’s no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage businesses go out of business.” Ridiculously wrong assertion. Businesses go out of business, workers lose jobs, workers lose hours, and the average wage across the industry decreases.

The article goes on to cite decades of research done by the Congressional Budget Office that proves all those things happen but Biden is too ignorant to even try to understand this basic economic premise: raising the cost of doing business puts additional stress on running that business and bad things usually happen.

For other examples of how raising the minimum wage causes more agony for workers than ecstasy:

5) One final set of numbers. Democrats and liberals continue to demonize Trump and his Presidency and how evil they say he was. But numbers from a recent Rasmussen poll, one of the few unbiased polling organizations that still exist, found that Trump’s approval tasting after the storming of the Capitol building actually went up over 50% (51%) immediately after the event. It then came down slightly to about 48%, his final number as President. [Note: in fact, his approval rating was actually trending upwards at the end.

But what liberals and Democrats still do not understand is that there is a strong undercurrent of disgust with the current set of politicians running this country. And that disgust is being shown by strong approval numbers for Trump's last days in office.

So the numbers show us that Trump got a last laugh, Biden has no economic sense, New York mismanagement has big budget dangers, and politicians across the country cannot fulfill a very basic responsibility of government, protecting citizens’ lives. The numbers do not lie.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Final Look At The Many Accomplishments of The Trump Presidency, The Most Successful Presidency in Generations

Disclosures up front:
  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life.
  • Thus, I did not vote for Trump either time.
  • For a while when I lived in New Jersey I was a registered Democrat.
Thus, I am not biased Republican and conservative when it comes to assessing the accomplishments of any politician. And I agree that Trump is rude, crude, brash, obnoxious, etc. 

However, I am a bottom line sort of guy. I worked in the corporate world for some bosses that were not very nice, that they insisted on results first and niceties later. But they got positive results year in and year out and I grew to appreciate that they were focused on doing the right things and if people's feelings got hurt because they were not doing their own job then so be it.

Thus, as the Trump administration unfolded, I started to document the accomplishments of the Trump Presidency as they piled up despite his abrasive personality. This effort ended up covering about 20 different posts and documenting over 200 substantial accomplishments of his administration. Those previous listings of accomplishment posts can be accessed by typing “horrors and destruction” in the search box above. You can also go to the 11th post directly which has links to the first ten Trump accomplishment posts embedded in it:

Successful” is where I kind of land on Trump. He is obnoxious but he got results. Off the top of my head, I can present the following successes of his administration:
  1. The overall unemployment rate dropped below 4% and stayed there for a while, a feat that was once thought economically impossible.
  2. The African-American unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  3. The Hispanic-American unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  4. The women unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  5. The non-college educated unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  6. More women entered the worked force than any other time in history.
  7. His tax cut efforts gave well over 110 million Americans a major tax break, increasing their personal freedom in the process.
  8. GDP grew to levels never seen during the Obama years.
  9. Average household income grew substantially during his term after years of no or minimal annual growth.
  10. His tax breaks for business resulting in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of manufacturing jobs being created in the country, a reality that Obama once proclaimed would be impossible, that those manufacturing jobs were lost forever.
  11. His tax breaks for business brought back $300 billion in wealth that was stranded overseas due to the high domestic business tax level, resulting in economic growth in this country.
  12. The year after his tax break program was implemented, charitable giving hit an all time high, over $400 billion, as taxpayers were able to be more generous with their charitable donations.
  13. These economic successes were attained in the context of a low inflation rate.
  14. He forced NATO members to finally honor their commitment from a military budget perspective in support of the coalition.
  15. He facilitated multiple peace accords between Israel and Arab countries, something once thought impossible.
  16. He imposed stiff economic sanctions on the leading terrorist country in the World, Iran, which helped protect not only Israel but also the rest of the world.
  17. He cut off foreign aid to the PLO which had been using foreign aid to attack Israel.
  18. He helped keep North Korea under control, coming closer than any other President to get their maniac leader to idle back his weapons programs.
  19. He did succeed in getting the North Koreans to return the remains of U.S. soldiers that died in North Korean territory during the Korean War, a gesture that means the world to families who never reached closure with the loss of their loved ones, an important issue to my family.
  20. If people have not noticed, Russia had been relatively quiet during his term, a reality not present under Obama, see Ukranian invasion by the Russians.
  21. He helped fix the dysfunctional Veterans Administration by firing inept administrators and changing some of the rules so that veterans could get better medical attention.
  22. He negotiated a much better trade treaty with Canada and Mexico, replacing the NAFTA treaty, a feat that even organized labor applauded.
  23. He initiated programs to protect religious and sexual preference freedom around the world.
  24. He withdrew us out of the ridiculous Paris Climate Accords but still led the U.S. to reduce its carbon footprint by about 140 million metric tons a year, according to a United Nations report, by far the most successful carbon footprint reduction in the world.
  25. He defeated ISIS in a matter of months, a feat that Obama said would take generations.
These are major, major accomplishments that far out distance the accomplishments of his predecessor, Obama, and other recent Presidencies. I dare anyone to list out Obama’s accomplishments, Bush’s accomplishments, etc. and try to match up not just to these listed 25 accomplishments of Trump but the 175 or so other ones that I have previously documented but not listed above.

Do not believe me? Consider a recent article Victoria Taft from the American Patriots United website where she also tried to document the success of the Trump administration:
  1. He helped generate a booming economy for three years and then guided the economy to a soft landing and quick turnaround as a result of the devastating pandemic.
  2. He implemented “Operation Warp Speed” which got covid vaccines developed, produced and distributed in record, unprecedented time.
  3. He got pandemic resources deployed quickly and efficiently, e.g. Navy hospital ship to NYC.
  4. He donated his entire quarterly Presidential salary to worthy causes for four years.
  5. He played far, far fewer rounds of golf than his 300+ golf rounds his predecessor played, focusing on the issues facing the country instead.
  6. He slashed the use of funding for abortions via the UN Commission on Population Control due its funding of “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.”
  7. He signed an executive order that did not allow the Treasury Department to go after the First Amendment rights of political speech of pastors.
  8. He renegotiated trade deals with Canada and Mexico that improved on the then current NAFTA trade agreement.
  9. He got the country out of New World Order Davos-inspired trade agreements that put the U.S. at a trade disadvantage.
  10. He greatly reduced Federal government regulations to the tune of 25,000 pages being lopped out of the Federal Register, which freed up the economy and is estimated to save every American about $3,100 a year by reducing business regulations.
  11. The country saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years as African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates got down near record lows.
  12. The nation’s labor participation rate was at its highest level in years.
  13. Trump signed the First Step Act which was a criminal justice reform act that released prisoners from jail because of excessively long sentences as a result of Joe Biden’s sponsored legislation.
  14. Trump reformed the Veterans Administration by getting rid of deadwood high ranking officials and allowing veterans to pick their own doctors, improving the overall health care of all veterans.
  15. Trump positioned the country to be energy independent and a net exporter of energy, the first time this was attained in 75 years.
  16. He started no wars and did not militarily attack any other country, something that had not been done over the most recent administrations.
  17. In fact, he began bringing U.S. troops home from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq after Bush and Obama had placed troops in each of those countries.
  18. He defeated ISIS in a matter of months, something once thought impossible.
  19. His sanctions crippled the Iranians’ terrorism activites while taking out the world’s number one terrorist who was a part of the Iranian terror machine.
  20. His son-in-law brokered peace deals between Israel and several Arab countries once thought impossible.
  21. Trump withdrew the U.S. out of the sham United Nations “Human Rights Council” which was often overseen by dictators who oppressed their own people while constantly condemning Israel.
  22. Unlike the Obama administration and the incoming Biden administration, Trump supported law enforcement officers across the country, offering Federal support whenever a local police force was under attack and duress, e.g. Portland, Chicago, and Seattle.
These are just another person’s view to mine that Trump was one of the more successful Presidents of our time despite being, as we stated above, rude, crude, obnoxious, uncouth, etc. And again, I would rather have a horse’s rear end as a leader who got things done to the betterment of us all than a smooth talking, coddling, smiling, leader who got nothing done. 

Biden has a big mountain ahead of him if he thinks he can accomplish as much as Trump. And as someone who did not vote for Trump, it is my opinion that Biden has no chance to be anywhere close as effective as Trump was. The lists of accomplishments above are way beyond anything that Biden will be capable of following up on.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The 2020 Election, Part 13: The First Invalid Election In Our History?

I have voted in every Presidential election for a lot of decades. I have never voted for a Republican for President and thus, I did not vote for Donald Trump either time. 

Thus, I think I can say without much bias that this just completed Presidential election is shaping up to be a disgrace to democracy given the highly likely ways it was corrupted, manipulated, and outright fixed by so many people and entities across the country. Ballots were lost, ballots were found in garbage cans, computers were hacked, computers suspiciously moved votes from one candidate to another, ballots showed up in polling places with no chain of command security protocols followed. Politicians announced results days before the voting took place

I am sure some of the potential incidents of voter fraud and cheating were incorrect. But I am sitting on almost 200 news reports of, call them, “voting irregularities,” enough to convince me that this was the most dishonest, poorly handled, and obscene election that abuses the First Amendment rights and the “one person, one vote” tenet that is basic to our democracy.

Over the past months I have pulled out a lot of those news reports and briefly discussed what allegedly happened. I can not say all of these news reports are true and I cannot say all of these news reports are false. 

But when people are arrested, when people admit on video that they cheated, when there are videos made of people delivering box loads of videos in the middle of the night, I think the evidence is pretty clear that the corruption in this election was real and widespread.

I am not to drawing any conclusions but consider the following reality: the voting locales where most of the corruption occurred was almost ALL in Democratic party controlled areas: Democratically controlled cities, Democratically controlled counties, and Democratically controlled states and happened only in states that were considered “swing state” in the election, in other words, the states that could go either way and a nudge here or a nudge there, from a voting corruption perspective could make all the difference.

The first 144 documented incidents of voting irregularities can be found at:

Each of these incidents are sourced by the organization that reported the voting fraud. I am not going to do a deep dive into each story but by providing the source, you can follow up and decide for yourself whether or not the voting fraud and corruption allegation is legit.

145) According to an article on the United Patriot News site, about 450,000 Presidential ballots have been identified that only have votes for Biden marked down:
  • Attorney Sidney Powell, who has been very active in identifying voting irregularities, told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that she had “identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.”
  • Specifically: “We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate. If you look at Florida where things were done right, you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.”
  • She also claimed that the electronic voting systems may have changed up to 3% of the votes: “I think Hammer and Scorecard were used by Democratic operatives who had access through government access points. They used them to illegally change votes. It’s been used against other countries. It’s just been changed recently [to be used] against our own citizens.”

Will we ever find out if nearly half a million votes were switched only in key states to change the national election results as she claims, based on her analysis? Were Democratic voters so unenamored with their other candidates that they only voted for Biden on their ballots so man,many times? Doubtful

146) Many Democrats claim there was absolutely no voter fraud in the Presidential election. However, in other posts we have pointed out that people across the country have been arrested and indicted for voter fraud, to which we can now include a woman down in Texas:
  • According to the United Patriots website, a San Antonio woman has been arrested for widespread vote harvesting and voter fraud.
  • Specifically: “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that a Texas woman had been arrested on felony charges of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.”
  • She was caught because of her admission on a Project Veritas video.
  • Rachel Rodriguez was caught on video illegally vote harvesting prior to the election.
  • She was caught on video saying that she knew what she was doing was illegal and she could go to jail if caught.
The good news is she got caught, assuming she is guilty. The bad news is we do not know how many other Rachels are out there abusing Americans' right to a fair election.

147) A second report from Peter Navarro, who has been investigating the potential voting fraud from the election, claims that there were an extra 379,000 votes identified in the state of Michigan. His 37 page report found that: “I’ve concluded that the number of possible illegal votes in the state of Michigan tops 379,000 ballots, more than twice the alleged victory margin of Joe Biden.”

148) An article by Allen Zhong on January 4, 2021 discussed the estimate that more than 432,000 votes were deducted from the Pennsylvania voting results according to an analysis by data specialists:

  • According to Lynda McLaughlin, a member of the Data Integrity Group, “There were vote movements across all candidates. However, we did not see the same type of negative decrements to any of the [other] candidates that we saw with President Trump’s tallies, and they happened repeatedly with no explanation.”
  • Pennsylvania data show Trump’s votes decrementing at various time points in Allegheny County (L) and Chester County (R), the Data Integrity Group says. (Screenshot)
    • According to analyses by the Data Integrity Group, over 400,000 votes for Trump were removed from his state totals across at least 15 Pennsylvania counties.
    • Their analysis found that Trump's vote totals were decreasing over time instead of at least staying constant or increasing.
    • The group found that, “Election Day vote removals happened during the vote tabulation process in at least 15 counties, including Lehigh, Chester, Allegheny, Armstrong, Westmoreland, Northampton, Delaware, Montgomery, Lackawanna, Dauphin, Pike, Carbon, Washington, Erie, and Luzerne” and that “absentee vote removals occurred in Allegheny, Chester, and Lehigh counties.”
    • Thus, in total, Trump lost 432,116 votes, about half from election day voting and about half from absentee.mail-in ballots.
    • The Data Integrity Group is a group of scientists, engineers, and machine learning experts who have been working together to check whether there was a manipulation of data in the 2020 general election.
    • The group also found that votes were removed from Trump’s total over the course of the vote count in other states including over 30,000 votes in Georgia.
    • Their conclusion: “The bottom line is the errors were made. Data confirms these errors and it shouldn’t matter if they were machine or human, they’re still errors and deserve a second review and thorough analysis with forensic audits to find the answers.” 
    • Their reporting is consistent with CNN’s live election night coverage where Trump saw 19,958 of his Pennsylvania votes switch to Biden inside of a 30 second window.
    149) Let’s go to another number analysis of another statistician:
    • Arizona reported that the final voter turnout in the state was almost 80% (79.9%), the highest ever for any Arizona election and way out of line with election turnouts everywhere else in the country.
    • But previously, about a week and a half after the election, the voter turnout was reported to be 65.9%, very consistent with other elections. 
    • Which obviously raises the question is how did the voter turnout numbers jump from a credible 65.9% to a doubtful 79.9% weeks after the election.
    • Statistician Bobby Piton pointed out how screwed up the election in the state was by simply looking at some past demographic and population numbers: “Absolutely breathtaking systemic [sp] fraud is what I see when I look at Arizona’s results. The number of ballots cast was 3,420,565 in 2020 versus 1,037,550 in 1998. The Great State of Arizona had 2,383,015 MORE people vote in 2020 vs 1998.The number of people in the Great State of Arizona grew by 1,756,241 by my estimate. The Bogus estimate is showing that the population of the State grew by 2,216,503. WOW. This is SUPER DUPER IMPRESSIVE.The Great State of Arizona had every SINGLE NEW PERSON added to its population VOTE – 100% of all new Arizonans that entered the State since 1998 voted (so no one under 18 must have entered) + 166,511 More People Voted than the population growth; hence the creation of Phantom Sleeper Voters."
    • An interview where he discusses the numbers can be accessed at:

    151) In 2019, Nevada Democrats in the state government pushed through legislation that required the state DMV to register as voters anyone who applied for a Nevada drivers license. The obvious problem with this requirement is that you do NOT have to be a Nevada resident and U.S. citizen to get a driver's license in the state. In fact, you can be an illegal immigrant and get a license and by default be able to vote in elections.

    Given that recent immigrants, legal and illegal tend to vote Democrat, you can see why state Democrats would undermine the integrity of the voting systems in Nevada. 

    152) Trump attorney Jesse Binnall testified in front of a Senate panel of how the Democrats stole the election from Trump in Nevada:
    • According to Binnall, his analysis found tens of thousands of illegal votes cast in Nevada and claims that “Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored.”
    • Specifically, he estimates that 42,000 people voted more than once in Nevada for President, 1,500 dead people voted, 19,000 voters do not live in Nevada, 8,000 people voted but lived in non-existent addresses, 15,000 voters had a commercial address as their home address, and 4,000 non-citizens voted.
    • Thus, according to his analysis, almost 90,000 illegal votes were cast in the state, almost three times the size of Biden’s supposed win.
    There were also other voting types of voting irregularities on election day in the state.
    • As we previously reported, one state resident was not allowed to vote in person because the voting officials told her that a mail-in ballot in her name had already been submitted.
    • Republican poll watchers allege they were discriminated against for being Trump supporters besides being kicked out of a polling station on election night while others were allowed to stay. 
    • Project Veritas filmed a Nevada United States Postal worker who claimed that he could steal and provide a stack of mail-in ballots if desired.
    This might all be nonsense but there are just too many instances of suspicion to say that Nevada ran a clean election, it did not.

    153) Big League Politics - Out in Arizona, Maricopa County Treasurer Royce Flora resigned his post. He resigned because of his disgust with his peers in state government who refused to properly investigate the alleged voter fraud in the state. 

    He is going to participate in recall efforts to oust some officials from their jobs for not properly investigating voter fraud accusations. There are already four recall petitions underway to oust these officials who allegedly disregarded “the fundamental rights of Arizona citizens afforded by our United States and State of Arizona Constitution.”

    Maricopa County voting officials have protected the voting machines, from Dominion, from being inspected: “The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the Arizona Senate to audit and inspect their Dominion ballot counting machines. They will file a complaint in Superior Court and send a letter to the Senate informing them of their decision.”

    Why they would refuse to have an independent investigation clear up any confusion and accusations about voter fraud is puzzling. Unless, they are hiding real voter fraud and at least one member of the political establishment was willing to end his career to do the right thing: find out what voter fraud existed, if any.

    Again, Biden could have won honestly and all of these voting irregularities, over 150, though statistically improbable, could have miraculously come together to give him the win. But let’s face it, the realities of ballots secretly getting delivered in the middle of the night, voting machines taking Trump votes and switching them to Biden votes, suitcases of ballots being counted after the poll watchers were sent home, whistle blowers coming forward all over the country, etc., etc., etc., certainly line up more his victory being statistically impossible than a legal and legit victory.

    These are the next 9 (of 153) instances of voting fraud so far that have been alleged and reported that we have included in this summary set of posts. Again, some may not be true. But it is highly unlikely that all of them are empty, sour grapes of the losing side. The corruption is too wide, too consistent, too focused, and too overwhelming, as previous posts have shown. 

    And if true, many bad people have corrupted and damaged a fundamental right of freedom, the ability to have their vote counted and counted equally with other legally cast votes. Anything short of this high standard is wrong, dangerous, and treasonous.

    Note: So far we have discussed only 153 instances of shaky voting procedures and, as we discussed previously, we are sitting on close to 200 cases of alleged and probable fraud, we just have not gotten to these other instances yet. 

    For the near future, we will not add to this list even though we have at least 40+ other unique instances of voting fraud we could discuss. It is more of the same: bad voting machines, video of actual fraud and irregularities, statistical improbabilities and impossibilities, government official coverups, etc. 

    At this point in time, it is our conclusion that this was the most corrupt Presidential election ever and that Biden is an invalid President. And the saddest part of all of this is that the powers that corrupted the election process, a bedrock of democracy, are likely going to get away with it.

    Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

    Please visit the following sites for freedom:

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    January, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Biden Is A Liar, Newsom is Delusional, Chicago is Violent, Political Money Laundering, and More

    It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

    To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

    1) Let’s get away from election fraud, the attack on the Capital, and other recent political class insanity and do a throwback to just good old government incompetence:
    • Back in the spring, the Federal government added to the national debt by giving out billions and billions of dollars to states who were supposed to give it out as unemployment benefits to those that lost their jobs as a result of the covid pandemic.
    • But according to the Associated Press, the state government of California bungled the gift from the American taxpayer so badly.
    • The AP article reported that nearly $10 billion was paid out to phony coronavirus unemployment claims, more than double the previous fraud estimate.
    • Even worse, in some cases it was not even American fraudsters getting the money with criminals from Russia, China and upwards of 18 other countries helping themselves to the covid relief money.
    • Before the fraud was noticed, at least 10% of the claims were fraudulent before controls were finally established after the $10 billion was lost.
    • It took six months before California figured out that there was substantial criminal activity involved in the claims process.
    • Some of the $10 billion was paid out under the name of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and other funds went to prisoners in state prisons some of whom were on death row.
    • An audit found that almost 470,000 of the unemployment claims that were submitted for payment were fraudulent.
    Like I said good old government incompetence. How many hungry Americans could have been fed with the missing $10 billion, how many homeless Americans could have been given shelter with the missing $10 billion, how many drug addicted Americans could have been treated with the missing $10 billion? Such a disgrace.

    2) While the state of California was obviously inept in handling its Federal covid unemployment money, the ineptness and denial of reality may actually start with the state’s governor, Gavin Newsom:
    • After some early success in combating covid, the state of California is now in a crisis mode as the number of daily cases keeps rising and rising despite anything Newsom has done, making the state’s infection rate one of the highest in the country,
    • In the meantime big and large businesses and residents have been fleeing the state because of a whole range of other state government caused crises including higher and higher taxes, high homeless rates, skyrocketing crime, etc.
    • And yet, given everything that has been going on, he seems in denial.
    • He recently claimed that California businesses are doing “damn well.”
    • He has this view even though 52% of the state’s restaurants are closed down and it is estimated that at least 20% will never reopen.
    • As businesses shut down due to the virus and Newson’s draconian lock down orders, the newly unemployed were told that they would have to wait to get their benefits because of ineptness in processing claims.
    • In the meantime, almost $10 billion in unemployment money disappeared, as we just discussed.
    • He has ordered schools to stay closed even though the covid transmission rate among kids is so very, very low but his closure order has resulted in an increase in teenage suicides.
    • So his covid policies have failed, people and businesses are leaving the state in a hurry, crime is high, homelessness is high, taxes are high, unfunded future financial liabilities are high, education attainment is low, his list of failures goes on and on. 
    But there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. An effort to recall Newsom and nullify his term in office recently got their one millionth signature on a recall drive. If they can get 1.8 million to sign the recall petition, then he would face a recall election and maybe, just maybe, the state of California could finally get someone who is not a total failure and a total denier of reality.

    3) We have previously discussed just a sample of lies that Joe Biden has said over the years:
    • Biden said he was arrested at a Nelson Mandela event in South Africa...but he wasn’t.
    • Biden said he graduated from a historically black college...but he didn’t.
    • Biden said “18,000 people got clemency” while he was Vice President...but they didn’t. In fact, 18,000 people were denied clemency while he was Vice President.
    • Biden, speaking in Kenosha, Wisconsin, said: “A black guy invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison.”
    • Biden says he graduated from college with three degrees...but he didn’t.
    • Biden said he was the only person in his law school class to get a full scholarship...but he wasn’t; in fact, he himself did not get a full scholarship.
    • Biden was caught plagiarizing the work of others multiple times.
    • Biden has been lying for so long that even Johnny Carson made fun of his lying.
    • Biden lied about being against the NAFTA trade treaty...even though he voted to approve it.
    • Biden said that 6,114 U.S.military service members had died from covid...when only 7 had actually died from the virus.
    • Biden said that “The Constitution says that the American people — I taught constitutional law for over 20 years — says the American people get an opportunity to choose who they want on the Supreme Court by who they pick as their senator and their president”...but the Constitution does not say that and it is doubtful this candidate taught Constitutional law for over 20 years.
    • Biden claimed that he forced Chinese Premier Deng to accept the Paris Climate Accords even though Deng had died many years before the Paris Accords were even a concept.
    You get the idea, he seems to lie at the drop of a hat, either to intentionally deceive us, or because his grip on reality is really askew. 

    During the campaign he denied that he once called U.S. armed forces personnel “stupid bastards.” While speaking at an Air Force base a few years ago, he attempted to compel the audience to clap for something he did and when the response was then than enthusiastic, he called them “stupid bastards,” as the following link captures:

    Another day, another lie from an American politician.

    4) Staying with Biden and his political career, it appears that we already may have a crisis relative to one of his likely appointees to his administration:
    • According to the Washington Free Beacon, Boston mayor, Marty Walsh, is Biden’s choice to be Labor Secretary.
    • But the article from the Beacon alleges that Walsh channeled nearly $1.2 million into a consulting firm that employs his longtime girlfriend.
    • The story says that Walsh’s mayor campaign pushed payments to LB Strategies where his live-in girlfriend, Lorrie Higgins, works as a fundraising consultant.
    • Somehow the company had a contract that allows it to compensate its employees directly with the money from the campaign, so very convenient.
    • In some circumstances this would be called money laundering.
    • His girlfriend was one of only three employees at the company that still managed to get over a million dollars from Walsh’s political campaign.
    • In fact she was hired AFTER the company started getting monthly payments of $5,000 for their work for the mayor under a contract that allowed the company to divvy up payments with employees, even newly hired ones.
    • The company has hardly any online presence and track record and somehow does not even have a website.
    • Walsh also was a top fundraiser for Biden who is one of at least eight people who are also getting Biden administration jobs because they were large campaign fundraisers.
    Different day, different politician, same old corruption and nepotism.

    5) We have often discussed the disaster that is Chicago. In fact, in the following post we made the case that Chicago will be the next major American city to go bankrupt:

    One of the main problems the city has is its annual distinction of being one of the most violent, if not the most violent, city in America. This has caused businesses and residents to leave the city resulting in a reduced tax base which resulted in budget cuts which will reduce the police force which will lead to more violence and crime and the death spiral is now in play.

    Let’s see if Chicago did any better than its recent history in 2020:
    • According to the Chicago Tribune, as of December, 27, 2020, over 4,100 Chicago residents had been shot year to date, over 11 people being shot every day on average.
    • Of those 4,100+ who were shot, 762 of them died, an average of about 2 shooting deaths a day, every day in 2020.
    • The 762 who were shot dead is a whopping 55% increase over 2019.
    • This is the highest murder rate since in five years.
    • Until Chicago politicians got on the “defund the police” bandwagon in 2020, the murder rate and number of murders had actually been in decline, indicting again how stupid the whole defund the police movement is.
    As with most American politicians, they refuse to take responsibility for their ineptness. Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has blamed the virus, President Trump, and the George Floyd murder for her inability to make Chicago safe for her voters. Lord forbid that she actually take some of the blame herself.

    That will do it for today: Chicago is still violent and its mayor is still incompetent, Biden will refill the swamp and probably lie about it, given his background of lies, the delusion of Newsom in California, and good old government incompetence when handling taxpayer wealth, also in California.

    Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

    Please visit the following sites for freedom:

    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    January, 2021, Part, 3, Political Class Insanity: Government Sanctioned Racism From Biden, Big Tech Tries to Squash Freedom Of Speech, Big Tech Vets Infest Biden Administration And Karma Punches Ted Wheeler

    It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

    To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

    1) Ted Wheeler is the mayor of Portland, Oregon. For about a year or so he has coddled, kowtowed, ignored, and tolerated Antifa as its members ran rampant through his city night after night of law breaking behavior. His passivity has endangered peaceful citizens’ lives, businesses, and the future of the city as residents and businesses leave to get away from the violence and criminality. He was even forced to flee from his own apartment when these people showed up at his home.

    Well, as I have always believed, there is always karma in life as a recent article on the Conservative and Free website pointed out karma belief relative to the good mayor:
    • Apparently the mayor was recently eating at an outside restaurant one evening.
    • For no reason, an Antifa thug came upon him and decided to punch the mayor for no reason, landing a punch on his shoulder.
    • On top of the attack, one of the accompanying Antifa members told the mayor, “You are going to be made to feel like the scum you are. F*ck you, f*ck you, shame on you."
    • According to the article: “The Mayor’s office stated that On Wednesday evening, during a non-work-related dinner with a friend in a designated outdoor area, Mayor Wheeler was confronted by a group of people. The Mayor had been seated for about five minutes when a group of people began shouting obscenities at the Mayor from the outside of the tent.”
    • The mob eventually forced themselves into the restaurant where the mayor was punched.
    Another failure, as we have discussed so many times, where the local political class cannot carry out a basic, basic function of government: protecting the safety of its citizens and businesses. Wheeler has failed so dramatically that he cannot even protect himself from violence.

    2) One of the most important human rights in society and country is freedom of speech. Everyone should be able to talk about their views as long as it does not advocate violence in any form on another human being. In this country, we have this right protected by the First Amendment.

    Unfortunately, that right is under attack by so-called Big Tech, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. The Bill Of Rights protects our freedom of speech from government and political class violating it. But Big Tech has gotten so big that they are now on the verge of stifling free speech, adult conversation of issues, and acting like the great tyrants of the past, Hitler. Stalin, etc. 

    Over the past couple of weeks, these companies have taken serious, distressing and massive actions to shut down and censor anyone who does not have the same liberal/Democratic opinions of them, for example:
    • Ron Paul is a former Congressman who was likely the most Libertarian member of Congress ever, a strong advocate for the rights laid out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    • He is an older gentleman so from a physical perspective he is a threat to no one.
    • For no apparent reason, his Twitter account was temporarily suspended for “repeatedly going against our community standards.”
    • According to Mr. Paul: "With no explanation other than "repeatedly going against our community standards" @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past, and nowhere is the offending post identified.The only thing we posted to Facebook today was my weekly "Texas Straight Talk" column, which I have published every week since 1976."
    • The article that probably got him censored by Facebook was a discussion of tech company censorship.
    So there you have it, Stalin and Hitler style. Dare to criticize the big tech companies and they will stifle your right to have an opinion. And no liberal and Democratic politician has stepped up to object to this suppression of free thought and opinion.

    3) But maybe this tech censorship initiative should not surprise us since according to a January 10, 2021 article by Chuck Ross of the Washington Times:
    • At least 14 current or former high ranking employees from five different major technology companies will be serving in Biden’s Presidential administration.
    • Maybe not coincidentally, it is these five companies, Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook that have launched their own censorship efforts to quiet and squash the opinions and free speech rights of non-liberal citizens.
    • The top government lobbyist for Apple, Cynthia Hogan, was a chief advisor to the Biden transition team.
    • A former Twitter executive will be Biden’s chief spokesperson for the National Security Council.
    • Jessica Hertz, who was a director for Facebook’s regulatory team, will serve as White House staff director. 
    • Emily Horne, former head of global policy communications for Twitter, will be the director of press and spokesperson for the National Security Council.
    • David Recordon, a former developer for Facebook, will be the director of technology for the Office of Management and Administration. Austin Lin, a former program manager at Facebook, will serve as Recordon’s deputy.
    • Jeff Zients, a former Facebook board member who served in the Obama administration, is Biden’s Covid-19 czar.
    I could go on and on about others but you get the idea. The very type of people that either worked for or probably support the censorship efforts from these tech companies will be serving you and I in the Biden administration. Which means it is highly unlikely that Biden will properly respond to the growing censorship of American citizens by these tech companies who, it is my opinion, are not doing it out of a higher sense of consciousness but to preserve what is obviously their lucrative business monopolies.

    When a competitor arises that immediately has a negative impact on their money printing machines, such as Parler, an alternative to Twitter and Facebook, these companies act in unison to shut down this potential monopoly upsetting company. These companies are willing to stifle free speech in this country, something that is vitally needed to address the many issues we are all facing, in order to keep themselves rich and powerful beyond any regular American’s wildest dreams.

    4) One thing that irritates me to no end is the insistence by Democrats and liberals in this country that anyone or any action that they disagree with has racism at its core. This insistence that just about anything that rubs them the wrong way is racist minimizes the real racism in this country: if everything is racist then nothing is racist. 

    And at the same time, the refuse to recognize the many times when they are actually racist themselves, as Joe Biden recently illustrated:
    • According to a Daily Wire article by Ryan Saavedra on January 11, 2021, Joe Biden wants to get economic relief to American small businesses.
    • Sounds like a good idea on the surface, small businesses in this country have certainly suffered as a result of the pandemic.
    • But then you find out that his program will be intentionally racist in nature, since according to Biden: “Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through not fault of their own. Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”
    • So, small business owners who happen to be white males need not apply.
    • So, Biden is not even in office yet and his racist past, as we have pointed out previously, is already underway.
    • You cannot single out a group of Americans because of their skin color, exclude them from a government program, and claim you are not a racist.
    It is my understanding such behavior is against Federal law which means someone is probably and correctly going to sue him out of the gate for this racism against white business owners.

    The good news is that, according to the article, his racism was met with heavy criticism. The bad news is that very few liberals criticized his racism even though they usually have a long history of complaining but faux racism but now ignore this real racism:
    • “White need not apply. Unbelievable. Would you want to also just round them up while you are at it.” - Obianuju Ekeocha
    • “Asians have the highest median household incomes of any racial group in America, and it’s not even close — $87K vs $65K for whites, the next highest group. Why should they get preferential treatment? Identity politics is garbage.” - Alliance Imitative Executive Director Noah Pollak
    • “Can we please just help Americans without further dividing us into competing subgroups?” - Ricochet Editor-in-chief Jon Gabriel
    • “This is actual institutional racism.” - Ricochet Editor-in-chief Jon Gabriel
    • “Discrimination based on race and sex of white men remains unlawful under federal law.” - Attorney Marina Medvin
    • “Are you implying minorities and women unlikely to own large businesses? That’s racist.” - Political commentator Wu Lebao
    • “Asians are doing economically far better than whites. One of the many flaws of the ideological ‘POC’ / ‘white’ model.” - Writer Rav Arora 
    • “If you’re wondering what systemic racial discrimination actually looks like, the Harris Administration is about to give you a tutorial.” - Daily Wire columnist Matt Walsh
    But nowhere in the reaction were the typical race baiters like Pelosi, liberal Hollywood types, liberal media people, etc. I guess racism in their minds only exists when it serves their political purposes.

    There you have it, your next batch of political class insanity: the racism of Joe Biden, the tyranny, monopoly, and censorship from big tech, big tech’s infiltration of the political class, and a liberal mayor suffers the same pain that he has inflicted on his constituents.

    Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

    Please visit the following sites for freedom: