Friday, January 31, 2025

January, 2025, Part 10, Political Class Insanity: New Jersey Senator Goes To Prison, Condoms For Gaza, Americans Are Struggling Financially and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country.

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have talked about this political corruption before but this episode has finally came to an end:

  • Bob Menendez was once a long term U.S. Senator from New Jersey.

  • He was convicted of 16 counts of corruption and bribery for shady dealings with the Egyptian government which led to the FBI finding almost half a million dollars in cash and many gold bars in his home.

  • As a result of his conviction, a judge recently sent him off for 11 years in prison.

  • He claimed he was innocent and blamed Biden for political lawfare.

Whatever happened, for the first time in a long time a corrupt politician is facing real penalties for his corruption. It’s a good day but many more crooked politicians also need to meet the same fate.

2)We have talked about absolutely stupid wastes of taxpayer dollars over the years including some real disgusting wastes during the Biden Presidency. Taxpayer money was sent overseas to support LGBTQ+ programs around the world. He sent about $200 billion to the Ukranains to fight the Russians, 50% of which has been possibly lost to corruption.

But the latest news out of the Biden administration may be the most inane and disgusting waste of taxpayer money:

  • This waste of taxpayer money involved Biden allocating $50,000,000 that was focused on condom distribution in Gaza.

  • Let me say that again so it really sinks in: with millions of Americans homeless, hungry, in need of medical care, and struggling to survive, Biden wanted to spend $50 million on condoms for Gaza.

  • Not only was this a stupid effort, condoms for Gaza, but apparently the terrorist group running Gaza, Hamas,, repurposed the condoms to help deliver IED devices that they then floated into Israel where the IEDs did extensive and expensive damage to schools, farmland, and infrastructure.

Thus, the program was not only a stupid waste of taxpayer dollars but it caused millions of dollars in damage to a U.S. ally.

3)More data became available recently which shows how devastating Biden’s failed economic policies were and still are:

  • A news survey from Bankrate found that 59% of respondents could not afford an unexpected $1,000 expense.

  • Think about the precarious situation these folks are in: if they need major car repairs, a new kitchen appliance, a medical  emergency, they are in dire financial straits.

  • In other words, given Biden’s inflation policies the majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

  • Since Biden took office, egg prices are up 182%.

  • Since Biden took office, ground beef prices are up 41%.

  • Since Biden took office, chicken prices are up 30%.

  • Since Biden took office, milk prices are up 18%.

Thus, it is no surprise 59% of Americans are struggling financially.

4)So, up above we talked about how the Federal government squandered $50 million on condoms for Gaza. While that is horrific, it doesn't compare to the ineptness and waste of the following Federal government project:

  • The Federal government is working on building a new Air Force One jet for Presidential travel.

  • The  delivery date for the new jet has been  pushed back  to 2029  despite the fact that this effort began way back  in 2018.

  • The jet was supposed to be delivered by 2024 at a cost of $3.9 billion but the date has obviously slipped five years and the price tag is already up to $5.3 billion.

  • Boeing, the contractor for the jet, has already absorbed over $2 billion in cost overruns.

  • Since the plane has not been  totally built yet and the delivery is four years away, you know that that $5.3 billion cost is going to go even higher.

Wow, who would have expected it, a major government project that will not meet both its delivery schedule and its budget? Everyone.

5)Wasteful spending and non-delivery is not restricted to Federal government projects:

  • Six years ago, in  2019, the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico spent $4 million on solar panels.

  • The plan was to install these solar panels on seven municipal government buildings.

  • However, six years later many of these 1,000 solar panels have not been installed and are just laying about.

  • Even  worse, the panels that were actually installed on two buildings have never worked.

  • Panels on  another building are functioning only 6% of their capacity.

  • The original plan in 2019 was to have ALL of Albuquerque’s government buildings being powered by 100% renewable energy by 2025.

Another government project that cost a lot and never got fully implemented, great.

In summary: an  American politician is going to jail for a long time, the “Condoms For Gaza” program was stupid to begin with and was just a wasteful, inane idea, Americans are struggling to survive and pay basic expenses, and government projects never seem to be on schedule and on budget, be it a new Presidential plane or a few solar panels in New Mexico.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January, 2025, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: Biden's High Gas Prices, Department of Energy Corruption, A Democrat Imitates The Nazis and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country.

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)One would hope that politicians would be true leaders, people you can look up to and have high levels of integrity. Readers of this blog know that usually that hope  is  just a fantasy, reinforced recently by the alleged behaviors of a Florida political operative:

  • Matthew Inman was, until recently, the party treasurer and president of Rainbow Democrats.

  • He was also a delegate to the Democratic National  Committee and president of an LBGBTQ+ organization that tries to “foster goodwill” in the community.

  • But obviously he has a different definition of “foster goodwill” than most people since Federal prosecutors announced that Inman has been arrested on charges of transportation of child sex material.

  • Prosecutors said that Inman had videos showing the sexual abuse of children.

  • According to the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle  District of Florida: “In October 2024, Inman traveled to Las Vegas and began talking online with an undercover law enforcement officer posing as the father of a 9-year-old boy. During this conversation, Inman expressed interest in meeting and sexually assaulting the purported child.”

  • When the FBI got to his Florida home he attempted to delete other video evidence while hiding in his attic.

  • All of  the organizations he associated with tried to distance themselves from him and his behavior.

Obviously, Inman is innocent until proven guilty. But Federal prosecutors usually do not fool around with arrests unless they have a pretty solid case. Another member of the political class that appears to be no more worthy of leading the country than the majority of others involved in American politics.

2)A number of years ago we showed how vindictive, childish, shallow and  violent liberals can be in this country. That post can be accessed at:

This post documented the hate back in 2016, nine years ago. Apparently, that hatred and violence tendencies among many liberals is still alive…and dangerous:

  • Bill Sift is the Chairman of the Lenawee County, Michigan Democratic Party.

  • He recently posted on Facebook that immigration officials are “Nazi Collaborators.”

  • But he was just getting warmed up since he went on to post that Trump supporters “Should be arrested, and they should be  facing the death penalty.  They should be hanged by the neck  until dead. I believe this is one of the few areas of law where I  believe the death penalty should be imposed.”

Liberals often like to paint themselves as loving, tolerant, and open to different opinions. As the above post and this wack job’s attitude, nothing could be further from the truth. He talks about Nazi’s but then does a perfect imitation of Nazi behavior: round up and kill those that you do not like. Hypocrisy to the nth degree.

3)Immediately after Trump took office, he directed immigration officers to start rounding up violent and  criminal illegal immigrants.  As we have discussed far too many times, many of the over ten  million illegal  immigrants Biden allowed to walk into the country were murderers, rapists, criminals, gang members, and terrorists. Many of these violent people committed horrible crimes across the country against innocent American citizens.

Let’s discussed just one of these individuals that have been apprehended just days after Trump took office:

  • Cesare Polanco is an illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic.

  • He was convicted in 2007 for the heinous murder of his pregnant wife, an act of violence he committed in front of her young son, as reported by the Boston herald.

  • He was recently taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

  • He was released back into society after serving only 17 years of what was supposed to be a life sentence.

  • But ICE was never told of his release by local authorities so he had freedom to walk the streets again until ICE finally caught up with him.

Killing a pregnant woman, in front of her son, and he somehow gets released.  Fortunately, it does not appear he had yet injured or harmed any other citizens before he was apprehended.

4)Jennifer Granholm was the Secretary of Energy in the Biden regime. But not unexpectedly, she had her own little corruption scandal just before she lost her job:

  • Just before she got fired, she earmarked  billions and  billions of dollars in  Department of Energy funds to be spent in her home state of Michigan. 

  • This was done despite the warning from her own inspector general to suspend this particular program due to, ready for it, “conflict of interest.

  • When she ran for the governor's  office in Michigan a number of years ago, lo and behold, some of the companies who donated to her campaign just happened to be the same people who received her Department of Energy gifts.

  • She awarded $22.9 billion worth of loan guarantees to utility companies across 12 states to develop green energy sources.

  • Over 50% of that money was awarded to DTE Energy and Consumers Energy, two companies that just so happen to  be located in her home state of Michigan and who had contributed campaign funds to her previous election campaign, what a coincidence!

  • But she was still  not done, she then gave away $13 billion worth of taxpayer wealth to the Michigan Potash Company to help fund a fertilizer plant in Michigan.

  • DTE Energy gave  over $34,000 to her 2006 governor campaign and  the CEO of the company at that time personally donated $3,400 to the campaign.

  •  And, another coincidence, Granholm appointed him to the state's  Early Childhood Investment executive Committee.

  • Consumer Energy’s PAC gave her campaign $25,000.

  • Brandon Hofmeister, an executive with the company at that time, eventually served as Granholm’s energy and policy advisor and legal counsel when she was governor.

  • Meanwhile, the inspector general was strongly against all of  this, and other Department of Energy funding projects, since the Department was not complying with conflict of interest rules and this created a “significant risk of fraud.”

  • For example, the Loan Programs Office director, Jigar Shahmm, according to the Washington Free Beacon reporting, held a financial stake in Plug Power and yet, that company got a $1.7 billion loan from the Biden administration through the Loan Programs efforts.

More corruption from the  most corrupt and inept Presidential  administration in a very, very long time.

4)The following should not surprise any American who drives a car:

  • Biden finished off his Presidency by saddling Americans with the highest average gas prices in history.

  • In June, 2022, the national average gas price reached its highest level in history at $4.929 a gallon.

  • Between January 2021, and December 2024, according to the U.S. Energy Information association, the average cost for a gallon of gas in the country was $3.45, the highest average ever.

Really no surprise here. Biden’s failed economic policies resulted in skyrocketing costs across the board, be it gas, food, mortgages, rent costs, etc. Maybe that is why the number of homeless Americans reached a record 770,000 people in 2024, as reported by the Biden administration, a whopping 17% higher than the year before, people just cannot afford to live.

Enough insanity for today: Biden’s high gas prices, Biden’s Department of Energy corruption, an illegal immigrant and convicted murder roams the streets, A Democratic Nazi accuser imitates the Nazis, and a Florida Democratic operative gets busted for child perversion.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at: